How to Increase Sales Conversions with Retargeting Strategies?

People want to buy products once and use them again, but it is hard for companies not to enjoy this option. Retargeting allows users interested in a product or service to show their interest by visiting the website before clicking “add to cart.” This helps increase sales without needing people to leave their accounts, creating more work for companies. Retargeting is a strategy that uses digital advertising to remind people about your company and products. It is a great way to increase sales conversions. This blog will go over plans for retargeting copy best practices. Everyone wants to increase their sales. Increased conversions will help your business grow and succeed, regardless of your sector or present circumstances. However, wishing for increased sales conversions vs. achieving them are two different things. Sure, your marketing department has several content marketing tactics in place. However, you must understand the motivations behind these strategies. Are the ads aimed at a particular group of people who can take action? One of the most significant distinctions between retargeting techniques and other advertising approaches is this.

Here’s the deal:

Not every consumer follows a straightforward route to completion. It’s not always as clear as someone visiting your website for the first time, being interested in your business, and then purchasing something on the same visit. While it would be ideal, the truth is that the process takes time. Creating a customer journey map might assist you in gaining a better knowledge of the purchasing process.

Here’s an example of how customers connect with a company before, during, and after they buy something:


Examine all of the examples of touchpoints in the awareness and contemplation phases. It demonstrates that the purchasing process isn’t always a straight line. For example, a customer may come on your website one day, look around for a while, and then depart. They may subscribe to your email list after reading one of your blog entries a month or two later. They may even call a member of your sales staff to inquire about your goods and services. Still, it may take this individual a few more weeks to purchase anything. As a marketer, you must anticipate this behavior and assist customers in navigating this unusual process. Retargeting advertising is one of the most effective methods to do this.

Retargeting points to boost your company’s sales conversions:

Make sure your retargeting campaigns have a clear purpose in mind.

First and foremost, I’d want to go through the fundamentals. People who have previously visited your website are targeted with retargeting adverts. A lead generation campaign may also be used to target clients who are already in your database. These advertising aren’t as straightforward as standard banner ads that appeal to a broad audience.

There are seven kinds of retargeting techniques:


With so many diverse approaches to this marketing strategy, it’s critical to have a specific aim in mind. I wouldn’t advocate adopting all of these tactics at once if you’ve never done it before. Instead, choose one and stick with it.

Begin by focusing on persons who:

  • having relevant Google searches for your brand
  • consume information that is similar to that which your present consumers consume
  • personalized advertising on social media made an impression
  • I looked at your website but didn’t buy anything.
  • are on your email distribution list

Knowing who you intend to target will help the rest of the process go more smoothly. You’ll have a better idea of where these clients are coming from now. Your retargeting approach should aim to raise awareness while also increasing conversions. People aren’t always eager to purchase anything the first time they visit your website, as you observed before. In reality, 92% of buyers do not intend to buy their first visit to a website. As a result, one of your objectives should be to raise brand recognition. Even if the customer has heard of you and is acquainted with your business, you must constantly remind them what you can provide. This will make obtaining conversions, your primary aim, much more straightforward. Other objectives may be set by your firm. Customers may be directed to certain goods, subscriptions, or services due to it. Just make sure your objectives are well-defined before you begin. Then, everyone will be on the same page, and measuring the effectiveness of these efforts will be easy.

Retargeting may be done using pixels or lists.

One of the most typical methods to carry out your strategy is pixel-based retargeting. Here’s how Dohop uses this strategy in practice:


When someone visits your website, a browser cookie is placed in their browser to keep track of their preferences. This is how you’ll be able to track down visitors to your website. You must now get a retargeting platform. The platform will be notified by the cookie, and you will be able to provide that consumer your adverts depending on the pages they visited on your website. Because of its timeliness, pixel-based retargeting is ideal. People will notice your adverts practically immediately after they leave your website. This helps to maintain your brand in their heads. However, the pixel-based method isn’t without flaws. It’s entirely dependent on cookies left by visitors to your website. You won’t be able to retarget if you don’t have any online traffic to begin with. People who are already in your database are the focus of list-based remarketing. It’s not as popular as pixel-based, but it offers many advantages. You may even concentrate on your current consumers. To make your adverts more relevant to these consumers, divide them into groups. In a moment, I’ll go through your present consumers and list segmentation in further depth. As I previously said, pixel-based retargeting requires a platform to connect with the web cookies that visitors to your site leave behind. The following are some of the best choices to think about:

Here are some of the advantages of using Perfect Audience:


Check out these websites to evaluate which one best suits your business’s requirements. However, you’ll find several commonalities across the various systems.

Keep your adverts up to date.

One of the most common blunders I see is firms repeatedly running the same retargeting advertisements. You can’t expect your campaigns to convert 100% of the time. It’s not going to happen. There’s one more item to consider. Consumers aren’t irrational. They don’t believe it’s a coincidence that these adverts appear shortly after visiting your website. So, shake things up a little. You’ll need to run another ad if your present one doesn’t convert after a few weeks of exposure.

Here’s an illustration.

Take a peek at this Freshdesk retargeting ad:


It’s straightforward and has a clear objective. Take a look at the call-to-action button. They’re attempting to persuade the user to download one of their products. This might be directed to visitors who came to a specific landing page on their website. This ad is linked to a browsing cookie for that particular page. But what if someone views this ad for a few weeks and doesn’t convert? If you keep presenting it to them for a few more weeks, will it ultimately work? Most likely not. They’ve witnessed it. And they’re not interested in one reason or another. Freshdesk notices this and makes a change.


Between this commercial and the one above, there are significant distinctions. Rather than attempting to persuade the consumer to download anything, they are trying to join up for a free software trial. Offering something unique can boost the number of conversions. A/B testing your adverts is also a good idea. Freshdesk, in the example above, might shift or modify the color of their CTA button to see which version gets more conversions. However, you must ensure that your adverts do not get stale. A/B testing will also aid in the optimization of your conversion funnel.

Make your landing pages.

When consumers click on one of your adverts, they should not be sent to your website’s homepage. That’s a waste of time. Instead, drive them to a landing page closely related to the ad they clicked on. Here’s an example of a Facebook ad I saw:


This message is aimed at guys. The page’s headline states “men,” and the models are dressed in men’s clothes. On the other hand, the Lululemon webpage is mainly geared toward women.


Customers would be ineffectual for that Facebook advertising if they were sent here. Lululemon understands this and does not participate in it. Instead, the Facebook ad directs males to a specially created landing page. When I clicked on the retargeting ad, this is what happened:


This page has a more substantial impact on me than the main page. It also has a direct link to the Facebook ad. They are offering men’s apparel at a discount. Use this idea to improve your retargeting campaign. Ensure the landing page matches the ad if you’re marketing a particular product or service. Customers who have to search your website for what they want will negatively influence your sales conversions.

Concentrate on your current consumers.

Retargeting strategies don’t have to be limited to attracting new consumers. You may improve income without adding new consumers, as I’ve already said. This is the ideal time to reconnect with email subscribers who haven’t opened an email in a while. That’s why, as I said before, you should split your email lists. Subscribers may be segmented depending on their interests and behavior. Send them retargeted emails based on their prior purchases or browsing behavior, which you may learn about by looking at their customer profile. The advantage of retargeting your existing or past consumers is that they are already acquainted with your brand. They are more knowledgeable about your business than those who have viewed your website but never purchased anything. You might also attempt to upsell or cross-sell these consumers. Here’s an excellent example of an American Express commercial I saw:


I’m already an Amex member with a credit card from them. However, they are attempting to sell me a new card. Instead of gaining a new client, they can easily retarget me by giving me a card I don’t have. If this doesn’t work, I could get a separate ad promoting another card that I don’t have in a month or two.


Your target market and audience for your adverts should be ready to act. It’s for this reason that retargeting efforts are so successful. You target folks already acquainted with your brand and want to purchase something. You’ll be focused on website visitors who didn’t convert if you utilize pixel-based remarketing tactics. Increased website traffic does not always imply increased revenues. That’s why you shouldn’t target your remarketing efforts at just anybody. Make sure your campaign has a precise aim. Make sure you locate the correct software and solution to assist your website in using cookie data left by visitors seeking a product or service. Don’t quit upon a consumer just because a retargeting ad doesn’t convert. After a few weeks, mix it up with a new offer. Make sure that when someone clicks on your ad, it doesn’t take them to your homepage. Instead, make each ad’s landing page unique. If you follow these guidelines, you may use retargeting methods to enhance sales conversions.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are three retargeting strategies?

A: The three retargeting strategies are as follows;
1. Respond with a different ad to the user
2. Give users the option of buying a product or service that is similar to what they asked for but at a lower price
3. Ask them about their interests

How can I improve my retargeting?

A: You can improve your retargeting by decreasing the amount of noise in your data. It is also essential to test different variables to learn what works best for your situation.

How do I improve retargeting ads?

A: If you’re not targeting the right people on your website, it won’t be easy to get any results from retargeting ads. The goal is to figure out who’s closest to your most important target audience and then use that information with a list of demographic data to improve the quality of future ad campaigns.

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