How to Do Market Research?

Market research is the process of identifying, establishing, and filling needs. It has been around for centuries, with new technology and tools regularly coming to make this process easier. Entrepreneurs seeking insights into their target demographic will find it essential to conduct market research before launching an online business or product and consider how much they want in return for what they are offering customers. Market research for a startup is a great way to get your ideas out there. This can be an essential step in starting a company, and it’s something that you should consider doing before you start putting money into your idea. Market research may help you make better choices, whether you’re establishing a new company, releasing a new product, revising your pricing, or launching a new service offering. You might wind up squandering a lot of money on a concept that hasn’t been verified by the market if you don’t do market research. You’ll have a lot better knowledge of prospects in your niche if you research your target audience, competition, industry, and trends.  Market research aids in the identification of customer pain areas so that your goods and marketing efforts may be adequately adjusted.  This tutorial will teach you all you need to know about market research to do it correctly the first time, even if you’re a total novice.

Market Research’s Simple Elements

It’s easy to be intimidated by market research. However, you might start with some swift victories to help you gain momentum. The most problematic aspect of the market is that the study will appear less demanding once you get started.  The most incredible place to begin is researching industry trends and market data.  A Google search for “[your industry] + trends” or “[your industry] + statistics” will typically suffice. For inspiration, you should be able to access enough credible and reasonable data on all elements of your industry. Then, before digging further into more research, you may utilize those patterns to start thinking about ideas and improvements for your organization.  Here’s a quick example to demonstrate my point: Assume you’re the owner of an ecommerce site. You’ll rapidly learn about the relevance of mobile commerce, mobile applications for ecommerce sites, and the influence of page loading speed on ecommerce conversions if you explore the current industry trends.  Then it’s just a question of picking one component of what you’ve learned and applying it to a more focused study. So you might use mobile conversion data to create an A/B test to evaluate which checkout flow generates the most conversions.  There are various essential tools and consumer survey software available to assist you with your market research. However, Qualtrics is the most acceptable market research software for firms looking for a more complex solution.


Qualtrics is a web-based market research platform that offers all of the market research tools you’ll ever need from a single source.  Competitive benchmarking, product development feedback, price research, purchase behavior analysis, and A/B testing are all possible. In addition, the program may do market research, create research panels, and much more. Qualtrics is a data-driven market research platform. The program also includes tools for calculating your effect and tracking your return on investment.  Over 13,000 brands use Qualtrics for market research. Market research professionals and advisers will also be available to you. To get started, contact Qualtrics and ask for a demo.

Market Research’s Difficult Parts

Validating ideas is the most challenging aspect of market research. Making assumptions about items and consumer behavior is simple. However, the actions necessary to double-check everything might be laborious and time-consuming. Several tests and experiments are required to confirm a single hypothesis in certain circumstances.  Effective market research requires a significant amount of time and work. You may need to undertake research for weeks or even months before you have all the information you want. Even after you’ve completed your essential investigation, you’ll need to assess all of the information you’ve gathered. This is an additional problem if your data hasn’t been arranged into graphs, charts, or other graphics to assess patterns.  It’s discouraging to spend months on a project, gathering feedback, collecting survey answers, and conducting Interviews to discover that your findings were inconclusive. Market research is something that is done regularly. It doesn’t stop after you’ve finished developing a business strategy or launching a new product. If you want to stay ahead of the competition in your sector, you must undertake regular market research.

Step 1: Organize yourself. Define the goal of your study.

It’s tempting to jump straight in, analyze patterns, and start experimenting. These efforts, however, will be in vain if you lack a clear sense of direction. So take a deep breath, take a step back, and concentrate your attention.  What is the purpose of market research? There are a plethora of possible responses to this question. Here are several examples:

  • Starting a new company
  • Putting a new product or service on the market
  • Making changes to your pricing approach
  • Identifying how your company is seen in comparison to rivals
  • Examining a potential new market
  • figuring out who your most lucrative customers are
  • Seeing whether you’re addressing consumer concerns
  • Marketing strategies and advertising materials are being optimized.
  • Enhancing a current product or service
  • Observing how the public reacts to the product packaging and logo designs
  • Searching for new consumers
  • Setting attainable goals and standards for your company

This list is almost endless. First, become a member of the market research software community. Once you’ve determined the goal of your market research, it’s time to get the tools and software you’ll need to succeed.  While Qualtrics for Market Research is one of the more complex market research software options, you can still sign up for a free account and begin with simple use cases.


To establish a free account with Qualtrics Surveys, you need an email address. It’s always free, and there’s no need to sign up with a credit card.  50+ survey templates, eight kinds of questions, 100 replies, online reporting, and summary types are all included in the free plan. It’s a fundamental tool for getting started with market research. To receive an advanced market research plan from Qualtrics, you must request a demo and discuss your requirements with their sales staff. These cutting-edge solutions are propelled by artificial intelligence and automation.

Step 2: Define Your Target Market.

It doesn’t matter what kind of market research you’re doing; it has to return to your consumers. This is true for new market opportunities, industry research in general, and any other motive you could have for doing market research. After all, making money is your primary aim. You won’t be able to achieve this until you have a good hold on your clients. You must realize that your target audience will not include everyone. Businesses that aim to satisfy everyone squanders their resources and seldom succeed.  Begin with an assumption about who you want to target, and as you go through, you’ll be able to confirm or refute those assumptions.

  • Form a buyer persona.

Buyer personas go a step farther in understanding your target demographic. These aid in developing a more detailed depiction of your target consumers. Begin by identifying some crucial features, such as:

  1. Age
  2. Gender
  3. Location
  4. Income
  5. Occupation
  6. Relationship status
  7. Size of the family
  8. Obstacles and pain spots

Let’s assume you run a company that sells shoes. You may target white-collar business people earning $90,000 to $149,000 per year in major US cities to restrict your customer profile. The persona’s emphasis might be narrowed even more to persons in the banking, insurance, and finance industries. The buyer’s issue is that they desire comfortable shoes that appear professional while at work and traveling across town.

  • Create Audience Segments

Many companies provide items and services that appeal to various consumer persona categories. That is very natural.  Some of your consumers, for example, maybe couponers who only purchase when you send out a special deal. Another target category to consider is someone concerned about the environment. As a result, while addressing this persona, you should demonstrate how your manufacturing method has a minimal carbon impact. It can be challenging to Create Audience Segments on your own, which is why it’s so valuable to use market segmentation software.


The program makes it easy to figure out what works and what doesn’t for each client category.  You may utilize it to generate demand by creating goods and services tailored to each customer persona. Qualtrics helps you enhance marketing efforts by delivering the right message to the right person at the right time.  The program may also assist you in determining the most effective marketing channels for each category. For example, some of your audience may prefer email messaging, while others may respond better to a push notification sent through a mobile app.

Step 3: Collect information.

Now that you’ve clearly defined your objective and narrowed down your target audience, it’s time to gather essential insights. Of course, your data-gathering tactics will differ depending on what you’re attempting to achieve, your budget, buyer profile, and other considerations.  We’ll go through a few of the most common choices below.

  • Polls and surveys

One of the simplest methods to gather replies from many individuals is to conduct a survey. They’re usually fast to complete and don’t demand your clients go through too many processes. You may need to give an incentive for individuals to complete a survey at times. A percentage off or a voucher for a future purchase is generally sufficient to get the job done.  Here’s an example of a demographic survey that you can make using Qualtrics.


This form may be used as a post-purchase survey to discover who is purchasing your goods or services. As previously said, this may assist you in strengthening your market segmentation.

  • Interviews

Interviews are a step up from surveys in terms of sophistication. These are one-on-one conversations that may occur in person or over the phone. Interviews should not go more than five minutes to make things easier on the interviewee. If you have a physical location, you may want to ask consumers if they have time for a brief interview as they approach or exit the business. When opposed to a survey, the advantage of an interview is that it allows for a more natural flow of data collection rather than generic survey replies. During an interview, you may also examine body language, tone, and other characteristics to determine the interviewee’s mood.

  • Focus Groups (FGDs)

A focus group comprises a small group of people who have been carefully chosen. This is ideal for product testing, demonstrations, and feedback on particular concepts. A focus group, for example, might be used to examine alternative product packaging choices you’re contemplating.  Focus group sessions are usually a little longer than interviews but no more than an hour for each group. A neutral moderator facilitates the conversation and encourages users to contribute as much information as possible in the best focus group sessions.

  • Observational Research is a kind of research that is based on observation.

Observational Research is a kind of research that is based on observation. Takes product and service testing to the next level. You may, for example, utilize software to track how people explore your website. You may observe them as they walk through your checkout process to see where they got stopped. This is also a terrific tool to see how and when users abandon shopping carts or leave your site.

Step 4: Make a list of your competitors and research them.

A significant part of market research is competitive analysis.  Your company doesn’t exist in a vacuum. External influences, such as your competitors, will directly affect the judgments you make.  Competitive research may assist you in determining what your consumers believe your rivals do well and where they need to improve. You may differentiate yourself from the competition and get an advantage over these firms by filling the market gaps you’ve found. For example, perhaps all of your rivals target customers with a specific income level, but they overlook a market group that requires a lower price point. You may have a chance to shine if you can reach that market while maintaining profitable margins. For competitive benchmarking, Qualtrics offers a full-service research solution.


This solution provides you with a comprehensive view of your position compared to your competition. You’ll learn more about the main differentiators and how to identify product and service potential gaps. Furthermore, you won’t have to undertake the majority of the job on your own if you delegate it to the experts at Qualtrics. All you have to do now is sit back and wait for the results.

Step 5: Examine Your Data.

The analysis phase of market research is the last stage. It’s time to go through all of your work over the previous few weeks or months and make sense of what you’ve learned. This becomes much simpler when your results are structured into reports, charts, graphs, and visualizations.


Another benefit of employing market research tools like Qualtrics is that you may save time. The following are some examples of results you can come across in your market research:

  1. Business expansion is expected.
  2. The amount of money your clients are willing to pay for your goods.
  3. Customer demographics
  4. Purchasing patterns in the industry
  5. The proportion of your market share that you have now and the percentage that you expect to have in the future
  6. Size of the industry and its pace of expansion
  7. You intend to provide discounts and promotions.
  8. Ideas for marketing campaigns

It’s time to put your market research findings into action with data-driven choices once you’ve analyzed them. Market research is a process that helps companies understand the needs of their customers. This can be done through surveys, focus groups, or interviews. Marketing research examples include market segmentation, demographic analysis, and marketing mix modeling.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you do market research for beginners?

A: Try and find a market research agency. They will often have information on what studies they have done in the past and how much their services cost. If you don’t know who to ask for help, try your local library or look online at sites like Google Scholar

What are the four types of market research?

A: The four types of market research are primary, secondary, multipronged, and niche.

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