How to Combine Native Advertising with Content Marketing?

Many brands are turning to native advertising as one of their best ways to reach customers. Native ads can be a powerful way for advertisers, but how do you make them effective? With attention-grabbing headlines, eye-catching images, and other forms that’ll get people talking about your brand on social media? Your website might be the answer! Introduction: Brands who’ve been using content marketing successfully have seen an increase in engagement with consumers paired with higher ROI. Content marketing is great at keeping consumers engaged while waiting or watching videos online. Hence, it’s time to take advantage of this ad by adding some original programming into the mix. Topic: What’s The Best Way To Use Social Media For Communication And Marketing In 2018? Category: Digital Marketing Introduction: We live in an age where information comes faster than ever before, thanks to moments leading up to significant events like elections or natural disasters happening around us worldwide every day. This rapid flow of information has created a need for more interactive and engaging experiences. Brands must learn how best to use social media platforms today – not just send out messages through traditional digital channels like email newsletters and banner ads. There are new opportunities here, too; smartly utilizing these platforms will lead you towards increased exposure across various demographics from millennials who still want personalized recommendations based on what they like most (see below). Native advertising refers to Quizlet. Native advertising is a type of digital marketing that uses content from the publisher’s website or blog to promote their product or service. The term “native” means not an ad banner but rather a piece of content within the website or blog. Even though native advertising has been proven successful, the notion remains a bit hazy for many marketers.



Native advertising was the subject of research by Copyblogger, which asked respondents whether they understood what it was and how informed they were about it. The following are the outcomes:


Many people are still confused about it. So said, native advertising is a strategy that combines promotional information with the rest of a page’s content (known as “native content”). Here’s an illustration:


Native advertising is more effective than standard advertisements such as banner ads: Consumers engage with native advertisements 20% to 60% more than traditional banner ads. That’s likely because they don’t stick out like a sore thumb. Furthermore, we’re seeing many more people using this strategy: The native ad industry in the United States is anticipated to reach $53 billion by 2020. More and more marketers are catching on to this strategy and realizing its potential.

Steps to Combine Native Advertising with Content Marketing:

1. The difficulty of distributing material.

In the world of content marketing, something fascinating is happening. Although more material is being produced, it is not translating into an increase in viewership. This picture, which depicts data from Nielsen and BI Intelligence research, puts things in context:


Take note of how the quantity of material generated has increased dramatically while the size of the audience has remained relatively constant. The reason for this, of course, is that there is a far larger supply of material than there is demand for it. There aren’t enough individuals to absorb all of the available stuff. Take a peek at what occurs every minute:


And that’s just on four of the most popular social media platforms. This excludes blog entries, articles, infographics, and other similar content. This implies that merely creating unique content is no longer enough. You’ll need an excellent way to distribute your content so that you can reach a broader audience. Former BuzzFeed Vice President Jonathan Perelman got the nail on the head with this tweet:


This issue is well solved by native advertising. It’s an excellent method to get your material out there and expand its reach by using other publications’ visibility and brand value. It’s also one of the most effective methods to connect with customers and encourage them to interact with your company. And, if you play your cards well, you may utilize them to bring a significant amount of traffic to your website. Let me share some fundamental techniques for implementing native advertising in conjunction with content marketing in this piece.

2. Conduct thorough research.

With this strategy to succeed, your material must be an excellent match for the publisher’s site’s style, tone, topic, etc. It should be seamless. To make sure everything runs properly, you’ll need to know all there is to know about the publisher. Here are some questions to consider to assist you:

  • Who is their target market?
  • What kinds of topics and subjects do they cover?
  • What type of material does their target audience enjoy?
  • What is the editing style that they employ?

You should be able to work with a creative team on the native advertising platform you pick to help you with this. However, I advocate going above and abbeyondo ensure that you know precisely what soterial to develop and how to create it. The more information you have, the more likely you are to succeed.

3. Organize your content.

You’ll want to build your content around the publisher’s site after mastering it. Keep in mind that today’s Internet users are pretty skilled at detecting and avoiding commercial stuff. That is why native advertising is gaining traction. It achieves much better click-through rates (CTRs) than traditional display advertisements. Marketing Land reports that The average CTR for display advertisements has dropped to 0.17 percent. However, On Adnow, the average CTR for native advertisements is 1.5 percent. However, such a high CTR does not occur by accident. Your material must be entirely consistent with the publisher’s website.

4. How do you go about doing this?

It’s straightforward. Based on your study, create high-quality material that matches the publishers. It should be centered on a subject that their usual visitor is interested in, and it should be styled appropriately. Approach it as if you were guest blogging, keeping in mind that your material must adhere to the publisher’s style and rules. Here’s an example of Dell doing it flawlessly:


They published a story in The New York Times on millennials and their collective disdain for the regular 9-to-5 workday. When you read it, you’ll note that it’s written in the same language and tone as almost everything else in The New York Times. This would be difficult to see as advertising to the untrained eye. This is a good thing. When you think about it, native advertising’s ultimate objective is to market without consumers even aware they’re looking at a commercial. I like to think of it as traditional content marketing. It is based on the same principle of producing high-quality content for a specified target audience. The only difference is that you have to pay to get your material published on a publisher’s website. It’s a more efficient and faster distribution method, allowing you to reach a broader audience in less time.

5. Look beyond the headlines.

When evaluating the content format to include on a publisher’s website, most people’s initial thought is likely to be a traditional article. Isn’t it the obvious choice? I can understand why this would be the most popular option. And, to be honest, it makes the most sense when you’re just getting started with native advertising. However, getting momentum when you’re doing what everyone else is doing might be challenging. It’s more difficult to stand out in such a situation. Fortunately, you aren’t restricted to traditional articles. You have a variety of possibilities from which to pick. Take a look at some of the most effective B2B content marketing strategies:


Now, I’m not suggesting that you develop out-of-the-box stuff to stand out. What matters most is that you base it on what your audience responds to the most. For example, below is a breakdown of customer consumption behaviors based on their age:


Videos and infographics would be good options if you were looking to attract a younger market of 18-24-year-olds.

6. Optimize your landing page.

Let’s pretend you nailed your research, worked out the exact style to utilize, and wrote fantastic material that the publisher’s site visitors devoured. That’s fantastic, and you’ll almost certainly get a high CTR. However, your work isn’t finished yet. You must still guarantee that your leads arrive on a well-designed landing page that is optimized for conversions:


Consider that for a moment. If you do everything else well, but your landing page isn’t up to par, it won’t help you much. Instead, you’re simply squandering money. Landing page optimization, on the other hand, is a separate issue that I’ve written about extensively in the past. I won’t go into every detail here, but you can learn all you need to know about it by reading this tutorial. It should be built to push prospects farther into the sales funnel once they’ve clicked. It should, ideally, expand on the material that prospects have just consumed and present them with further information to entice them to purchase.

7. Remember to do A/B testing.

I’m not going to go on a tangent about how crucial A/B testing is. Only 22% of firms are pleased with their conversion rates, as I’ve previously said. Given that this is a strategy you want to use in a variety of sectors of marketing, it only makes sense to apply it to native advertising as well. You may test several various components, including:

  • the kind of content
  • placement on the publisher’s website
  • headlines
  • images

Let’s be honest about it. It’s unrealistic to expect to do it right the first time. To get it perfect, you’ll have to do a lot of experimenting. A/B testing is the most efficient technique to improve your efforts and iron out the bugs.


Native advertising produces accurate results, but it isn’t on every content marketer’s radar. However, it should be! It’s the ideal solution to the continuing distribution issue that many content marketers are experiencing. If you’re a new brand looking for visibility, it may be a godsend. You can speed up reaching your audience by combining native advertising with content marketing. However, like with any marketing strategy, you must follow best practices, including researching the publisher, matching your material with their website, and personalizing your content to your core audience’s interests. If you succeed in doing so, you may anticipate a high CTR and focused traffic to your website. Check out this Entrepreneur article for more information on possible native advertising networks to employ. Content marketing is a type of marketing that involves creating and distributing content to attract, engage, and retain an audience. Native advertising is a type of digital advertising where the advertisement appears “in context” with other content on a website or app.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is native advertising content marketing?

A: Native advertising is content marketing that supports the brand, not promoting specific products.

Is native advertising-sponsored content?

A: Native advertising is content from the website or app where it lives. It is not commissioned by a third party and will typically be completely independent of any marketing campaigns happening elsewhere on the internet.

What are three ways to spot native advertising?

A: There are lots of ways to spot native advertising. The easiest way is that the ad might not stand out enough for you. If it appears as though there was nothing special about the article, then this could be an indication that something has been added in without your knowledge or consent. You can also check if a specific company provides funding towards something like a website or even buyout their ads by going through AdChoices on websites such as Facebook and Google to see which companies have purchased ads on those sites recently

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