A Guide to Content Syndication Networks For Bloggers

Content syndication networks have been around for a while, but they are becoming increasingly prevalent on the internet. The most popular of these sites are Digg, which allows users to send their favorite articles/stories directly to social media with one click of a button. These platforms allow bloggers and website owners to share content with existing audiences without manually picking what stories get published on different outlets. Bloggers have many options for getting their content out there. Content syndication networks are a great way to ensure that as many people see your blog as possible.  In recent years, content syndication networks have grown in popularity. These networks are comparable to ad networks such as Google and Yahoo Bing. Still, they promote various materials such as blog entries, articles, and other items. You’ve undoubtedly seen this content advertising on CNN, Forbes, and other major websites. Ads are frequently found around the “Related Posts” sections at the bottom. A comparable group of items will likely be labeled “Similar Articles From Around The Web.”

Sometimes they will include visuals, and other times they will have text. Material syndication networks may display content in several various ways. Some will display the information’s URL or source. Others will try to conceal it. Some material may be a touch spammy with R-rated photos or headlines promising instant riches. However, respectable blogs are finding success using content syndication networks, which is why we’ll go through how you may utilize these networks to advertise your blog effectively. We’ll start by looking over the various content syndication networks available, and then we’ll go through the procedures for establishing campaigns. Let’s get started.


In the content syndication or content discovery sector, Outbrain has received much attention. They’re a market leader and seem to provide consumers a low cost per click or cost per visitor.


The cost per click has been estimated to be between. Some examples put the cost per click at around $0.25 to $0.50. That’s a pretty good cost per click if you compare it to some of the other paid options listed in this guide..25 and Some examples put the cost per click at around $0.25 to $0.50. That’s a pretty good cost per click compared to some of the other paid options listed in this guide..50 in certain cases. When compared to some of the other paid choices in this guide, that’s a really decent cost per click.


Outbrain and Zemanta are comparable. In addition, your articles are syndicated throughout a network of hundreds of thousands of publications, including well-known news organizations and blogs.


Like the others on our list, Zemanta takes care of a lot of the hard work for you. When you input titles and URLs, Zemanta works to get your material in front of the correct people. You have complete control over the picture and title you use, and Zemanta offers statistics so you can see which images and titles perform best in their network. The purpose with this supplier and others isn’t to send link juice around as it used to be the case with other SEO strategies. It’s all about referring domains that send people to your blog. The links will not help with SEO, but they will drive visitors. And that visitors will be eager to read your greatest blog posts. Because blog postings may establish trust and persuade new readers to opt-in to email, it has the potential to be much more successful than a traditional ad.


Taboola, like Outbrain and Zemanta, is a content syndication platform. Politico is one of the many major and small publications on the list. They offer material to a portfolio of publishers, including blog posts, videos, and other branded content, directing visitors back to the source of information from “Around the web,” as is typically stated next to the articles.


The machine selects the optimal locations for your articles and learns over time where you’ll receive the most interaction and what material will perform best. Taboola seems to be having better success with video marketing material, which will likely become more essential in the future years as more online users seek video information in addition to text.


Clients of ZergNet include firms such as AOL and MTV. Your blog article may be promoted on ZergNet, shared on related websites. Your blog post will be advertised to those reading articles, viewing videos, and looking at other material. They’ll come to your website, bringing you traffic and the chance to get new subscribers.


Creating Marketing Campaigns

You develop essentially the same sort of campaign for each of these networks. You choose the material you’d want to advertise, and the syndicate takes care of putting it in front of the relevant people.


Step 1: Decide which posts to promote.

Titles are crucial for content syndication once again. Your articles must stand out among relevant posts on the website where they are advertised, and you must compete with other posts that are promoted alongside yours. Therefore, choose titles depending on the popularity of your previous postings. For example, choose your top ten most popular posts of all time. Another alternative is to share the social media posts that have received the most social shares or traffic. This suggests that certain specific titles were popular.

Step 2: Examine Your Findings.

To test, choose roughly ten postings. Do extra if you can. You’ll only be charged for successful clicks, and you may set a budget to prevent overspending. Check out the most popular titles. Adjust existing titles to reflect the formulae that are working, and track which articles receive the most hits over time. The program may then be expanded to cover the titles with the highest success potential.

Step 3: Create content based on the results of the content syndication network.

You’ll receive feedback on the kind of content that your target audience enjoys reading over time. You may utilize the findings from content syndication networks to help you figure out what kind of content to make. You’ll know there’s a market for this kind of material, so you can be certain that your campaigns will generate visitors. You’ll almost certainly gain traffic from other sources as well.


Although content syndication is not new, it has become considerably more systematic in recent years. The services will assist you in distributing material to certain audiences. For example, you’ll receive statistics on which articles and headlines are the most effective at driving visitors back to your site. You may utilize such metrics to publish the greatest material on social media and even develop the kind of posts your target audience wants. You may even create your own content-sharing network with members who share material on social media and add Related Posts sections to their blogs. Bloggers have been using this strategy for years to help one other develop and prosper.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I syndicate my blog content?

A: To syndicate your blog content, you need an RSS feed. This data file tells search engines what website to visit and how often they check it for new posts.

What is a syndication blog network?

A: A syndication blog network is a website that aggregates RSS feeds from other blogs and sites, creating an individual feed for each subject.

What is a content syndication strategy?

A: Content syndication is the process of sharing content on multiple platforms.

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