5 Tips for Better Contact Form Conversion Rate

Email marketing has been an effective tool for several years, but with the influx of new email service providers, marketers are looking to find a way to stand out from the crowd. These tips will help you take your contact form conversion rates well above average. Contact forms are the rubicon for interactions between your firm and the outside world. While a website may have several interaction points and forms (e.g., user account pages, e-commerce checkout flows, etc. ), the contact form is where visitors come to communicate directly with you. Therefore, improving your contact form’s conversion rate may significantly impact your organization.

Consider all of the different scenarios in which your contact form could be used: a superstar employee looking for a job, a potentially game-changing partnership inquiry, a new business opportunity, or a customer service question that could turn a user who has had a bad experience into a lifelong advocate. With so much riding on your contact form, don’t you think it’s worth it to put in the effort to make it a positive experience? A simple contact experience informs people that you care about them, regardless of your use case.

Recommendations to get more people to fill out your contact form:

1. A less number of form fields equals a higher conversion rate.

In many cases, simplicity triumphs over complexity. “Simple might be harder than complicated,” as Steve Jobs put it. “You have to work hard to get your ideas pure to make it simple.” Your contact form should be easy to fill out. Removing unneeded form fields will dramatically boost your contact form’s conversion rate if you remember nothing else from this essay. HubSpot’s Dan Zarrella recently studied the contact forms of 40,000 of their customers and discovered that reducing the number of form fields from four to three boosts the conversion rate by almost half. Stop and reread it: you may raise conversion by 50% by removing one form field.


Don’t you wish it were so simple to improve every aspect of your business? So, let’s get started. First, examine your contact form and determine what must remain and what may be removed. For example, is it indispensable to have people’s daytime phone numbers? Next, make severe cuts and track conversion adjustments. Then, they should begin to go in the proper direction.

2. Establish credibility on your contact page.

People are contacting you, an unknown online business organization. That’s a tremendous leap of faith if you think about it. The user takes time out of their day to interact with you, and the first thing you do is request a slew of personal information from them, including name, email address, and who knows what more. As a result, it’s critical to establish trust in your contact form. Let them know they’ve connected with folks who can assist them with anything they need.

So, how can you earn someone’s trust? It all boils down to the tiny things, just as in the real world:

  • Evaluate the information you require on your contact forms related to point one. If you’re asking for too much personal information, think about it and see if you can get it from the user later.
  • Set explicit expectations for each field to avoid misunderstandings and invalid input errors.
  • Be user-friendly — requiring the user to enter dashes for a phone number or making superfluous data obligatory produces friction and uneasiness, not trust.
  • Explain why you’re requesting information from people and what you’ll do. Make it clear that users’ email addresses will not be included in any marketing lists, sold, or shared with other parties.

These little details build confidence, increasing the possibility that a user will fill out your contact form and contact you.

3. Offer assistance along the way.

Every sort of visitor that comes to your website will use your contact form as a gateway. You’re creating for many individuals, from job searchers to salesmen, consumers, future customers, the press, etc. To effectively assist these users, you’ll need certain information from them. A client should be sent to customer care; a request for a new collaboration should be directed to business development, and an inbound SEO inquiry should be directed to the trash. Because you have requirements for the information you gather, you must explain what you need and why you require it on your contact form. This is when the assistance text comes into play. Unfortunately, since contact forms are usually an afterthought, assistance text is even lower on the priority list. This may lead to frustrating interactions and lower contact form conversion rates. How can you take advantage of assistance text to boost conversion rates? It’s all in the details, once again. Allow for ghostwriting in fields to inform users of what should be entered.


With the ghost text, you may even hint at formatting. Ghost text for phone numbers that utilize the (xxx) xxx-xxxx example, for example, will encourage visitors to fill out the form in such away.


To assist users with their input, include assistance text underneath the fields. In addition, provide tooltips next to each area that explains the what, and why of the information gathered when using more intricate contact forms.


You can guarantee that users complete the state instead of abandoning it halfway through by offering instruction and assistance in your contact form.

4. Minimize friction in all areas.

The concept of decreasing friction keeps coming up. It should be your go-to method for creating contact forms. However, there are several features you can include in your contact forms to decrease friction and increase conversion rates. Set the tab order to enable the user to go through the fields swiftly and systematically. This is particularly useful for Internet users who are on the go. Pay close attention to the Submit and Cancel buttons’ final tab sequence. Many rapid dabbers will finish a form and expect the following field to be submitted. You’ve upset someone if they attempt to present their information and mistakenly click “Cancel” due to your field ordering.


Allow users to know where they are in the contact form using field focus and highlighting. The field where the user is required to enter information is highlighted. They’ll be able to immediately resume where they left off if they become sidetracked or if the form includes a lot of fields.


Another option to decrease friction is to use in-line validation. For example, some Javascripts may warn users if their email address is invalid before submitting their query. There’s nothing more frustrating than trying to track out an issue after submitting your information.


Look for methods to lessen the friction of the process in all aspects of contact form design and watch your conversion rate grow.

5. Prioritize mobile design.

Not only is the mobile audience rapidly rising, but creating your contact form for the mobile experience first might make it simpler to use. To begin with, thinking mobile-first means that you don’t have any unnecessary input fields. If you’ve ever tried to fill out a form on an iPhone, you know how aggravating each new domain can be. Significant user interface choices are also influenced by mobile-first thinking, such as whether field labels are placed above or to the left of form components and what default options are given for specific fields. You never want to be the developer that makes a US-centric audience navigate through 160 nations on their mobile device to get to the United States of America to fill the “Country” form.


Thinking mobile-first also guarantees that form element types are specified in your code. When you correctly mark up your form, you can use native UI components like iPhone and Android’s huge, swipeable lists, making form completion considerably simpler. You may also code your contact form to use mobile features, making filling out the form more straightforward and increasing conversions. Why should consumers manually enter their position information when they can do so with a simple click utilizing their phone’s GPS? Do you have any plans to enable picture uploads or voice input? Can you build your forms to use varied device orientations to provide excellent input space? Because a growing number of your consumers will access your site and fill out your contact form using their mobile devices, you must design for them. As a result, you’ll be enhancing the user experience for everyone involved.


The conversion rate is boosted by lowering friction. The less friction you can remove from the user experience, the greater your conversion rate. These decisions affect how many people fill out your form, from form fields to help text to style and design, making the user experience straightforward and consistent. You’ll not only serve an ever-increasing number of your visitors if you design for mobile, but you’ll also minimize friction and enhance the experience for desktop users. Contact forms serve as a link between your business and the rest of the world. Make the experience better, and you’ll see increased communication and conversion. A greater contact form conversion rate may imply enormous things for your company: new customers, new adoring fans, and new business opportunities. A high-converting contact form is a crucial part of any successful online presence.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can form conversions be improved?

A: Form conversions can be improved in many ways. The first option is for the user to increase their height, weight, body measurements, and other things like age, gender, and race/ethnicity to more accurately match a particular form type. Another option would be to add new forms of living or dead people that were not previously covered by the existing data sets.

What is a reasonable conversion rate for a contact form?

A: The conversion rate is the money you earn for each visitor. This varies by website, but an average conversion rate would generally be around 1%.

How do I increase a contact form submission?

A: If you want to increase your contact form submissions, it’s best to use a landing page that captures user interest. Putting your email address in the top-right corner of every page usually does well for this.

Related Tags

  • lead form conversion rate
  • form conversion best practices
  • contact form best practices
  • the ideal number of form fields
  • your client wants to increase form submissions and phone calls from their website