93 Content Marketing Tools You Need to Check Out in 2021

Content marketing is the best way to build a loyal audience and generate leads. In this article, we’ll take you through 93 content marketing tools that can help your small business succeed in 2021. With this book, you will learn how to create high-quality content, find new ways of promoting your content and get more traffic from search engines. You can also use these tools as part of your digital marketing strategy. These days, content marketing is different. You used to be able to write blog entries about just about anything, and you’d receive at least some traffic. However, you will no longer get any. There’s no getting past that good content marketing requires a lot of time and work. There are, however, confident marketers that do more and in less time than others. If you haven’t already, I’d want to see you become one of those effective content marketers. One of the most effective strategies to get quicker is to utilize tools. Several instruments are available, some of which are beneficial and others that are detrimental. Some will save you time, while others will cost you time. Even if you’re one of the 42% of B2B marketers that feel your content marketing is successful, there’s always room for improvement. You need to know which methods to employ and which tools to utilize to make the most of content marketing. In this article, we’ll look at 93 various content marketing methods that have been shown to enhance reach, revenue, traffic, and more. Let’s get started!

Exploration of Content

1. Quora

Quora was founded on the belief that it could provide “the best answer to every inquiry.” As a result, content marketers may utilize the popular Internet and social media platforms to see trends, connect with others, and, most importantly, deliver high-quality answers to position themselves as an expert on practically any topic.


2. Reddit

Once thought to be just an entertainment site, Reddit has evolved into a “go to” tool for content marketers. Your article has the potential to become viral with the correct topic matter, a focused approach, and a little luck. Reddit is the thing content marketers dream of, with over 36 million user accounts and billions of comments.


3. Alltop

Looking for the most popular news across a wide range of topics? Alltop covers everything from business to technology to breaking news. This may be used as inspiration for blog entries and to get a sense of trending.


4. Feedly

Looking at material published on other popular blogs and then improving or extending it is one of the most common strategies for coming up with content ideas. You may make a list of blogs you like reading and then visit them when you need some inspiration. It was a complete waste of time. Instead, use an RSS reader (probably the finest is Feedly), enabling you to aggregate all of the content published from numerous sources in one location. You may quickly browse the titles to see if any catch your eye and, if necessary, click through. You’ll log in to a screen that looks like this after you’ve added several sites to your new Feedly account:


It would take at least a few minutes to visit those seven sites separately to discover those postings. It just takes a few seconds instead. It may not seem much, but it adds up over time. Type a site’s name into the search field to add it to your account:


That should take you to the desired website. Simply click the + symbol next to the blog’s name, and all of its entries will be immediately added to your feed as they are published.


5. TrendSpottr

Being able to publish material on a widespread issue before your rivals do is beneficial to your reputation and your visitors. Even if you’re an expert in the industry, spotting patterns are complex. This program is designed to identify hot material, hashtags, keywords, and even influencers before the rest of the world.


You won’t be the first, but you’ll be miles ahead of the rest of the pack. It’s an easy-to-use tool. First, you choose a search keyword, such as “content marketing,” and then a tool label, such as “trending influencers.” The program then locates the most famous people who have made posts regarding that topic. Next, use the tool to form connections with up-and-comers and develop content based on famous words and hashtags.

6. Google Keyword Planner 

What are the most popular keywords? What are the optimal keywords for a PPC campaign? Using the Google Keyword Planner to answer these questions is straightforward. View keyword suggestions, CPC statistics, and more using this tool. For example, you need to know which keywords to target before writing a blog article. In addition, you may use Google Keyword Planner to find terms that can increase traffic to your website.


Distribution of Content.

7. Buffer

“A better way to share on The Internet and Use of social media,” claims the Buffer slogan. In 2016, content marketing entailed being active on The Internet and Use of social media. When you’re short on time, use Buffer to plan updates across many of The Internet and use social media platforms, such as Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Distributing social network messages is simple, quick, and successful when you have this technology on your side.


8. Hootsuite

The Internet and Use of social media management dashboard that works similarly to Buffer. With more than ten million users, the service must be doing something right. Hootsuite integrates with over 35 The Internet and Use of social media networks, enabling you to disseminate The Internet and use social media information more effectively. The days of visiting The Internet and using social media platforms to post updates are long gone.


9. SlideShare

Even if you think PowerPoint presentations are a thing of the past, SlideShare will alter your mind about them. Use the service to advertise a product, service, new release, or anything else you’d want to get the word out about. It allows you to post high-quality information in a visually pleasing format on a viral website.


10. PRWeb

PRWeb is the king of the hill regarding online news release services. With a suitable package, you may get your release in front of 25,000+ journalists and over 250,000 email subscribers. The dissemination of press releases is not dead. It’s alive and well with PRWeb.


11. BuzzStream

This tool might be classified into many categories since it is one of the most potent and sophisticated available. It may be used for outreach, contacting influencers, and relationship management. Its primary purpose is to help you save time by finding contact information and sending bulk emails. To begin, you may add websites or persons you’d want to connect with to the tool. The application will then gather as much contact information as possible, allowing you to pick from various possibilities.


Then you may choose as many of those contacts as you like and send them a template (that you build). If you include it in the template, the tool will automatically fill in data like name and site name. Finally, since it was designed primarily for marketers, it has valuable features, such as setting the stage for your connections.


This allows you to track who you shouldn’t call again, who you should contact, and who you should follow up with. Finally, there’s another feature of the tool that’s pretty amazing. It is fully integrated into your browser. That means you may automatically extract all of the information from each website you come across. After that, you can import these sites into your BuzzStream account, and it will start removing more contact information for you. This is important for various locations, including BuzzSumo (which we’ll look at later in this piece). You may identify popular content by using BuzzSumo and then importing all of those popular websites into an outreach campaign.


If you’ve ever created an outreach program from the ground up, you’ll see how this tool can save you many hours every week.


12. Google Analytics 

As one of the most popular free analytics tools, Google Analytics is difficult to go wrong. You don’t need a lot of understanding to see how this product may help your company. Statistics primarily determine the effectiveness of content marketing. And when you depend on Google Analytics, you receive data.


13. Dasheroo 

Dasheroo, a newcomer to the corporate dashboard arena, is a free solution that lets users measure KPIs across several platforms and applications. Dasheroo interfaces with various content marketing platforms, including Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Shopify, MailChimp, and others. Simply said, Dasheroo integrates all of your data into a visually appealing dashboard. You won’t have to worry about opening many tabs or managing a large number of logins. Everything is at one convenient location.


14. SimpleReach

It is a must-have for content marketers since it focuses on measurement and distribution.Use this tool to get your content in front of your target audience once you’ve created unique content. You may better monitor performance and maximize content reach by “bridging the gap between measurement and distribution.”


15. Zuum

You aren’t the only one in your industry concerned with content marketing. There will be lots of competitors in whichever field you choose. Zuum is a tool that will help you outperform your peers at every step. It may help you compare your The Internet and Use of social media efforts to those of your competitors, find your competitors’ best campaigns, and figure out who (influencers) they depend on to spread their message.


16. Traackr 

“Influence marketing” is a buzzword that you should be aware of. The same may be said about this content promotion tool. Traackr is more than simply a tool for finding influencers in your industry. It also enables you to manage connections and analyze their influence on your Organization as an “Influencer Management Platform.”


17. Kred

Kred was created to bring individuals together with The Internet and the Use of social media influencers. Kred also assists you in improving your Internet and Use of social media presence and discovering influencers.


The Internet and Use of social media

18. Quuu 

Time is money, right? If you believe this to be true, Quuu is the tool for you. By putting your Internet and the use of social media marketing on autopilot, you have more time for other business areas. All the while, you can rest easy knowing that your Internet and Use of social media strategy is in good hands. You begin by choosing categories that are important to your company. Hand-curated material is then sent to your Buffer account (see #5). Finally, before the posts are scheduled or published, you have the option to modify them manually.


19. Tweepi

Content marketing and Twitter are inextricably linked. The difficulty is that Twitter administration may take up a significant portion of your day. Tweepi helps you “make sense of your Twitter account,” which protects you against this. To be recognized, you may locate users, communicate with influencers, and utilize a range of tools.


20. Tweriod 

Is there anything more frustrating than discovering that no one is reading your tweets when you’re tweeting away? Tweriod guards against this by finding the ideal time to tweet for your company. You’ll know which days and hours to tweet after running a report. This increases the likelihood of interaction by ensuring that more people see your material. Tweriod is a simple tool that generates substantial data.


21. Narrow.io

Our is a new tool, but it seems to have a lot of potentials, which is why it’s included on this list. Although I haven’t used it much, some have claimed that it has helped them expand their Twitter followings by up to 2,160 percent quicker.


The tool’s only purpose is to increase your Twitter following. A more advanced algorithm distinguishes it from all other devices with the same sense. By searching for relevant phrases and hashtags, you may locate individuals who could be interested in your company. The tool will construct a target audience based on this information.


Narrow will then follow those persons and love tweets relevant to them. If they don’t follow you back, Narrow will automatically unfollow them. There is a danger of having your account suspended if you use software to track and unfollow individuals automatically. You may, however, reduce your threat by not being too pushy. Furthermore, the tool’s authors say that they have real individuals conducting the following and unfollowing by hand, which might evade the regulations. Just keep in mind that there is still a chance of danger. It’s also worth noting that there are no free accounts available. You may sign up for a 7-day free trial, but you’ll have to upgrade to a premium membership after that.

22. Tweetdeck

The last Twitter tool is one that Twitter itself provides. It’s similar to HootSuite in that it’s an excellent tool for monitoring your Twitter activity all at once.


You may have as many columns as you like, but to fit everything on your screen at once, you’ll usually only need 4-5. By selecting the “Add column” button on the left sidebar, you may delete any of them at any moment and add new ones:


There are many options, so you can truly tailor it to keep up with the aspects of Twitter that matter to you. Furthermore, you may send tweets directly from the application and even schedule them in advance (although other programs are more convenient if you require this feature frequently):


What role does this play in your promotion? To begin, you’ll want to tweet your material to your followers numerous times throughout the next few weeks and maybe a few times more intermittently after that. It’s convenient to plan all of these things at once, which TweetDeck allows you to accomplish. The opposing side is keeping an eye on things. There are a few different ways you may make use of this tool. The first is to keep an eye on your content’s tweets. You’d want to favorite, retweet, or comment on it if someone was kind enough to share it. You may also connect with any of that user’s followers who also liked it. Setting up a search column for a significant phrase in your content is another beautiful way to utilize it. For example, if I were advertising this post, I would create one for “content promotion tools.” Then, if someone asked or said anything about excellent marketing tools on Twitter, I could respond with a link to this piece.

23. SumoMe Image Sharer plugin 

The final item in this section is a SumoMe Image Sharer plugin. Including images on your Internet and using social media posts automatically makes them more successful. This is because people are attracted to pictures and are likely to share them. This plugin allows your blog visitors to easily share your photos on their preferred image-based use of social media sites. All of your photographs will have sharing buttons added to them after you install and activate the SumoMe image sharer plugin (you get to choose which networks you want to be displayed):


When a visitor hits one of the buttons, a pop-up for that network appears, allowing them to publish a link to the website as well as the picture they choose. This not only makes it easy for your readers to share your material, but it also ensures that you will get more traffic as a result of those shares (since the images get more attention).

Creation of images and videos

24. Meme Generator

There’s no need to be serious all of the time. There is a time and place for fun, and when you’re ready to have some, you can make a killer meme using this free tool. Search popular memes, or create your own. This tool is fun to use, and if done right, your meme can yield severe results on The Internet and Use of social media.


25. Visual.ly 

You’ve undoubtedly figured out why infographics are so popular. What you may not realize is how to make one. Visual.ly removes all of the efforts from the process. You may delegate the creation to a third party, freeing up your time to concentrate on content marketing tactics that are more appropriate for your skillset.



26. PowToon

An animated video or presentation could be the type of content that puts your business on the map. Share it on The Internet and use social media as a standalone clip, or add it to a blog post. Whatever you choose, you know that an animated video will provide a unique experience. Using drag and drop templates, you can write a compelling and engaging message in 20 minutes or less.


27. Magisto

There was a time when filming a video to advertise your business, product, or service was prohibitively costly. Not any longer. With Magisto, you can convert your images and videos into professional videos that you’ll be delighted to show off to your friends and family. Choose from a selection of themes, add music, and personalize your experience as you go. The end product is a video that will boost your content marketing strategy.


28. Animoto

Animoto might be the solution if you require a high-quality, professional video to “convey what matters most.” Animoto’s three-step method has won the hearts of over 13 million customers:

  • Choose a song and a style.
  • Text, images, and videos may all be used to personalize your film.
  • Produce and distribute to your target audience.


29. Easel.ly

One of the most time-consuming and costly aspects of developing great content is making visuals. Great photos may transform ordinary material into great stuff. Easel.ly is a website that lets even the most design-challenged individuals, such as me, produce visual appealing infographics. Of course, they’re not as good as the ones I pay hundreds of dollars for, but if you’re on a budget and need an infographic, give this tool a go. Create an account first, then choose a free template:


Next, you may edit the text and orientation of any primary element, as well as add shapes and backgrounds to it, by clicking on it:


It’s meant to be as easy as possible, and after a few minutes of use, you’ll have it figured out.

30. Canva

This is another application that may assist you in creating stunning photos without the requirement for a professional designer. Most of the time, you don’t need a whole infographic to make your information more appealing; simply a few tiny photos will be enough. This is where Canva comes into play. The tool has several different templates to choose from for The Internet and the Use of social media posts, blog posts, and more:


You may also make a picture using your measurements. There will be several templates accessible in the “layouts” tab depending on whatever template you choose:


The right-hand canvas is entirely customizable. It’s as simple as clicking and dragging or clicking and typing.


Once you’ve mastered Canva, you’ll be able to design stunning photos in under 5 minutes.


31. Nutshell 

While some may not consider Nutshell a content marketing tool, it has a lot of potentials. Nutshell is more than just a CRM program. It has a lot to offer, including capabilities for gathering data in one location, reporting, lead distribution automation, and nurturing and developing connections at all phases of the sales cycle.


32. Pardot Pardot (by Salesforce)

It is a Managerial leadership platform that never lets you down. It focuses on B2B marketing automation. This application has a lot to offer if you need to automate portions of your marketing to save time. It has everything you’ll need to succeed, such as:

  • To generate leads, you’ll need the right tools.
  • Customizable and targeted emails are an option.
  • Calculating return on investment is a skill.


33. Marketo

There’s just one word to describe Marketo: integration. It brings together your content, email, The Internet Use of social media efforts, and more, allowing you to target the best leads, create content specifically for your target audience, and measure performance. It may not be the most excellent tool for new content marketers, but it is a solid option for those who are more experienced and wish to mix content marketing with other techniques.


34. Right On Interactive

A sophisticated marketing tool that employs customer lifecycle mapping to assist you in figuring out where a prospect falls within the sales funnel. This Automation software can be integrated with many of your content marketing tasks, such as email, The Internet, and the Use of social media marketing.


35. Silverpop

This marketing solution is used by over 5,000 businesses to integrate all areas of their marketing strategies. It provides various services to consumers, including a Marketing through email platform that allows users to efficiently create and distribute personalized, relevant messages.


36. Route 

You may produce as many leads as you want, but you won’t be satisfied until some become clients. As soon as someone visits your website, Route starts tracking them. You may utilize the tool to give helpful information, follow up, and drive the sales process after identifying them. Consider this tool to be your helper, assisting you in better understanding how your website’s users interact with it.


37. Salesforce 

Salesforce, perhaps the most well-known name on our list, has long been regarded as the world’s leading CRM system. Although the tool has many sales features, it also offers a lot of marketing features that you should check out. For example, by utilizing Salesforce to connect with your audience personally, you may deliver a better social experience for them.


38. IFTTT 

An intriguing acronym for a fascinating tool. IFTTT makes it simple for online apps and platforms to collaborate. Given the tool’s compatibility with almost 300 “channels,” you won’t have to look long to find a way to use it to supplement your content marketing efforts.


39. Optimizely 

You can “test, customize, and optimize” your website using Optimizely. As a result, you’ll see an increase in conversions, which will improve your content marketing ROI. This tool will work well with any content marketing plan because of its code-free visual editor, real-time ROI Analytics, and best-in-class interfaces.


40. Wootric

To grasp Wootric, familiarize yourself with their tagline: “Wootric is the Net Promoter Score platform for enhancing customer pleasure.”Here’s what it can accomplish in terms of marketing:

  • A method based on data.
  • Tools that make following up with promoters simple.
  • If you run targeted advertising, consumers who enjoy your product or service will become loyal customers.


41. Take action

This marketing platform is a start-to-finish system that manages the complete lead-to-revenue process. Creating leads via content marketing is a good start, but turning these leads into paying clients is the most crucial step. Act-on can assist you with everything from drawing prospects to creating connections.


42. Zapier 

Zapier allows you to link your favorite applications, automate a range of processes, and dive deep into various data. You may, for example, create a “Zap” that automatically distributes all new tweets from a Twitter list in Slack. There isn’t anything Zapier can’t do with its 400+ supported applications.


43. HubSpot

HubSpot has swiftly established itself as one of the leading inbound marketing companies. Given how comprehensive this product is, it would be hard to cover all aspects of HubSpot marketing software. To have a better grasp of what the program can accomplish for you, go to this page and take a product tour. HubSpot includes tools for just about every marketing job you can think of, including:

  • Blogging
  • SEO
  • The Internet and Use of social media
  • Managerial leadership
  • Landing pages are a kind of web page that is used
  • Email
  • Analytics


44. Cision

With 100,000 clients, Cision must be doing something right. Cision offers several software solutions for content marketing, media monitoring, and press release dissemination, among other things. You can obtain aid with all parts of content production, content amplification, and outcomes measurement using its content marketing component, for example.


Tools for Content Creation

 45. Contently

Do you want to take your content marketing approach to the next level? This is an area where Contently shines. You’ll receive all the aid you need in generating, distributing, and optimizing content with this award-winning platform. Even better, you can develop and manage your content in one location, ensuring that everyone on your team is on the same page. Contently also features a comprehensive analytics tool that advises you on what to do next, ensuring that you get the most out of your content.


46. NewsCred 

NewsCred is a one-of-a-kind platform that enables your brand to “grow with efficiency, agility, and scalability.”

NewsCred can assist people who need assistance with article generation. For example, you may delegate content creation to someone else if you have a broad network of creators.


47. Compose.ly 

This is a fantastic way to locate your ideal freelance writer. Compose.ly pairs you with authors who have expertise in your field rather than generalist writers. That implies you’ll receive far better writing than usual. They also put authors through extensive testing before enabling them to use the platform. So you’ll know whether a writer is excellent when you discover them. Compose.ly also has several different options to choose from, based on your budget. You may either pay by the project and get a certain number of posts or pay by the center. You may also sign up for a long-term contract to help you expand your content marketing operation.

48. Textbroker

Textbroker bills itself as a premier article writing service, and there are several reasons to use it. Even though you will never write a single word, a self-service platform puts you in command of the content development process from start to finish. You may also choose the quality level corresponding to the money you will spend. If you don’t have access to high-quality material, you won’t thrive in content marketing. Many marketers use Textbroker to combat this problem.


49. Readability Test Tool 

A valuable tool for determining the readability of any website. You may test using either a URL or a direct input. In any case, the outcomes are beneficial. The Coleman Liau Index, the Flesch Kincaid Reading Ease, and the Gunning Fog Score are among the readability metrics used by this instrument. It’s time to rewrite your material if it has a poor readability score.



50. Trello
Trello is a project management solution that is available for free. It’s designed for teams, but it can also be used to keep your work organized. It lets you make “boards,” similar to the cork boards that people post on their walls, and then “cards” for them. Make a separate board for each major item you wish to keep track of. One for your content calendar (containing cards for published material, forthcoming content, and content ideas) and another for your promotional activity, for example.


You may make as many lists as you like on each board and add cards to each of them. Here’s an example of a content brainstorming board:


You can change the cards and move them about the list by dragging and dropping them. Finally, it assists you in staying organized by providing you Reminders before the deadline. Another feature worth mentioning is the “add members” option, found in any board’s menu.


Members may be allocated to specific cards to get notifications about changes and due dates.


51. Basecamp

Whether you’re in charge of a project or a group, Basecamp provides you with all the tools you need to succeed. Content marketers, for example, utilize Basecamp to coordinate outreach efforts. It ensures that everyone engaged is on the same page and that no one walks on another’s toes. Another thing to remember is that Basecamp 3 was introduced in late 2015 with a completely redesigned user interface.


52. Google Calendar

Your ability to remain organized and accomplish projects on time is crucial to your content marketing success. Google Calendar is a free application that makes keeping track of critical events and activities connected to your content strategy a breeze. Anyone who requires access to the calendar, from colleagues to customers, should have it.


53. MindNode

There are two approaches to mind mapping. It may lead to a brilliant idea or an excruciating feeling of dissatisfaction. MindNode can assist you if you often fall into the latter category. The MindNode app visualizes your thoughts, helping you plan out your brainstorming session and take action. How many times have you forgotten about a brilliant blog post idea? How many times has analysis paralysis caused you to become sluggish? Thanks to MindNode, this is no longer an issue.


54. Asana 

Make no mistake: Asana just has one goal: to help you stay on track with your tasks. Whether you’re a one-person shop or a 100-person corporation, every project must flow quickly through the pipeline. Asana, which Harvard University uses, Major League Baseball, and Uber, makes this feasible by offering project management tools that monitor projects from start to finish.


55. Evernote 

If you’re having problems remembering things for any reason, Evernote may help. This handy tool is one of the most popular organizing systems available, and many people use it to keep track of everything related to their company. Evernote may be used to keep track of blog post ideas, plan following actions, maintain an editorial schedule, and share your opinions with others.


56. Wunderlist 

I’m sorry to inform you that Wunderlist has been discontinued. Here’s an excellent selection of Wunderlist alternatives, including a to-do list app.


Content Tools in General


The BuzzSumo slogan will pique your interest: “For every subject or rival, analyze what material works best.” Fill in the search field with any subject or website, and BuzzSumo will do the rest. You’ll be provided with the most shared articles on any topic in seconds, along with a breakdown by social platform. You can even see how many backlinks each piece generates. Use it for yourself and to keep track of your competitors. It’s undoubtedly one of the most widely used and trusted tools among content marketers.


58. Help a Reporter Out (HARO)

HARO connects you with journalists if you require a quotation for a forthcoming blog post (or another piece of material). You may also utilize the service to publish your work in several places. When you sign up as an expert, you’ll be offered chances to share your expertise and build your brand and authority.


59. Google Drive

The more material you create, the more storage space you’ll require. Because you don’t want to lose any of it, Google Drive has become quite popular. Content marketers use Google Drive to preserve and distribute information. This tool has a place in your toolkit as a free cloud storage provider!


60. iSpionage 

Content marketing might often be more about the competitors than about you. You may learn about your rivals’ PPC approach with iSpionage. “The only competitor intelligence solution that watches the whole conversion funnel,” says iSpionage. This tool may assist you in examining the inner workings of your competitor while keeping a close check on sponsored advertising. You could just come up with a plan that can help your company grow.


61. Pocket 

You may stumble upon a tale that you want to come back to later only to forget about it. Pocket guards against this by allowing you to find and store any story that piques your attention. This program, compatible with over 300 apps, will keep any resource for you to utilize later.


Marketing through email

62. Aweber

Affordable. Easy to use. Full of features. These are just a few words and phrases that describe Aweber Marketing through the email platform. But, if you want to do Marketing through email the right way, Aweber won’t let you down. An industry leader in deliverability and mobile tools, this platform will help you, as a content marketer, to achieve great results.


63. MailChimp

Don’t let the name fool you. There is no monkeying around when you use this Marketing through email solution. Instead, MailChimp has just one goal: to assist consumers in “sending a better email.”The firm has about 10 million users that send 600 million emails every day. It’s hard to enumerate all of this email platform’s perks and features, but its adaptability merits particular attention. MailChimp is created to help marketers send better emails, regardless of their industry, size, or personal style.


64. GetResponse 

Another Marketing through email platform, GetResponse, attracts customers based on the premise that its solution is the “easiest” globally. GetResponse serves 350,000 people in 182 countries. These customers communicate with about 1 billion email users each month. A feature list for both novices and experienced email marketers is one of GetResponse’s main advantages.


65. VerticalResponse

Are you interested in a tool that can combine your Marketing through email with your Internet and Use of social media marketing? VerticalResponse does just that. It is designed to help users create, send, and track emails and The Internet and Use of social media updates across every type of device. VerticalResponse is doing something right, with over 1 million clients and 15 years of expertise in the industry. It may be time to figure out what it is.


66. iContact 

With a focus on small and medium-sized businesses, iContact provides various tools for Marketing through email success. Results are used to evaluate all types of content marketing. And, thanks to iContact’s results-oriented features, you’ll be confident in your decision.


67. Constant Contact

You have seen the commercials. You may even know a few people using Constant Contact for their Marketing through email. But until you try it yourself, you will never truly understand what it offers. With easy-to-use features, including customizable templates, the tool can help anybody looking for help with Marketing through email to get started. The company has positioned itself as the Marketing through email solution for anybody and everybody, which has turned it into a billion-dollar company with customers worldwide.


That’s why I’ve compiled a list of 22 of the most acceptable Plugins for Gmail to help you clean out your inbox (and keep it clean), send more open-worthy emails, and boost your email productivity. Of course, you won’t install them all, and you shouldn’t, but I’m sure you’ll discover at least a few that will improve the outcomes of your emailing efforts.

68. Nimble

Agile addresses the challenge of remembering everything there is to know about a contact. It may also save you a lot of time. There are a couple of pretty handy features in this program. The main one is the “contact record” function. When you add a contact to the tool, it will pull up any easily findable information on that contact (like The Internet and the Use of social media profiles on all the extensive networks):


You may see all of their social accounts and the information gathered at any moment by going into any individual contact. Furthermore, it acts nearly like a traditional CRM (customer relationship management) tool, enabling you to assign tasks to individuals (either you or your staff) and log previous conversations with them.


One of the most valuable aspects of all of this is that the application pulls data from social accounts and filters out many rosary data. You’ll end up with a profile of each contact that’s both brief and useful:


69. FollowUpThen 

Things become frantic quickly when you start sending (and receiving) hundreds of emails in a short period. You may be able to keep your inbox somewhat clean at first, but as soon as you don’t react to a few emails straight away, they begin to pile up. This application is the answer, and it’s a straightforward approach to keep your inbox clean, so you don’t miss important messages and don’t feel pressured. The following is how it works: You just forward an email to an email address managed by the program if you don’t want to deal with it right away for any reason. There are a plethora of options available to you. However, here are a few examples:

  • 2hours@followupthen.com
  • 3days@followupthen.com
  • 4weeks@followupthen.com
  • 3m@thenfollowup.com (3 months)
  • 11am@followupthen.com
  • 1132am@followupthen.com
  • mar30@followupthen.com
  • 22april@followupthen.com

Simply send the email to one of those addresses, and it will resend the original email to you at the time you choose. Keep in mind that if you want to ensure that you follow up with the recipient, you may BCC one of these addresses while sending an email. Here’s an example of how it works in practice. Let’s assume you get an email from me informing you of a new blog article. You’re ecstatic (right? ), but you just don’t have time to read the article right now. So you forward it to “3days@followupthen.com” instead of leaving it in your inbox and potentially forgetting about it.


You may now delete the email from your inbox with the assurance that it will be returned in three days when you have more time.

Plugins for Gmail

70. Boomerang

Use it to schedule emails or remind yourself to send one at a certain time. Boomerang helps content marketers handle a variety of issues. For example, do you ever want to answer an email but not immediately? For example, suppose you have a week to deliver an invoice. Boomerang allows you to arrange when your email should be sent. Here’s how it’s done:

You won’t have to remember to send the email again after you’ve sent it, and it won’t clog up your inbox. Another excellent use of the scheduling tool is for link outreach efforts. Emailing someone at 2 a.m. is a sure way to have your message lost in the shuffle of the day’s emails. According to MailChimp, the most incredible email open rates occur between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.


Schedule emails to be sent within this time if you’re sending them to someone you don’t know well. This will increase the odds of their getting read. While the plugin has a few additional features, the next most beneficial one matches the reason for the plugin’s name. Even if you want to, you may not be able to react to an email straight away. For example, you can be waiting for specific outcomes or replies from other team members on a project. So, if a customer sends you an email at the start of the day asking for an update, you may “boomerang” the email to make it vanish from your inbox—for now—and reappear later tagged “unread.” This will keep emails from being lost in the shuffle.

71. FollowupCC

We often want to follow up with someone but fail to do so. When sending or responding to an email, this plugin allows you to select a follow-up date. If your receiver hasn’t responded, you’ll get a new email in that thread encouraging you to follow up.


Another characteristic makes it difficult to classify this plugin. You have the option of monitoring who opens your emails when you send them. The results are shown in a sidebar as follows:


Only 2% of purchases are made on the first contact in the sales process. After the sixth interaction, 80% of the cases occur. You probably use email to create connections and work with individuals, even if you’re not actively engaged in the sales process. If you don’t follow up, you’re likely to lose a significant amount of business (and earnings) since your emails were simply ignored or buried. The results are certainly worth your work, particularly considering how little it takes to send a follow-up (especially with a plugin). Try it out: start following up regularly when you don’t hear back from contact. I believe you’ll be pleasantly pleased by the outcomes in the long run.

72. Right Inbox 

Is there such a thing as Gmail productivity? Totally! With this FREE extension, you can go from an unstructured, chaotic inbox to an enhanced email experience in minutes. Moreover, features like the right inbox work smoothly with Gmail to deliver a productivity-boosting experience.

  • Scheduling emails
  • Reminders
  • Email templates that may be sent with a single click
  • Signatures
  • Notes in private
  • Merge your emails

Do you need to send your 2 a.m. email at 8 a.m. two days later? It’s no issue. Perhaps you’d want to make a customized reminder to contact someone who hasn’t replied in a few days. You’re taken care of! Maybe you’d like to quickly generate a variety of signatures based on who you’re contacting.


You won’t even notice it’s there since the integration is so smooth. You also receive advanced features on their premium plan (beginning at $5.95/mo if you pay yearly) such as:

  • Emails that are sent on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis
  • To monitor when and whether your emails are opened, use email tracking.
  • Sequences for automatically scheduling follow-ups
  • The use of their basic functionality is unrestricted.

Remove the need to install a slew of extensions and programs. Instead, the right inbox gives you fast access to various options that will help you improve your Gmail experience and increase inbox efficiency.

73. WiseStamp

Make a unique email signature with WiseStamp. If you’ve ever contacted me, you’ll notice that I have an unusual signature at the bottom of every email:


A decent email signature is a terrific way to promote your brand. It’s an opportunity to distinguish while still conveying crucial information with little effort. If you get a lot of emails, including a sentence like mine in your signature can drastically reduce the number of emails you receive. Furthermore, it prevents others from mistaking your quick responses for rudeness due to time restrictions. WiseStamp enables you to personalize your email signature. You may put a photo, links to social media accounts or websites, phone numbers, and whatever message you want—the possibilities are endless.


74. Yesware 

When sending an email, all you have to do is tick the box next to “Track” at the bottom. Yesware will keep track of every action your receiver makes with your email in the future.


The results of tracking may be seen in two different ways. You may examine the most recent email statistics in a restricted collapsible panel above your inbox, or you can dive into deeper reports on the Yesware website.


In the comprehensive reports, you may evaluate your performance for all of the critical indicators, such as clicks and openings. For example, if you’re doing an email outreach campaign, there’s a good chance you’ll be sending out hundreds of emails with identical subject lines. You can split-test which subject line receives the most opens and good reactions by producing a few versions. Take the winner as your new default, and then start testing again during your next campaign. Last but not least, Yesware allows you to create and preserve email templates. Create a template and incorporate it into your following blank email if you find yourself sending many identical emails. This tool may save you a lot of time during email outreach initiatives.

75. BananaTag 

BananaTag is a similar plugin to Yesware. Simply choose the tag option at the bottom of each email, and you’ll be able to observe when and who opens it later. The statistics are also quite good, enabling you to track your open email rate over time and experiment with different strategies to increase it.


Finally, they’ve created a beta tool that enables you to schedule email sending, which might remove the need for a separate plugin.

76. ToutApp

This plugin is a bit more complex and is designed for usage by a group. It tracks email openings, interactions (clicks/downloads), and responses the same way as the other plugins in this area do. ToutApp also has simple templates to store and utilize, which may help you save time while doing repeated outreach. The most significant distinction between ToutApp and the other plugins in this category, in my opinion, is that ToutApp focuses on monitoring by a person rather than email. This is a massive advantage if you connect with the same individuals regularly and discover which emails they reply to the best.


Finally, keep in mind that ToutApp is a premium app only. There is no free level, although they provide a 14-day free trial. It’s geared for teams and experienced marketers rather than fresh people to the sector.

77. Streak

Unlike most other CRM solutions, Streak is created particularly for Gmail, giving it an edge over many of the most well-known CRM firms. It comes with a simple dashboard that is integrated into Gmail. For example, as prospects go through your funnel, you may color-code them.


A CRM like this is functional because it takes a complicated collection of data and displays it in an easy-to-understand chart or spreadsheet. As a result, you won’t forget to follow up with anybody, even if you have numerous leads at various phases of your funnel. While this is generally used for sales, there’s no reason why you couldn’t utilize a similar approach to cultivate influencer connections. Apart from standard CRM functionality, Streak also includes several fundamental business tools that you could find helpful, such as:

  • email assistance (customer service)
  • development of a project
  • fundraising
  • tracking of bugs


78. WORKetc CRM

Another highly-regarded CRM plugin for Gmail is WORKetc CRM. It isn’t as attractive as some of its rivals, but it functions well. This CRM plugin is built for teams, and it performs well in that regard. It also includes excellent built-in project management and invoicing facilities, which may significantly benefit specific firms. It syncs with Gmail rather than being integrated into it. This might be irritating at times, but it can be helpful if you’re dealing with external documents and calendars that you wish to sync.

79. Strideapp (previously ProsperWorks)

Do you recognize the dashing young man on the homepage? That’s the company I was referring to previously. It’s another Google App created just for Gmail users (rather than a poor adaptation of an app). It is simpler than some alternatives, but that’s also a good thing for anyone looking for a lightweight CRM. It is a CRM tool, and it does CRM well. And while it syncs with your Google calendar, contacts, etc., it doesn’t try to handle billing or development of a project.


Because I’m prejudiced, I’ll instead copy a portion of a user’s review: “[Where] The task management capabilities of the addon stand out. There are a lot of occasions when a group of us are working on separate tasks for one prospect that is all connected. It got rid of unsightly spreadsheet pipelines, forwarded email chains, and hours spent looking for and arranging things.” When you open Gmail, you’ll get a typical sidebar with your contact history and profile:


80. Discoverly

Discoverly was one of Rapportive’s first big rivals. It contains many of the same features as the original Rapportive. As is customary, the right-hand sidebar widget offers links to the displayed contact’s accounts on prominent social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, as well as information about connections (friends) and recent activity. It’s straightforward, but that’s part of the charm.


81. Full Contact 

One of the newest entrants into the competitive field of contact profiling widgets is Full Contact.


It also has a simple yet beautiful design. The importance of social engagement is minimized in the main panel in favor of other data. While there are few logos for social media, most of the area is devoted to letting you add tags or notes to a contact. It also clearly indicates your contact’s location and time zone, which is helpful for scheduling communications. Simply click on the social tab at the bottom of the widget to view the most current social activity. An essential aspect is that it seems to be one of the most dependable plugins presently available for locating contact information, which is the most difficult for plugins in this field.

82. Unroll.me

How many emails from other marketers do you end up deleting after looking at them for a few seconds 90% of the time? Signing up for email lists is commonplace. You could do it because you like someone’s work or just want to keep up with what they’re up to. However, you’re likely to get yourself on a lot more lists over time, which will overload you and your inbox. Unroll. Me’s goal is to condense all of the communications you wish to read into one easy-to-read email every day. You may also quickly go through your existing subscriptions and unsubscribe from any lists you don’t want to be on. Sure, it’ll take a few minutes now, but in the long term, it’ll save you hours.


83. Assistant.to

Have you ever been tired of attempting to locate a meeting time that is convenient for both you and the other party? This plugin is the most incredible free plugin available to assist you with this job. This plugin connects to your Google Calendar, allowing you to pick a spare time in the coming days for meetings effortlessly. You specify the amount of time necessary for the discussion in the email itself, then click on the free time in your calendar. The plugin arranges the various time choices so that your receiver may click on a convenient time, and the meeting will be scheduled immediately.


84. ActiveInbox 

While some of us are better than others at procrastinating, most of us do so until a deadline approaches. This plugin was made to address that issue. You may look through many emails and give a priority and a due date to each one. They’ll be placed logically so you can deal with them as quickly as possible.


One caveat: There is a free trial, but it is a paid tool after that (a few dollars a month). By the Conclusion of the problem, you should know if the device is worth paying for.

85. AwayFind

Raise your hand if you check your email often during the day. Almost every single one does. It’s a waste of time that keeps you from completing genuine work that adds value. This plugin was built so you wouldn’t have to worry about missing critical emails if you stopped monitoring your mailbox. You may use it to create filters so that if a particular individual sends you an email during a specified time window, you will get a phone call or text message on your mobile phone with the email’s text.


You’ll still receive emails you want to read right away within the time range you choose, but the less essential items will have to wait.

86. Taskforce

The task force is a great to-do list that you can modify in Gmail while you’re on the go. This eliminates the need to keep track of tasks in a separate spreadsheet or text file. This spares you from having to constantly hunt for and read emails if you don’t write down chores in the first place. You may also assign employees to specific tasks. They’ll get an email update after you’ve completed the assignment.



87. WordPress

A list of the best content marketing tools would be incomplete without discussing WordPress.Tens of millions of websites use the WordPress content management system. Top publications such as TechCrunch, The New Yorker, and BBC America. Even if you’ve never blogged before, you can create a free WordPress website in minutes. It’s then a simple matter of sharing your material with the rest of the world. As a result, many businesses’ entire content marketing strategy is built on their WordPress-powered blogs.


88. Yoast 

Content marketing and website optimization are a match made in heaven. Yoast offers several WordPress plugins that may assist users in optimizing their sites. For example, the Yoast SEO plugin and Google Analytics by Yoast have been downloaded tens of millions of times. Yoast plugins may assist you in terms of optimization if you have a WordPress-powered website.


Keep your attention on your work

The tools provided will assist you in focusing like a laser.

89. StayFocused

This tool’s name is self-explanatory. It’s a free Chrome extension that enables you to block annoying websites. After you’ve installed it, go to the settings and choose the websites you want to stop:


You may choose the “nuclear option,” which disables all websites for the duration of your choice. Alternatively, you may add a few websites to your “banned sites” list that spend the most of your time.


90. Tomato Timer

There are a variety of productivity tools available to help you remain focused. The Pomodoro method is one of the most well-known. The central concept is to divide your work into 25-minute blocks with 5-minute rest intervals in between. It’s a short enough period that you won’t become too tired, but long enough that you can get as much work done as possible. This is a primary timer made just for this technique:


Increasing the number of high-quality backlinks

The third category of tools in this article focuses on assisting you in increasing the number of links to your content. Any advertising effort would be incomplete without links. Links may offer you rapid traffic, but they can also provide you consistent, long-term traffic by helping you rank higher in search engines (that’s SEO 101).

91. Citation Labs

Citation Labs aren’t just one tool; it’s a collection of them:


However, there are two in particular that are helpful for our purposes. The broken link-building tool is the first. The program is relatively easy to use. First, you provide a keyword (or many keywords) that characterize the material you created:


The program will then display a long list of broken URLs. But, unfortunately, these aren’t working the way they used to.


However, there is one additional item in the results that is critical: the number of links pointing to the broken page. The goal is to contact as many websites that link to the broken page as possible and inform them that their connection is no longer functional. Then, as a substitute, you might offer your material. The more closely your page resembles the original material, the better. Check out my guide on broken link building for more information. Prospector for links: This is the second Citation Labs tool that might be helpful in this situation. You look for a term that suits your content once again. This time, the program displays a list of pages and websites from which you may be able to get links:


There will be several resource pages among them. You may just contact them and request that they include your material. Some of the others may be guest postings. You’ll have to propose your guest post idea in this situation, and you may be able to link back to your original piece of material. This program provides a variety of content kinds related to your fabric, so if you can gain connections from any of them, it will be beneficial. It still leaves you with a lot of work to do, but it will save you time identifying excellent sites and pages to link.

92. Ahrefs 

Scalable link building is impossible without a solid link database. There are a few other choices, but Ahrefs provides the most comprehensive link database. You can try it out for free, but it will be severely restricted. You’ll eventually need to upgrade to a premium account, which isn’t cheap. You may go with the following tool, Majestic, if you want something a little less expensive.


Ahrefs is divided into two halves: one of which is the content explorer, which is currently in its early stages of development. The program delivers the most popular and relevant articles from its database when you search for a subject.



You may sort by the number of social shares a piece of material has received on any of the leading social networks, as well as the number of websites that link to it. The simplest method to utilize this data for promotion is to sort by connecting domains and see who joined those results. Then, contact out each of those related sites through email to see if they’d be willing to link to your material as well. The link database, which Ahrefs was initially known for, is the second most crucial aspect of the service. To use the tool, enter any domain or URL:


It will then provide you with a wealth of critical connecting data.


This goes well with the content explorer since it allows you to see all of the websites that connect to each piece of popular content. You may also sort the links by the authority to only contact sites with a high URL rating which will significantly impact your search results.

93. Majestic 

When it comes to a link database, this is a viable option for Ahrefs. It lacks the content explorer, but it does offer one of the most comprehensive and valuable link databases available. It functions similarly to Ahrefs. When you enter a URL or domain, the tool delivers all of the link data it has:


The program divides the URL and domain ratings into two categories: citation and trust flow. Because spam links’ trust flow numbers are usually substantially lower than their citation flow values, it’s pretty simple to recognize them. You may utilize this in the same manner as before. First, look for material related to yours and has relevant backlinks. Then, using Majestic, locate those backlinks and contact them to see if they’ll link to your material.


Just because you’ve implemented a content marketing plan doesn’t imply it’s flawless. Always be on the lookout for methods and resources that can help you improve your strategy. To make the most of your abilities, you’ll need the correct equipment. You wouldn’t hire carpenters to construct a home with a spoon; you’d give them hammers and saws instead. After going through these content marketing tools, you should understand which ones would work best with your current strategy and future ambitions. Maybe you are seeking a few tools for more efficient content distribution. Or perhaps you need one to help with the Automation of your processes. Regardless of your situation, there are many options out there. Good marketers know how to utilize existing technologies to maintain a high level of quality in their job and save time that might be spent elsewhere.

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