Manage Customer Testimonials For Brand Credibility

When marketing a product or service, it’s essential to find testimonials that your target audience will be able to relate to. But finding customers willing to participate in an unpaid promotion is no easy task and can easily lead you down the wrong path of misleading feedback. The “credibility meaning” is the quality of being believed, trusted, or believable. It is a crucial element for brands to have to be successful. For every firm, establishing credibility is critical. Today, there are only so many brand names that can stand alone. I’m talking about global behemoths like Apple, Nike, and Walmart. Consumers are aware that these businesses are reputable in these situations. On the other hand, the rest of us need all the assistance we can receive to establish our reputation. In the past, I’ve defined the most critical factors that contribute to your website’s reputation. Today, I’d want to go over one of those characteristics in further depth. Client testimonials. Those who have client testimonials on your websites are already on the right track. However, there is always space for advancement. You should start utilizing client testimonials if you aren’t already. One of the reasons these testimonials are so beneficial to your company is that they provide social proof. How big of a difference will this make in terms of conversions? Here are some numbers you should think about:

  • Ninety-two percent of shoppers claim they read testimonials and customer reviews when making a purchase.
  • When customers read good comments about a company, they are 72 percent more likely to trust it.
  • These testimonies are trusted by 88 percent of customers as much as a personal recommendation.

Following in the footsteps of those who have gone before you is one of the most effective methods to learn how to accomplish anything. I identified a few notable instances of established businesses doing it well. I’ll show you many different tips and tricks to help you correctly manage your Client testimonials. Here’s what you need to do to succeed.

Steps to Manage Customer Testimonials For Brand Credibility:

1. Include a photograph of the consumer.

It’s tedious to read the text without any images. Adding photographs, on the other hand, will help your testimonies stand out. Don’t know what photos to use? Use a picture of the consumer who authored the testimonial instead of a stock image. For example, take a look at this screenshot from the Square testimonials page:


This review is presented appealingly. It’s crisp, clean, pleasing to the eye, and simple to read. The visuals entice you to read the review. It becomes more personal by including a photo of the individual who authored the study. It demonstrates that your testimonials are genuine. People reading this may conduct some investigation to see whether the reviewer is real. If you utilize this method to create a testimonials page, make sure the testimonials are presented professionally. Refer back to the previous example. The photographs are near-perfect. If you’re not a natural photographer, check out my article on how to shoot and edit images without paying a pro. Ideas that seem to have been taken using a flip phone from 2003 will not provide credit to your website. A clear picture of the reviewer, on the other hand, will make a tremendous impact.

2. On your homepage, highlight the best testimonials.

Some of you may have a distinct area of your website dedicated to reviews. That isn’t a problem at all. I’ll explain why having a page devoted to reviews and testimonials is critical soon. These testimonies, however, should not be buried. Please list your best testimonials and place them on your site. Take a look at this sample from the Uber website:


You’ll find these testimonials from the company’s drivers if you scroll down the webpage. When we think about Uber, we usually think of a company that provides transportation for individuals. On the other hand, Uber must make it desirable for drivers to join its platform if it is to succeed. That’s why it utilized these endorsements to entice potential drivers. These testimonials from existing Uber drivers will motivate more individuals to join the network. These testimonials were prominently displayed on Uber’s site. As you can see, the firm also provided professional images of the individuals who authored the evaluations, which we spoke about before. The testimonies now have far more value than if they were simply words without any images. Those of you who already have many testimonials have a leg up on the competition. Read them all and choose the best two or three to put on your homepage.

3. Customers’ credentials should be shared.

You already know how vital it is to have a snapshot of the consumer. But what else may bolster the testimonial’s credibility? Show your website visitors who the client is and what they do, presuming it has anything to do with your goods and services. Consider the following HubSpot example:


If you’re unfamiliar with HubSpot, it’s a company that sells software for sales and inbound marketing. Take a look at this endorsement. It’s from AdHawk’s director of marketing, who works in the digital advertising area. It’s crucial to show the customer’s credentials in this case. If an advertising company’s marketing director were pleased with the service, it would urge other potential customers to do so. This boosts the brand’s reputation significantly. Next, consider how you may apply the same principle to your website. Let’s imagine you own a company that sells health and wellness products. In comparison to a lawyer, getting a testimonial from a doctor or physical therapist will give your company more credibility. Sure, a lawyer is thought to be knowledgeable and influential, but it isn’t applicable in this case. Do you notice the distinction? Adding these credentials to your testimonials might be a simple remedy. That information is most likely already on file with you. Change it on your website now.

4. Create a separate landing page for testimonials alone.

As I said before, you should create a dedicated landing page for Client testimonials. Yes, your top ones should be recognized and shown prominently on your website’s homepage. However, cramming hundreds of these evaluations into your site’s initial page isn’t good. Because the number of evaluations will lend legitimacy to the comments, you should create a separate page. Consumers are more intelligent than you think. They understand that you wouldn’t post a bad review on your homepage. But what do the rest of your clients feel about you? Visitors to your website may get this information by visiting your testimonials page. For example, on the Shopify website, this landing page looks like this:


The title is one of my favorite aspects of this website. Instead of labeling this page a customer testimonials page, the company refers to it as a customer success story page. These testimonials are automatically regarded as favorable. I was hoping you could note what I said at the bottom of this page. Customers are encouraged to share their successful experiences with the organization. In a moment, I’ll go through how to ask for testimonials in further depth. This is another successful testimonial page method.

5. The finest quotes should be highlighted.

We’ve previously discussed emphasizing the most OK reviews. That’s an approach that’s extremely comparable to this one. Some testimonies may be lengthier than others. Website visitors may be less likely to read a complete review if it is too lengthy. However, you want to keep these positive evaluations on your site. Take a snippet of those reviews, and The finest quotes should be highlighted. From the longer testimonial. Look at how BuildFire implemented this strategy on its website:


BuildFire is a platform that allows you to create unique mobile apps. It used three statements from various client testimonials to display on its site. With this method, BuildFire got a lot of things right. To begin with, it used three distinct organizations. Praxair is a name for a company that sells industrial gases. Traveler is a corporation that provides insurance. Preferred Materials is a firm that specializes in asphalt and paving. These companies have nothing to do with one another. This may seem to contradict what I mentioned previously about offering relevant testimonials. A mobile application, on the other hand, may assist any company in any sector. This concept is shown here by demonstrating the app’s adaptability across numerous sectors. Furthermore, these testimonies contain the reviewer’s qualifications, which I already explained.

6. Request a testimonial from your customers.

What methods do you use to get client testimonials? You can’t obtain anything until you ask for it. Simply ask your consumers to post a review and get out there. Ask as soon as possible. If you wait too long, the customer’s memory of your brand and the experience they had with you will fade. Be courteous. Make it simple for customers to submit feedback. You may contact them again if you don’t receive a response the first time. That is all there is to it. Don’t bother them with requests for reviews. Here’s a terrific example of an email template that you can use to request testimonials:


It’s concise, sweet, and to the point. Use this template as a guide when composing an email asking for new testimonials.

7. Use a five-star rating system.

You may include a star-rating system in addition to textual testimonials. To illustrate what I’m talking about, look at this 99designs example:


This is pertinent to the topic of numbers as a source of power. It’s simple to claim that your consumers give you a five-star rating. But how many people have given you a rating? It’s not relevant if you have a 5-star rating, but only three individuals have posted a review. Refer back to the previous example. Over 36,000 reviewers have given 99designs a 4.7-star rating. In a strange sense, it’s almost better than the review isn’t flawless. It would be odd if 36,000 individuals awarded your company a perfect score. Customers will have a bad experience somewhere along the way. That’s OK. These negative testimonies will bolster the credibility of the good ones. It demonstrates to others that your testimonials are genuine. Furthermore, a rating system, such as the one shown above, can improve your chances of receiving more testimonials. It takes a fraction of a second to click a star vs. many minutes to write a review.

8. Include customer testimonials in your product descriptions.

That’s all fine. In addition to establishing a dedicated landing page, I’ve previously said that you should incorporate client testimonials on your site. However, these aren’t the only areas on your site where you may use customer reviews. For example, a testimonial may be added to a product description page. Take a look at this Slack example:


The company’s product features are shown on this landing page. It provides an overview of how this communication platform’s interactions are structured. In the lower right corner, there is a relevant customer testimonial. For example, a giant corporation’s senior director of technology shows how his organization utilizes Slack to interact with individuals all around the globe. This recommendation is ideal for the product description page.

9. Video testimonials should be included.

You may include video testimonials on your website in addition to textual testimonials. A video has the same effect as a reviewer’s snapshot. The addition of a face to the review proves that it is genuine. In the end, it strengthens your brand’s reputation. In addition, videos elicit more incredible emotion than photographs. It’s a more accurate reflection of the reviewer’s feelings about your company. Here’s how ChatNow incorporates video testimonials onto their website:


They also emphasized the most OK statement from the testimonial, as you can see. If you employ this method, make sure your videos are well-produced. Unsteady videos, lousy edits, and low quality will not help your brand’s trust. However, you can’t always rely on your clients to bring you high-quality videos. If at all possible, shoot these films in-house. All you have to do now is identify consumers prepared to be filmed for you. It would be worthwhile to provide them with a monetary incentive for their participation. Just make sure the reward isn’t seen as a bribe for a favorable evaluation. Allow consumers to be open and honest in their video testimonials. It will ultimately be up to you to choose which ones to post on your website.

10. Make a case study out of your testimonies.

Numbers may sometimes speak louder than words. It’s good to say things like “Company XYZ truly helped my company expand,” but how did they accomplish it? A case study allows you to be more particular. Take a look at these Hootsuite testimonies as an example:


AccorHotels has expanded its reach by a factor of two. For a campaign, the WWF garnered 560,000 mentions. These are numerical values that describe how the program functions. But they are just a few of the case study’s features. The platform provides more detailed explanations of the outcomes clients have achieved with the product. This method also gives the consumer experience a personal touch. If potential consumers read these case studies, they’ll see how much work your company takes into assisting each client with their unique requirements. If your company is results-driven and has quantifiable goals, I advocate using this technique.


Customer testimonials on your website boost your brand’s credibility—but only if handled correctly. Include images of consumers who provide testimonials. Also, provide their credentials. The best testimonials should be shown on your homepage. However, you should keep the remainder of the reviews on a different page.  Customers will not write testimonials until you invite them to. Your testimonies should be various in style, structure, and placement. Consider including a star rating system as well as film video reviews. Finally, add a testimonial on the page where you describe your products. Write a case study to accompany the testimonial for those of you who can quantify the effects of your customer success stories. If you follow the advice I’ve outlined in this guide, you’ll be able to add more credibility to your brand by leveraging Client testimonials.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you organize customer testimonials?

A: We organize testimonials by the A-Z of their names alphabetically.

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