30 Day Plan to Get 100 Authoritative and Relevant Backlinks

It might not be the most pleasant task, but creating quality backlinks to your website is essential. If you’re new at this SEO stuff, here’s how I would recommend doing it in just 30 days. You were first creating a network of connections. It’s the foundation of SEO. Although generating relationships has evolved significantly over the last decade, linkages remain very useful. You may recall the early days of internet marketing when obtaining backlinks for a website was as easy as asking links from link farms and other dubious sources, as I do. As a result of Google’s action, acquiring backlinks for a brand-new website has become more complex. But it doesn’t rule out the possibility. The sooner your site develops a sufficient number of backlinks from authoritative, high-quality websites, the better its search engine ranking will be. Although this is primarily a waiting game, there are several things you can do right now to help your new site create high-quality backlinks.

Suggestions to acquire upwards of 100 authoritative and relevant backlinks:

Don’t bother with the traditional ways of doing things.

To begin, don’t even consider using black-hat practices to get backlinks to your website. Such attempts are sure to backfire since Google’s algorithms are much too intelligent to be deceived. When it comes to developing a top-notch link profile, quality always outweighs quantity, as annoying as it may be. For a long time, link building has been the most variable aspect of SEO. There has been a lot of disinformation and squabbling over the best approach to develop links, how fast to build connections, which links to generate, and whether or not to build links at all. As a result, Google’s algorithm updates aren’t as regular or significant as they formerly were. However, we’re still talking about algorithm adjustments about connections. The most recent was the Penguin algorithm upgrade in September 2016:


“Penguin doesn’t punish for poor connections” was the most significant adjustment to the algorithm. It was clear from the SEOs’ chat that this was the case:


What does this signify in terms of establishing links?

What is the most important aspect of link development today?

First and foremost, don’t be hesitant to develop links. No, you shouldn’t use any old-school link wheels, but you also shouldn’t be scared to devise and implement a link-building plan. Effective backlinks now have a few essential qualities, unlike when a link was just a link. For starters, they are found in nature. Instead of feeling obligated to link to your site for any reason, website owners connect to it because your content is too good to pass up. Backlinks from authoritative sites that are related to yours are the most effective. I’ll go into more detail about what an authority site is later, but for now, know that your links shouldn’t come from just anybody. A hundred links from irrelevant sites pale in contrast to a single connection from a highly relevant site in terms of relevancy.

What makes a website authoritative?

The following characteristics are common across authority sites:

  • They’re trustworthy.
  • On big search engines like Google, they have a high ranking.
  • They attract a lot of traffic and a lot of social media shares.
  • They’re well-known.

They also lack the hallmarks of a terrible website, such as blatant keyword stuffing, high link-to-content ratios, an excessive quantity of adverts, and low-quality content and design in general.

Where can I locate authoritative websites?

The first stage in your 30-day strategy is to find authoritative websites that are relevant to your business. You can do this using Google. Use search operators to find appropriate websites faster. For example, use site:.gov,.edu, or.org to restrict your search to these types of sites. Go from there by searching for your chosen keyword and visiting places that score well for it. Another alternative is to utilize the Moz SEO toolbar, which is available as a free Firefox and Chrome extension. It shows you relevant metrics and information about the site you’re on, such as the page authority, domain authority, links, and a general analysis of the page.

What is there to offer?

So far, everything has gone well. But here’s the catch: you can’t contact these authoritative sites without making an offer. What can you possibly give because your website is so new? I’m sorry to break it to you. Before getting backlinks from authority sites, you should preferably build up a substantial content collection. Fortunately, the material does not need to be well-ranked. It just has to be top-notch in terms of the information it supplies. Spend a few weeks establishing a modest content arsenal before launching your site. Then, you’ll have something to offer other website owners when it’s time to begin your link-building plan. After all, why would they link back to you if you don’t have anything for them to connect to?

Getting in Touch

You already know what to do when asking website owners for backlinks. To get contact information, go to the site in question. Use a contact form if you can’t get an email address. Don’t be too self-promotional. You may want to wait until you’ve had a few conversations before bringing it up. Flattery will bring you a long way, so start by congratulating the site owner on a piece of material. Later, please show them some of your work and propose that you share links.

Ideas for generating high-quality, authoritative backlinks to your website

Now that you’ve gotten the concept of hunting down and requesting backlinks from relevant authority sites, it’s time to get down to business with effective link-building techniques. I’ve got a lot of tricks under my sleeve, and I’m going to show you the greatest ones right now.

1. A lot of blogging

According to HubSpot, companies that write regularly have up to 97 percent more backlinks than those don’t. Commit to publishing fresh content regularly from the start. However, quality still matters, so make a plan that enables you to write frequently while providing actual value to your followers.

2. Make available free resources

Isn’t it true that you have something to give away for free?


Other website owners, like you, are continuously seeking valuable, trustworthy sources of information. There’s no reason why you shouldn’t be able to supply it. Create a collection of white papers, e-books, and other material that is informative, valuable, and well-researched. Make these materials available for free, but with one condition: credit in the form of a link back to your website. Alternatively, make the information available for free as long as it is linked directly from your website.

3. Become an expert in public relations

Press releases, when done correctly, may effectively sow seeds for fresh backlinks to your site. By “correctly,” I mean that they give relevant content and add a non-promotional link back to your website. Press releases should only be used for really noteworthy incidents. With so many things in the works, you should have enough to keep you occupied with a new site.

4. Make and distribute infographics

It’s a good idea to use high-quality photos to break up the text. Online, there’s a high demand for high-quality images, and infographics are viral. Create an infographic library that is relevant to your business or specialty. Create an infographic about a crucial current subject that impacts your industry or company whenever feasible. Readers love to share amazing visuals on social media and utilize them as a social currency.



Include some SEO to guarantee that your infographics are readily accessible by search engines. As a result, your infographics will be shared and used by many people. When they do, your site will get organic, high-quality backlinks.

5. Create graphs and tables

Because humans are visual creatures, charts, tables, and other visual representations of data are often favorably received. To sow the seeds for additional backlinks, fill your site with tables and figures related to your subject. You don’t need to be a data scientist to make this happen. Find trustworthy sources of information and graph or table their data. Use a website like OnlineChartTool.com to generate eye-catching charts and graphs that others will happily connect to.

6. Create a photo library

Website owners are constantly on the lookout for photographs, mainly if they are available for free. Ensure that the pictures are of good quality. If you can’t take great pictures yourself, you’ll need to employ someone who does. Make a separate page for each photograph. To improve your chances of ranking high in Google Image Search, provide a descriptive description and utilize SEO best practices. To guarantee that you acquire your links, provide a form for rapidly downloading the file and link code.

7. Repurpose well-performing content

A short reminder: do not, under any circumstances, copy information from the Internet. This isn’t simply because plagiarism is unethical; it’s also because Google will punish you so severely that your site may never recover. That said, there’s nothing wrong with high-ranking recycling material from other sites to fit your purposes. However, make them genuinely yours by making them relevant to your website. Don’t simply reuse text-based content for text-based content’s sake. Make an e-book, an infographic, a video, or other media out of text-based work.

8. Fill in the blanks

Yes, the Internet is brimming with information. Much of what needs to be said about your specialty or sector has probably already been spoken. Others, on the other hand, have undoubtedly neglected crucial issues. Identify such holes and replace them with your high-quality material. Look for gaps in the sorts of material that are provided. For example, there may be many blogs and articles on a topic but no in-depth articles or e-books. If you’re the first to supply them, you’ll get a lot of excellent link karma.

9. Speak with influencers

Find influencers in your field and compile a list of them in a roundup piece. An article like this would incorporate multiple links to various influencers while discussing a single topic. Interviewing the influencers in question is a terrific approach to finishing this material. Follow significant influencers on social media when you’ve identified them. Interact with them to build a friendship before approaching them about an interview. Even the busiest influencers can generally find time to answer a few questions on Twitter or another social media platform, so this is a viable alternative to explore.

10. Examine the competition

What are the different types of backlinks that your rivals have? Obtaining connections from comparable sources would likely be beneficial to you as well. Find out who’s sending them link love by doing some detective work. Track out your top rivals using a site like SEMrush.com and related keywords. Next, use a site like OpenLinkProfiler.org to enter each competitor’s URL. You’ll be given a list of links to your rivals’ websites, which you may follow to discover where you should focus your efforts.

11. Experiment with broken link construction

This method is beneficial for new websites. Simply put, you look for broken links on relevant websites and contact the site owners with alternative material to connect to instead. Because 404 pages may negatively influence a site’s ranking, web admins typically welcome being notified of the problem. To find dead links on a given URL, use a tool like a web tool, Broken Link Checker. Instead of contacting the owner, make sure you have something for them to connect to.

12. Provide meaningful feedback

To improve your link profile, it was formerly common knowledge to publish links back to your site in comment areas. These days, it comes across as spam, so you’ll have to be more subtle. You’ll need to stay up with industry news anyhow, so make it a practice to read relevant blogs and websites regularly. Make your contribution when you have anything worthwhile to say. When someone leaves a remark on your website, respond!


They’re likely to remember the gesture and return the favor in the future. So it’s good karma, even if they don’t.

13. Contribute guest articles

It’s no secret that creating enough content for a company is challenging. Site owners are often grateful for free material, which you may provide by offering to write guest posts and articles for them. Before addressing the proprietor of a website or blog, learn about it. Check to see whether your material is complementary to theirs. Make your pitch when you’ve thought of a unique viewpoint or insight to provide. One other thing: offer to let them guest post on your site in exchange.

14. Go out and ask for backlinks in person

Attend trade exhibitions and other events in your field to meet influencers in person if possible. Face-to-face encounters are beneficial. Make sure you know who an influencer is and why you want a connection from them before approaching them in person. If the chance arises, inquire about obtaining a relationship. At the absolute least, you’ll be able to establish a new relationship that may be beneficial in the future.

15. Use social media to your advantage

Because your website is fresh, you must have a solid social media presence. Promote new material across all social media networks whenever possible. Even if each article gets a few shares, getting backlinks to improve. Don’t be scared to re-promote old information on social media in the future. You may get new followers due to this, so it’s not a bad idea.


The key to gaining backlinks from the preceding recommendations is to put them to use straight immediately. Before you do anything else, make sure you have a good supply of high-quality content. Pay a high price for it if necessary. But, in the long term, it will be worthwhile.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you get high authority backlinks?

A: The best way to increase your authority is by regularly updating and submitting new content. Another method would be to go back and remove the links that have a low number of inbound links.

How many backlinks can you get in a month?

A: There is no limit to backlinks.