How to Boost Sales by Accommodating the Needs of Mobile Users?

A recent study found that mobile users are four times more likely to buy a product than desktop users. Despite this, many brick-and-mortar retailers have failed to keep up with the needs of these highly lucrative customers. Here’s an idea: Offer free shipping or discounts if they download apps on their phones and visit your website from within those apps. The five ways of promoting mobile telephones is a blog post that discusses the importance and benefits of accommodating the needs of mobile users. As a last-ditch attempt to boost sales revenue, you don’t need to devise a sophisticated marketing strategy. All too frequently, I see firms slashing their prices or running other unprofitable promotions in order to increase sales. Don’t get me wrong: I think it’s great. I strongly support the use of promotional activities. However, if you’re aiming to increase ecommerce sales, it’s simply not always essential. Instead, look at your content distribution and sales platforms via your channels. Are they suitable for use on mobile devices? If you’re unsure, the answer is almost certainly no. That is a significant issue. You need to know how consumers consume material, explore, and eventually buy things. More than 60% of smartphone users made an online purchase using their smartphones in the previous six months. In addition, 80 percent of customers use their mobile devices when shopping in physical stores. Why would they do anything like this?

  • Price comparisons
  • Locate other shop locations.
  • Product reviews may be found online.

If your company doesn’t have a robust mobile presence, you’re missing out on a significant portion of potential revenue. Adapting to the requirements of mobile consumers might be the revenue injection your organization needs. I’ve done a lot of this before, so if you’re unsure where to start, I can point you on the correct path. This is what you must do.

Points to Boost Sales for Mobile Users:

Make sure your website is mobile-friendly.

How does your site seem when viewed on a mobile device? Consider the following example from the Medical Web Experts website:


The graphic on the left depicts their regular website. The picture on the right shows the same website after being made mobile-friendly. Have you noticed the differences? If the site isn’t optimized, consumers will have a significantly more difficult time navigating it on their phones. Users must zoom in to locate what they’re searching for since the text is smaller and difficult to see. Scrolling may also be a problem. This is since the website was created with laptop and desktop displays in mind. The website will load, but there are far too many issues. The website will fit much better on a smaller screen after being adjusted. Users will just need to scroll up and down to browse now, rather than zooming and scrolling left and right to view all of your information. This allows site visitors to quickly locate what they’re searching for with only a few clicks. Consumers will be more satisfied if the system is simple to use, leading to increased conversion rates. Here are some more advantages of a mobile-friendly website:


I would strongly advise you to include a search bar at the top of your mobile site. This makes it simpler for the user to go to their destination quickly. Take a look at these Patagonia, Amazon, and The New Yorker examples:


For consumers using mobile phones and tablets, all three popular websites make searching and navigating easier. It’s time to put your mobile site to the test once you’ve modified the design to suit mobile visitors. To check the results of the Google mobile-friendly test, enter your website’s URL.


When I ran the test for Quick Sprout, I got the following results:


My mobile site, as you can see, is user-friendly. In fact, you could be reading this site right now on your mobile device.

It’s important to move quickly.

Only half of the fight is won when your website is mobile-friendly. The site must also load quickly. To see how fast your website loads on mobile devices, do the Google mobile speed test. Everything comes down to the user’s comfort. People are preoccupied. They are impatient. If your mobile site takes too slow to load, this is a massive issue for you. It makes no difference what kind of equipment they are utilizing. According to recent surveys, users expect mobile sites to load as quickly as or quicker than those on their desktop and laptop computers.


A 40% desertion rate is expected for mobile sites that take more than three seconds to load. Allow it to soak in for a minute. If your website does not load quickly enough, four out of ten visitors will abandon it. Because your abandonment rates will be lower due to fixing a delayed loading time, you will see a significant increase in sales. Take a look at the other numbers in the graph above as well. Mobile devices now account for more than 70% of all Internet traffic. The vast majority of consumers who look for your website do so on their phones or tablets. You’re damaging your bottom line if you don’t make it as simple as possible for these individuals to navigate. This is true regardless of the kind of website you operate. Your company’s purposeful ecommerce sites are to attract customers to purchase what you’re offering. You won’t earn sales if consumers can’t find your stuff and the sites don’t load quickly. Even if you’re not selling tangible goods online, you should still make your site mobile-friendly. What is your source of income? Assume you operate a blog. You may be able to make ends meet by relying on marketing. However, if people don’t stay on your site or quit it, you won’t receive as many impressions and your click-through rates will suffer.


Take a look at the link between load times and abandonment. If your rates are this high, your website will simply not survive.

Recognize the number of persons who use mobile devices.

Keeping up with the latest trends is an integral part of running a company and maintaining a website. You’re shocked how many company owners have no idea what’s going on. Even in their businesses, It’s incredible. But, for the purpose of argument, let’s say you’re an expert in your field, which you very well may be. That is insufficient. You must understand how people consume content if you run a website. That is also true for small firms. Take a look at how searches on different devices led to purchases from a local store.


Mobile phones and tablets were used to make more purchases than PCs and laptops. Do you recall what I stated earlier? People use the internet to look for things while shopping in an actual store. Obviously, they don’t use a computer to accomplish this for the sake of ease and practicality. However, people can quickly access their phones by reaching into their pockets. So let’s keep looking at the trends.


Laptops and desktops are on the decline in 2017. Mobile phones, on the other hand, are becoming more popular. This is also true on a global scale. A mobile device is owned by more than 66 percent of the population. You must keep track of these figures if you run a company with a website. Next, examine the demographics of your target market. Their age also influences the way individuals look and purchase online.


People above the age of 55, as seen in the graph above, use their gadgets much less than younger generations. So, if you’re offering a product or service to seniors, you may be able to get away with not having a mobile-friendly site right now. However, you continue to lose out on bargains. For example, consider all children who may wish to purchase a present for their parents or grandparents. Instead, they would use their mobile devices to browse and shop. Plus, this isn’t a long-term business strategy. Because the younger generations will become older, these tendencies are likely to alter and level out over time.

Buyer behavior is influenced by mobile devices.

Following up on our last point, the gadgets that individuals use to browse have an influence on how they purchase. This statement results from a mixture of everything we’ve examined so far. If your website is mobile-friendly, customers are more likely to buy.


That’s all there is to it. Consider the following scenario. Let’s pretend a customer is shopping at a competitor’s physical and mortar establishment, only a few blocks away from yours. The consumer wants to buy something, but they want to be sure they receive the most fantastic deal possible. So they do a quick Google search to check if anybody else is selling this item at a lower price. You sell the same goods for 20% cheaper than your competition. When a customer visits your website, it takes too long to load and isn’t mobile-friendly. Now what? Because your intricate website wasn’t suitable for their mobile device, the consumer didn’t want to spend the effort to find out how to scroll and zoom through it. You’ve just missed out on a great deal. Instead, they purchased from your competition. If this trend continues, your company will be on the verge of going out of business.

Different versions of your mobile site should be A/B tested.

You must continue to work on your mobile site after it is up and running. Sure, it’s better than before, but it doesn’t rule out the possibility of further progress. You should A/B test your mobile website the same way you do your website and email marketing. This will help you get the most outstanding possible conversion rates. You’ll know it’s working to its most incredible capacity this way. As with every other A/B test, approach this one the same way. Only one component has to be changed. You may, for example, alter the CTA button’s language, colors, size, or location. Here’s a simple example to show what I mean:


I’d suggest checking the performance of various site versions regularly. That’s the most effective technique to guarantee that your website meets the demands of every mobile visitor.

Create a mobile application.

For those of you who want to take mobile optimization a step further, it may be in your best interest to create a mobile application for your company. Apps may further improve the user experience. It isn’t appropriate for every company, but I strongly advise you to investigate it. The creation of a mobile app is both costly and time-consuming. It will cost you money to keep your software operating even after it is completed. However, if you believe you have the financial means to carry it off, it may be well worth your time and money. App use accounts for the vast bulk of time spent on mobile devices.


It’s a terrific method to encourage clients to spend more time interacting with your business. If you have an ecommerce website, I propose developing an app for it. This is why. When people seek information at a shop, your mobile site may be preferable for browsing, but apps make it simpler for them to buy. Your mobile site’s checkout procedure is lengthy and inconvenient. Users must fill out all of their personal information, as well as their mailing address and payment method. This is time-consuming, particularly on a mobile phone. There is too much space for mistakes, and many abandoned shopping carts may be seen. However, if you have an app, people may establish a profile after downloading it. All of their information is saved in this profile. Then, when it’s time to check out, your customers may simply add products to their shopping carts and pay with a few clicks. Your ecommerce store’s sales will grow as a result of this streamlined method.


If your company’s sales are static or dropping, you may be overlooking mobile consumers. Each year, the trend toward more mobile use shifts. You may generate more money by optimizing your website to meet the demands of these people. All you have to do now is make sure your mobile site is optimized and loads quickly. Otherwise, you’ll notice a lot of desertion. A/B test several mobile website versions to see which one generates the most conversions. Creating a mobile app for your business can also be in your best interests, mainly if you’re selling anything. If you follow these guidelines, your website will begin to generate more revenue from mobile users.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I boost my smartphone sales?

A: I am an expert in sales. If you ask me a question about how to boost your success, I will give you the perfect answer for all of your needs.
I am knowledgeable and can help with many things that may have been holding back your successes on social media or around town

How do you convince a customer to buy you a cell phone?

A: It isn’t easy to convince a customer to buy you something. A common tactic is for your salesperson and yourself to be knowledgeable about the product and ensure that it will do what they want to be done with their specific needs in mind. In order not to overwhelm them, help bring out their expectations first by asking questions like What are some of your goals? or Tell me more about what you are looking for. Another way would be by giving an example scenario where this item has been helpful in the past.

What ways can you use to gain more customers and increase sales?

A: The best way to gain more customers and increase sales is by doing marketing. Marketing can be done through advertisements, social media, website design or even a store opening in your area.

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