6 Ways to Get Signups for Your Product That Hasn’t Launched

The sooner you can get your product to market, the better. You don’t want people buying something that isn’t quite ready, and it could be a significant risk for other companies in your space if they do. Follow these six tips to fuel virality without having an established product yet!. Everyone fantasizes about a “grand launch.” Within the first few days and weeks after releasing your product, you see a significant increase in the number of clients. However, the majority of product producers have had a different experience. Focusing entirely on the product until you launch is the worst thing you can do for your company. The kinds of dramatic launches you see from other companies didn’t happen overnight. Instead, they were the product of meticulous planning. You get quick confirmation of your concept when you have a significant group of individuals interested in your product before it is even built.

Not only that, but you’ll be able to attract a large number of your initial consumers from that demographic. And, if you’re clever, you’ll use their input to enhance your initial product version. Getting people to join up is the first step in all of this. In an ideal world, you’d want to start an email list where individuals interested in your product may sign up. Unfortunately, it isn’t easy to persuade individuals to join before a product is available. And that is precisely the topic of this post. I’ll go through six different techniques to gain early signups from folks who are highly likely to become customers once your product is out. Rather than suffering right away, you’ll be able to gain a great burst of sales and some crucial early feedback, allowing you to drive your firm ahead quickly.

Methods to get signups for your product that hasn’t launched:

1. It’s never too early to start thinking about content.

You know how much I adore content marketing if you’ve ever visited one of my blogs. It’s shown to be a successful technique for growing several enterprises to seven-figure income levels. Whether you have a product or merely a product concept, you need prospective clients’ attention. One of the most significant ways to grab their attention is to provide excellent content. Once you’ve captured their interest, you may drive them to your product concept inside your article or attempt to sign them up for an email list (recommended). Keep providing great content to your targeted email list of prospective buyers until you launch. During this time, you may send them occasional emails updating them on the product’s development and informing them of how it can aid them. There’s no rule in content marketing that says you have to start with a polished product. It’s preferable to get started as soon as possible so that you may begin to create trust and connections with your subscribers. You have two content options: Here, I’d want to keep things simple. You don’t have all day to create content if you’re launching a product. Instead, concentrate on producing a limited number of really high-quality pieces of content. I suggest beginning with a lead magnet (option 1). The aim is to drive users to a landing page where you can give your lead magnet (typically via advertising).


In return for your visitors’ email addresses, you provide a fantastic guide, lesson, or e-book. In most circumstances, assuming you have a solid landing page and offer, you may expect a conversion rate of 20% to 50%. (depends on your ad targeting as well). This one easy strategy will help you develop an email list of hundreds or thousands of individuals before you even begin on almost any topic. The second choice (option 2) is to create “epic” material for your blog. Then, using strategies like content upgrades, acquire emails.


This may take more time, but it will save you money on advertising, and it will also result in long-term organic search traffic, which is quite helpful. The one secret to content success is targeting the incorrect individuals in your field. This is where most marketers go wrong with content and lead magnets in general. Pretend I’m getting ready to start a bespoke t-shirt printing business. People who purchase clothing would be my overall niche—obviously a wide one. After that, I write a fantastic guide on measuring and buying a new suit. I’m ecstatic since it generates hundreds of email signups. Then, when my service is available, I send an email to individuals who have subscribed to inform them. What do you think they’re saying? I’m looking for formal attire, such as suits, rather than t-shirts. While you could still get a few purchases, you’ve essentially wasted your effort by targeting the incorrect group. If you’re going to generate content, make sure it’s something you know your target audience would like. You’ll be pushing your goods to the incorrect individuals otherwise. Use this viral tool to expand that list: Bryan Harris has published SmartBribe. This simple gadget works incredibly well with a lead magnet.


The following is how it works:

  1. As is customary, you provide the lead magnet and collect the email address.
  2. On the next page, the plugin enables you to provide a second lead magnet (usually a thank-you page).
  3. The visitor must share their first lead magnet with their friends through email or social media to get the second lead magnet (the plugin handles everything).

It creates a viral cycle, allowing you to increase your subscriber base rapidly. For example, Bryan was able to gain an extra 250 signups from an initial 125 rolls during his soft launch (turning one subscriber into 3).

2. Make a page that says “coming soon.”

A call to action to acquire service is usually placed on a company’s homepage. You can’t do this since you don’t have a product to sell. The “coming soon” landing page fills this gap. It’s just a landing page, but it’s designed to immediately pique visitors’ attention and persuade them to sign up for an email list to get product updates.

The following are the essential items to include:

  • First, a clear headline (clever is fine, but it’s not required) – concentrate on the key advantage your product will provide. This should be the first item that attracts visitors’ attention.
  • A few subpoints – briefly outline any additional advantages or how the product will function.
  • Make sure visitors realize they’re signing up to hear about your product with a clear call to action. Make it noticeable by making it huge or bright.


You may add a countdown on the website if you know when you’ll be launching. If the launch is approaching quickly, this may assist enhance conversion rates:


Make sure you’re keeping in touch with your subscribers, just like the previous times I’ve discussed email lists. Send them amusing updates as well as any original stuff you make. Tools for a fantastic “coming soon” page include: Because these sites are pretty essential, there are several tools that may assist you in creating them in a matter of minutes (although coming up with the text might take longer). Kickoff Labs is a popular tool. Update the example text with your own after selecting from over 20 different “coming soon” themes.


This is a terrific appearance, but it’ll set you back a few bucks. Unbounce is yet another possibility. Unbounce is a generic landing page developer (and one of the finest), with a decent selection of customizable “coming soon” page templates:


It’s worth investing in Unbounce if you’re going to be constructing additional landing pages. However, if all you need is a “coming soon” page, go with a less expensive specialized option. Finally, I’ll offer you, Lander, as a final choice. There are several “coming soon” themes to choose from, and you can test them out for 14 days for free:


None of these solutions accomplish much more than creating a visually appealing “coming soon” page. If you want to create your own, go ahead.

3. Create a motivator.

An incentive isn’t necessarily a lead magnet, but a lead magnet isn’t always an incentive. So I propose that you create an incentive where individuals who recommend others who become early signups get free (or discounted) stuff. The beauty of this strategy is that it works with almost any product. A user completing an early register for Harry’s (a company that provides shaving equipment), for example, would see the following thank-you screen:


The more people that signed up (using a referral code), the more freebies they received. The initial rewards are relatively inexpensive, and you work your way up to more costly prizes that only a select few individuals will be able to get. After that, the only thing you must do is be ready to deal with phony accounts. Its facts may be found in this detailed account of Harry’s debut.

4. Guest postings may be equally as powerful as your own.

I’ve talked about utilizing guest articles to attract traffic to your website several times: From those articles, you may learn how to find fantastic chances and how to write great guest posts. The main reason I’m mentioning guest blogs is that they may still be successful even if your product hasn’t been launched yet. Many marketers believe that you should only employ guest articles once you’ve found them. When someone clicks the link after a guest post, it typically signifies they were blown away by the content and want to hear more from you. Most of the time, they’ll sign up for whatever you have to offer. Send them to a “coming soon” website or a lead magnet landing page if you have one, and gather their email addresses there.

5. A simple approach to add a hundred new subscribers. 

This is a pretty straightforward approach to obtain more signups that almost everyone should take advantage of. Regularly, how many emails do you send? At least a couple of dozen a week, if not more. You may take advantage of this by including a sentence in your email signature about your product or website. Here’s a good example. Stuart from Gleam used the following email signature:


Using this strategy, he was able to gain over 100 more signups for Gleam and over 250 for his next initiative. Adding a sentence at the bottom of your email explaining your product is highly worth it if you want to obtain an additional 100+ signups.

6. Make beta access available.

Most items will go through many iterations before they are ready to be offered to the general public. Therefore, you must ensure that your product is prepared or risk making a negative first impression. These early versions are sometimes called alpha and beta versions (at least in the software world). It turns out that there are a lot of individuals who want to try out new things before they are widespread. You may gain some early signups by demonstrating your product to these groups. You won’t receive thousands or even hundreds, but you’ll get enough to make it worthwhile, as well as some excellent early feedback. Granted, these sites are best for software-related items, but if you believe yours is a good match, give them a shot. A place like Product Hunt might give you thousands of visits if you become famous.


It’s a good indicator that you’re attempting to advertise your product before it’s released. It’s a must if you want to attract early clients and develop swiftly. I’ve shown you six alternative methods for getting early signups, but you don’t have to utilize all of them. Instead, choose a handful to concentrate on and wisely use your time and money.

Frequently Asked Question

How do you create anticipation for a product launch?

A: A product launch is when a company releases new products or services to the market. It’s essential to tailor your marketing plan for this type of event. You should engage in as many activities as possible, like creating buzz through social media and PR campaigns, advertising on traditional channels (like TV), and distributing press releases about upcoming events so that reporters are excited about covering them.