How to Find ClickBank Products to Promote?

ClickBank is a vendor that offers products to promote, ranging from sales-oriented digital items and software to more general content like books. But how do you find which ones work best for your business? Clickbank is one of the most popular online marketplaces for digital products. It’s a great place to find products you can promote with your own website or blog. But unfortunately, shady pitches and over-hyped information goods abound on ClickBank.

However, there are some world-class items inside the ebook jungle that you may advertise to your email list or website visitors. I’ll show you how to sort through the low-quality garbage and identify high-quality items that you can sell while also bringing value to your site’s community.

Your first step should be to visit your own website to get a sense of the sorts of individuals that come and read your material. For example, at Quick Sprout, we obviously have a lot of entrepreneurs, a lot of small business owners, a lot of bloggers, and many social media professionals that tend to visit Quick Sprout most often. So it’s just a good idea to go to your site and think of the type of people that visit it because that will guide you when choosing your Clickbank products. After that, make a basic but efficient spreadsheet to keep track of all the things you’ll be looking at.

It doesn’t need to be something extravagant. We need the product name, the gravity (which I’ll explain in a minute), the price, and a link to the sales page. This is exactly what you want since when you go to Clickbank and click on the Marketplace link at the top of the homepage, you’ll see hundreds of prospective goods to advertise on your website. It isn’t easy to keep track of what items you’ve seen, their pricing, their gravity, and all the other elements that go into picking a Clickbank product that I’ll go through in this video unless you have this spreadsheet.

After you’ve arrived on the Marketplace and set up your spreadsheet, you’ll want to go through the categories in the left-hand sidebar. It’s relatively basic for a site like Quick Sprout: Business, investment, computers, the internet, e-business, and e-marketing are all topics covered in this course. Those are categories that might appeal to the Quick Sprout audience. Depending on the nature of your website, you may have a category that stands out. You don’t want to only look at the categories that suit you best; you want to look at others more in line with your target audience’s needs. You may be able to locate your greatest items this way. You should absolutely begin with the categories that seem to make the most sense.

We’ll focus on e-business and e-marketing as a single category. When you choose that category, Clickbank arranges the results according to popularity. The number of sales a product receives is referred to as its popularity. You should absolutely arrange the results by gravity as an affiliate. Choose Gravity from this small dropdown menu. Gravity is a difficult term, but it simply refers to how many distinct affiliates are selling that product. That’s crucial for you as an affiliate because the more individuals profit from a product, the more evidence that it’s a proven winner.

Next, I’ll go through the information in this box with you since there’s a lot of information in this little box, and it might be daunting if you don’t know what all of these phrases imply. The average amount of money each sale is the first item you should look at. This is not the product’s price; it is the average commission earned by an affiliate for each product sale. When you look at the statistics line, this essentially digs down into a little more depth. The first purchase price is $20.65. Why is it that this goes all the way to $26.80? This is because there is a feature that allows you to re-bill. For example, they purchase the goods, and then there is an add-on or another option for them to join a membership site, and that is how much money they earn on average from the re-bill. This is the total amount earned by the affiliate when everything is taken into account.

The average commission you get is the average % each sale. In this situation, you earn half of every sale they make, which is true for the average proportion of re-bill. You always earn 50% when you sell, no matter what. In most cases, the average % for sale and the average percentage for a re-bill are identical. The Gravity, once again, is the number of various affiliates producing sales, which in this instance is above 300, which is excellent.

These little indicators are something else you should pay attention to. They truly explain themselves if you linger over them. It basically shows the language, whether it’s one-time billing, recurring billing, or both (if you see both icons, it’s both); whether they have a $1 trial, which is a feature that not all Clickbank products have; whether there’s PitchPlus, which is essentially an up-sell; and finally, whether they have a separate HopLink target URL, which is your affiliate link that can bring people to a mobile-optimized page. You may have your usual HopLink, which will send visitors to the main sales page, or this special one, which means they have a link that will take them straight to a mobile-friendly website. This isn’t really necessary unless you have many customers who use mobile devices, and more and more sales pages are responsive, so you don’t have to worry about it.

If this seems to be a product you’d want to market, go to your spreadsheet and fill all relevant information in the appropriate sections. Of course, you should carefully examine the sales page to ensure that the product is a suitable match for your target market. To do so, go to the top of the box and click the link. In this example, the sales page is a video, which is fairly frequent with Clickbank items. You want to view the video to determine whether it’s something your target audience would like. If the goods seem to be a good match and the sales page appears to be a good fit, you may wish to purchase the thing to be sure. There are several things on Clickbank with very amazing sales sites that make all these promises, but it’s not really good when you purchase the product. Purchase the goods to avoid burning any ties with your audience. It’s generally rather inexpensive, only to ensure that they will like it if they decide to invest in it.

At the bottom of the page is the next item you should look at. Generally, there’s a tiny affiliate link at the bottom of practically every page for Clickbank items, whether a video sales letter like this or a text-based sales letter like this. Essentially, this is a connection to a variety of affiliate services that will assist you in promoting the product. You should search for it, and then if it’s there, click on the link. Next, you should look at what they have to offer, whether it’s just some banners to get you started or a dedicated affiliate manager. You normally don’t have to join up unless they force you to. They generally contain a ‘Are you already a member?’ section. Click here, and you’ll be able to access the materials right away by clicking on them. They have contests like this in certain circumstances, and they often provide you with a lot of stuff that may aid you, such as swipes and banners. Browse for banners or creatives as they’re often known, and see whether they’d be a suitable match for your site. If not, no worries; you can always have a banner produced for a reasonable price on Fiverr. In general, I’ve found that the more materials they provide to assist you in promoting their product, the better, particularly when you’re just starting and don’t know whether it’ll work. It helps if they provide you with a short banner that you can place on your site to test the waters and see how well it converts. If they provide you with a lot of creative assistance, it’s a good clue that they’ll be helpful when you join up as an affiliate. It’s not a deal-breaker if you don’t see a lot of banners; it’s simply something that makes the process of advertising that product a little simpler.

That’s all there is to it when selecting Clickbank goods that are suitable for your website. As you can see, the first crucial thing is to see whether it’s something that your target audience would be interested in, and then you should check out the sales page and product to see that it’s legitimate. Finally, check to see whether they provide a lot of affiliate support.

Frequently Asked Question

How do I choose a product to promote on ClickBank?

A: The best way to start is to figure out what your audience wants. Are they looking for a new product? Then maybe you should promote that one instead of selling them on something else. Is it an affiliate marketing course or ebook that you want people to purchase? Pick the item most relevant and then use those criteria when choosing products overall.

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