6 Reasons You Won’t Succeed

From the standpoint of human psychology, there are six reasons why you will fail at what you set out to do.

  • First, you don’t have a clear sense of purpose.
  • You underestimate your personal needs for approval, respect, and autonomy.
  • Your time management is lacking inefficiency.
  • Your communication with others is not on point or appropriate given the situation/context; it’s overly emotional or passive-aggressive instead of direct and assertive.
  • You’re more worried about whether your actions will be judged than taking action (what psychologists call overthinking vs. acting impulsively).
  • Finally, we all get uncomfortable when people disagree with our opinions because these individuals remind us that we might be wrong.

Every week, I meet folks who wish to follow in my footsteps as an entrepreneur. Although I do not believe I have done much for my age, I am always willing to assist others. But one thing I’ve realized is that the majority of you won’t achieve because your skull isn’t screwed on tight enough.

Here’s why you won’t succeed:

1. Learn how to handle your finances.

I recently spent some time with a group of young professionals trying to further their careers. They are keen, intelligent, and diligent. The issue is that they have no idea how to handle their finances. They’ve used up all of their credit cards and have very little money in their bank accounts. They will, however, spend $150.00 on luxurious services. If you like expensive services, go ahead and acquire them. When you have a lot of debt, you shouldn’t spend money on items like that. I didn’t start buying luxury stuff until I earned more than six figures. I’m not here to tell you what you should or shouldn’t do with your money; after all, it’s your life, and you should do whatever makes you happy. However, if you want to succeed in business, you must understand how to handle your finances. You’ll have many financial problems if you can’t pay your bills on time, pay staff, or learn how to collect checks. You won’t be in business for long if you don’t have any money.

2. Don’t take chances you don’t have.

I recently had my hair trimmed by a fantastic hairstylist who appeared to have more customers than she could handle. She aspired to grow her company and build a decent-sized salon. If she could come up with a proposal that made sense, I offered to meet with her and maybe invest in her concept. I met with her, but she was unprepared to cut a long tale short. I gave her a second opportunity by urging her to contact me with a plan, but I haven’t heard from her since. She would have had the money she needed to open the salon of her dreams if she hadn’t wasted the chance. I already knew she was an excellent hairstylist and would have customers since she was already overworked. Never take anything for granted, no matter who you meet or what others give you. You never know who may be able to assist you or what they might accomplish for you.

3. There are a lot of ideas out there.

Every week, I get a small number of requests for comments on various company ideas. These are concepts that people are enthusiastic about but never put into action. For example, around six months ago, I spoke with a guy who wanted to build a cloud-based storage service for those viewing pornographic videos. Consider it a pornographic Dropbox. Although the concept seemed fantastic, he never pursued it. You must execute if you want to succeed. It’s not about the ideas; it’s about the execution. This is why firms like Facebook, Twitter, and Groupon have been so successful. They can carry out their plans. So please don’t spend time talking to dozens of people about your company ideas; go out there and put them into action.

4. Communication

My generation enjoys texting and using Facebook. However, compared to past generations, they are terrible at replying to emails and taking phone calls. People that are bad at communicating, in my experience, are the number one reason they lose out on opportunities. More significantly, they are terrible at interacting through the standard channels utilized by most business people: email and phone. So, make sure you’re on top of things and responding to individuals as soon as possible. It will make you appear excellent and assist you in keeping your customers delighted.

5. Emotions and business should not mix.

You should know that I am not an emotional person if you know me. To me, almost everything is either black or white, and I always do what is best for my company, even if it hurts other people’s “feelings.” I’ve been hanging out with folks my age for the last several months. I’ve discovered that they have a lot of unmanaged emotions and turmoil in their lives. As a result, I’ve become more emotional, which has influenced my business judgments. I’ve been gradually removing these emotionally charged individuals from my life. If you want to thrive in business, you must learn to make rational judgments rather than emotional ones. It won’t always be easy, but it’s necessary if you want to make sensible judgments. If you can’t think straight for any reason, don’t make any choices. Sleep on your feelings until you develop a rational response or seek advice from a colleague.

6. Work comes before Fun!

I mean, who doesn’t want to have a good time? I know I do, but you need to learn to have fun only after you’ve completed all of your tasks. For example, I haven’t taken a vacation in 10 years since I constantly need to work on my start-up. Don’t get me wrong: I enjoy myself, but I always prioritize work. It may seem simple when you’re generating a substantial sum of money, but it might be challenging at first since you won’t be making a lot of money. Nevertheless, you will do well in life if you learn to prioritize work above enjoyment, mainly if you are a dedicated worker. You have to be patient since you won’t notice the results right away.


Just because I said you wouldn’t succeed due to the issues I mentioned before doesn’t imply you can’t improve. Everyone has faults, including me. So, don’t only feel hopeless or gloomy. Do something to help! You can succeed if you are willing to adapt. All you have to do now is learn how to recognize and overcome hurdles in your life. If you cannot solve problems for whatever reason, don’t be scared to seek assistance from others.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why will most people never be successful?

A: Most people will never be successful because a competitive attitude has been instilled into every one of us.

Why am I not succeeding in my career?

A: It’s hard to say what you should do when it comes down to your career, but there are a few things that will make success easier. Keep doing the work in your chosen field as much and often as possible. Second, take care of yourself (diet, exercise) by eating well and exercising regularly. Third, don’t become discouraged or give up if you’re not succeeding right away. There is always another step for improvement.

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