10 Tips To Help You Find Interesting Topics in Minutes

There are many ways to find interesting topics, but you don’t always have time. So here are ten tips to help you brainstorm ideas quickly to write blog content faster than ever. It has ten tips, so it’s easy to find an interesting topic. The article also includes examples of what the author believes are high-quality blog posts.



You’ve undoubtedly been in a situation like this before. I’m sure I have. You’re at a loss for words. I’m guessing you’ve been blogging for three or four years at this point. It might be as little as three or four months. And that’s all there is to it. Why? Because you’ve already written all, there is to say on the topic. All paths, themes, methods, viewpoints, options, and strategies have been explored. It’s finished. Because you don’t have anything more to say, your blogging career must come to an end. It’s pointless to attempt to fake it and keep posting rehashed fluff to keep your audience happy since they’ll catch on quickly. You’re out if you run out of ideas. You can’t merely force yourself to create fresh material on demand. So, what exactly do you do? It’s time to take a step back and plan. I’ve been blogging for quite a while now. Isn’t ten years a long time? And I haven’t stopped yet. On Quick Sprout, I’m not simply blogging. I’m also writing for NeilPatel.com, contributing to Huffington Post, Forbes, and Inc., and contributing guest posts to other marketing sites. Yes, I deal with the same issues all the time, but I must always produce new and distinctive stuff.

Methods to find interesting topics in few minutes

1. Don’t rely just on reading. Instead, examine the news from many perspectives.

It’s not always as simple as doing a quick Google search to keep up with what’s going on in your sector. Google News indexes a small number of websites and even fewer for its news aggregator for its online searches.


Begin with a simple search and compare your results and headlines to those from other news sources. You were researching the demographics of your favorite news sources and identifying some of the most well-known brand names in the sector, as well as prominent commentators linked with that business, which may be pretty beneficial. Next, please take notice of your company’s movers and shakers and keep track of their moves. Follow them on social media to see what they’re reading, sharing, and retweeting in addition to what they’re publishing. You’ll be able to see what’s on their thoughts, and by understanding how influencers in your sector think, you’ll be able to predict tomorrow’s headlines.

2. Use social media comments to stay in touch with the public’s voice.

After reading the most reputable and well-known sources, keep exploring new ideas. Why? Because social media is now trending with some of the most delicate conversation starters. These themes may not have originated from a reputable news source, but do they pique your interest? Absolutely! More people in the United States obtain their news from Facebook and Twitter than network television.


Some of the most outrageous “guilty pleasure” postings circulating on Facebook (you know, titles like “Child Sues Mother for Deleting All Her iPad Apps” or something) are excellent sources of inspiration. Well, I do sometimes visit websites only to read the comments! Why? I try to figure out what people think about trends, what questions they’re asking, and what motivates them to remark. Nobody holds back when it comes to speaking their thoughts! The things I’ve read have astounded me. To inquire about the tales and articles you’ve been reading.

  • Why did this cause such a stir?
  • What prompted the responses?
  • What was the most common topic of discussion?
  • Apart from the individual interviewed for the article, who else could be affected by this occurrence or trend?
  • What do you think the long-term consequences of these new trends will be?
  • What does this tell us about how people’s opinions on a specific issue have evolved (a few years, for example)?

Perhaps the Facebook article you saw will inspire you to write a post on “How many parents admit to using iPads to keep their children quiet?” It’s a similar debate to the original article you read, but it’s also more relevant to your audience if you’re an app developer or iPad merchant. Unexpected sources of inspiration may be found. The more you feed your mind regularly, the more ideas flow to you. As soon as you have an idea, write it down. Keeping up with social media news—and, more importantly, user responses and how the information affects them—is a terrific area for inspiration.

3. Visit some Q&A sites, and borrow their questions.

Most questions on Q&A sites are public domain. Your answers can prove to be invaluable. Industry leaders are always willing to answer a customer’s inquiry, and it’s only courteous to do so. Guess where these folks go to obtain an expert opinion on a problem they’re having? They don’t just walk into your office or browse your website, do they? It’s possible that they won’t even do a keyword search. No, they ask anybody who happens to be around. Today’s generation is used to asking inquiries and receiving responses in under 30 seconds. They’ll question random groups of individuals if their pals don’t know the answer.

What’s more, guess what? Someone eventually responds. That’s why you have sites like LinkedIn, Yahoo Answers, and Quora, where you can search through hundreds of industry-specific questions.


Searching these sites is a double advantage for you. You can answer the questions on the site (getting some attention from the mainstream) and then write a new blog post or article by turning that brief Q&A into an entire 500-1000-word discussion. Expand on the answers previously provided and offer further information on the problem. Judging from the growing databases of these Q&A sites, you’ll never run out of questions to answer—very often, even with niche topics.

4. Keep track of client issues and inquiries in your database.

By now, you’ve probably sold dozens, if not hundreds, of things. As a result, you’ll have many case studies to explore for your own marketing needs. What did your consumers have to say about you in their reviews? What were the questions they posed? Pay heed to the reviews.


Their remarks, survey results, emails, and testimonials may all help you come up with new concepts. I read the reviews people write to discover what will be popular tomorrow. I checked all of the reviews very away to determine whether the consumer was pleased and had any recommendations for improvement. I exploit their excitement, whether favorable or unfavorable, to stoke the debate over the website’s content. Start learning about your customer’s personality and demography today if you haven’t already. Send a survey form with each product delivery and offer them a reward for taking the time to complete it. This will provide you with insight into your customers’ minds, and it is the most direct and practical approach to continue generating the material they want to read.

5. Look into what your rivals have previously accomplished.

There’s no shame in learning from someone who shares your ambition and dedication. Please make a list of your nearest rivals, both in terms of industry and local or long-tail keywords, and keep track of what they’re writing about and why. Now, you don’t want to replicate their whole content verbatim. Instead, examine their subjects and develop methods to elaborate on the tale. Ask yourself whether there is a way to narrow down a broad issue like food safety to something more particular, such as recent modifications in the FDA’s Food Safety Modernization Act. If the subject is too narrow and you can’t develop a means to make it into a unique piece, extend it to your area of expertise. However, redoing something that is already effective and niche-specific makes little sense. Coming up with new ideas entails half-researching other people’s brilliant ideas and half-brainstorming methods to improve your own.

6. Do some offline research on your career history and any comparable occupations.

It may surprise you to learn that books contain significantly more information than the unlimited internet. Although the internet facilitates study, the online material is not as extensive as we may believe. Libraries and bookshops are undervalued sources of knowledge, especially when researching the neglected or little-known history and studies. Paperback or hardcover books have far better quality and are more in-depth than Internet e-books or articles, which scrape the surface of what we know. Consider only the amount. According to a conservative Google Books Esti, mate around 130,000,000 books is still in existence worldwide. However, the figure might be more significant. Amazon, on the other hand, has fewer than a million e-books and 1.8 million print volumes for sale, despite being widely regarded as the ultimate supplier of books (according to a Quora discussion). Libraries provide access to newspapers, journals, encyclopedias, and archive records that are not available online due to a lack of interest in them. However, there is enough information in these archives to keep a blog going for years. Take your search offline and bring back a jewel of information if you want to distinguish yourself as an authority in your subject and generate unique material.

7. Speak with a professional.

Because repeating press releases are easy to employ, content writers frequently overlook the possibility of interviewing an expert. Suppose you require a series of fascinating blogs or articles. In that case, however, reaching out to an expert in your business (or a similar area) for an in-depth conversation may provide enough knowledge to create several separate entries. Many experts may give you an interview for free if you have a favorite blog or are covering a specialized topic with little information. Many specialists are ready to do online consultations, either to clarify what they believe is incorrect information on their case or to establish their reputation and make their name renowned on the internet. I recall interviewing many executives in the past, and the issue of compensation never came up. These specialists occasionally like sharing their expertise and having someone listen to them. It’s a win-win since they know you’ll market the interview, mainly if you keep the conversation quick and use phone or video chat. ProfNet, a PRNewswire affiliate, is a website that connects authors with experts (or their agents) in a variety of subjects. Some may do quick interviews for free via the internet or over the phone. Some specialists may demand a fee, which may be worthwhile if the topic allows you to generate a lot of content and get highly focused visitors.

8. Bring in new blood.

The most excellent method to think beyond the box is to get new viewpoints. If you run out of ideas, have a brainstorming session with the rest of the team. Owners often recruit fresh blood to assist in brainstorming sessions. Even if you work as an individual web content writer, you may tap into new talent by simply initiating discussions with coworkers or online friends. Many of my websites, including Crazy Egg, include information from various sources. One of the reasons the material remains current is this. Having authors from multiple experiences and demographics contributes to a more diversified, sometimes even opposing, perspective on the events we cover. Hearing about your coworkers’ or acquaintances’ personal experiences might also pique your interest. People are undoubtedly often telling you tales about their life, such as a thrilling commute to work, a weekend trip, and so on. Do you ever stop to think to yourself, “You know, this would be a terrific blog topic!”? You may recount their experiences or alter them to create a conversation with your audience with their permission.

9. Learn to read your adversaries’ work.

It’s funny how unwilling we are to listen to our adversaries or, in some circumstances, the “quacks” of a field that we assume are propagating anti-advice. This is why some individuals block news sources that they consider biased or ignore social media users that irritate them. However, I believe that conflict produces some fascinating insights into any sector. When someone disagrees with you, take advantage of the chance to practice your arguing abilities. First, you brush up on your history and scientific expertise to provide an informed reply. When writing a dissertation in college, this is a conventional procedure. Next, you enhance your argument by studying the other side’s point of view, considering their objections and research. It makes no difference whether you agree with the perspective or not. It’s a part of your industry, whether spoken or written. Perhaps your online material needs to rectify the misunderstandings. Be receptive to new information. Even if it seems absurd, try out innovative and out-of-the-box ideas. This is only a side effect of the brainstorming process. You may locate the proper concept by spending some time examining incorrect assumptions about your sector. You’ll also be more enthusiastic about your field. Before deciding what side got right and wrong, I make it a point to read all sides of a debate. It’s also a good idea to play “devil’s advocate” on your industry blog. After reading someone else’s narrative, I sometimes come up with a subject that I believe is entirely untrue and deceptive.

What’s more, guess what? It sparks a lively debate, providing material for three more pieces. As this Pew Center image shows, numerous well-known news organizations are connected with skewed perspectives:


Bias isn’t always a negative thing, and it doesn’t imply you should shun biased media. Likewise, objectivity isn’t something you’re concerned about. Instead, reading conflicting points of view on the same issue might help you develop new ideas for new themes.

10. Keep up with industry news.

For industry news, social media is not the only option. While social media is necessary to understand the consumer’s perspective, blog writing is a different creature. Because of terrible hashtags, too much competition, and improper timing, you’ll regularly miss out on some pretty fantastic things if you don’t venture outside social media. Using a blog news app, on the other hand, will keep you up to speed with essential industry blogs as soon as they are published. In addition, you may get quick updates by subscribing to the RSS feed, or you can utilize a website like Bottlenose, a data discovery software that provides you with real-time insights into industry trends.


This is more than simply bookmarking; it also enables you to get analytical insights about brand drivers, consumer trends, emerging threats, and what your competitors are up to. In addition, Alltop is a free service that offers the most popular business blogs and the most popular news items.


You may also make your virtual magazine rack by compiling a list of the best websites, periodicals, and blogs. Even better, you can share your frame as a URL for simple access.


Finally, keep in mind that your brain is continually at work. It may even give birth to fresh thoughts while you’re sleeping. Ake a pause and sleep on it if you’re feeling exhausted and out of gas. Allow your mind to linger on the concept for a while, making subconscious connections while you focus on something else. Inspiration will hit you before you realize it. You’ll always be able to create fantastic content as long as you keep absorbing knowledge.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the most exciting topic to learn?

A: A wide variety of topics are interesting to learn about. There is a lot for people to discover!

How do I find a topic for content writing?

A: Sometimes, it’s hard to find a topic for content writing. I suggest that you start by asking yourself what your interests are. Then, think of issues with those interests and write about them. Some topics include science fiction, horror movies, and technology innovations in society.

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