Having Trouble Converting Your SEO Traffic?

You can take some steps to increase your website’s SEO traffic. One common mistake that many businesses make is not conducting keyword research for their site. Keywords, however, are just one part of the equation—the other crucial step is creating content that will move search engines to rank your site higher on SERPs. It’s an issue I see far too often. Marketers are well-versed in SEO strategies and are adept at implementing them. Before they realize it, their site’s monthly traffic has climbed to 3,000, 10,000, and 20,000 visitors. These marketers use this traffic to expand their email lists and increase their traffic counts. They’re ecstatic because they’ve heard several accounts of entrepreneurs earning five figures per month from email lists of just a few thousand people. Then they offer a product with appalling conversion rates. It makes no sense to them—after all, didn’t they do everything correctly? What’s the deal with their targeted visitors not being interested in their products? If you’ve ever been in this scenario, you know how painful and frustrating it is. I don’t want you to have to go through it if you haven’t already.

How you can utilize SEO more effectively:

Is this something you’ve heard before?

There was one critical error in that broad summary of SEO work. If you can prevent it, you’ll have a far better chance of building a long-term company. Simply put, this is the blunder: You’ve amassed a sizable following, but it’s not a coherent one. Put another way, the folks in your audience are too different. This is a problematic notion to grasp at first, but it will open your eyes once you do. You may have successfully monetized with Adsense or another comparable advertising network. As a result, your search traffic is of excellent quality. However, Adsense is clever; they show various adverts to different users depending on acquired data. They understand that an expert marketer isn’t seeking the same introductory SEO videos as a beginning marketer. As a result, while you’re monetizing using Adsense, it doesn’t matter what sort of SEO traffic you’re receiving. Is it time for the light bulb to go off? Every firm has to start somewhere, and the bulk of them only have a few goods, to begin with. If you’re still looking for your first significant SEO success, you may have one product. You’ll end up with a very mixed audience if you’ve been accumulating search traffic from all terms you can.

Let’s look at an example. Assume you’re a soccer blogger who has ranked #1 for the following keyword phrases:

  • “How to Improve Your Soccer Skills”
  • “Soccer betting” is a term used to describe betting on soccer matches.
  • “Watch soccer on the internet.”

Because all of the terms above include the word “soccer,” they must be relevant to you as a soccer blogger.


On the other hand, your company specializes in marketing soccer training packages to assist players in improving. People looking for betting information or watching professional matches aren’t interested in playing soccer themselves, despite their enthusiasm for the sport in general (for the most part). You’ll receive an excellent reaction from the people who joined up for your email list via the first post, but that’s all. I hope you can see what I’m getting at now: Your search engine traffic should draw visitors who are interested in both your specialty and the thing you’re offering. There will sometimes be three separate groups of individuals. However, if you’re ranking for many keywords, you can have many of them, which makes your results even worse. As you can see, the basis of the issue is your thoughtless attempt to rank for every term that is even somewhat connected to your specialty keyword. At that point, traffic is a vanity metric since the traffic you are receiving is neither targeted nor of high quality when it comes to your actual company.

Stop approaching SEO from the wrong direction.

It’s not your fault if you’ve ever fallen into this trap, but it’s a valuable lesson to learn from. The majority of SEOs use a backward approach to their work. They fixate over raw traffic figures, assuming that conversion will come later—unaware that they’re shooting themselves in the foot. They devote all their effort to researching and implementing SEO strategies without thoroughly understanding their goal or why they operate. And it all ends in the kind of calamity I’ve described. So, let’s get started with the basics: Search engine optimization (SEO) is a kind of marketing. The whole point of acquiring traffic from search engines is to attempt to move it into and through your funnel.


Leads are fed into the top of the graphic via marketing channels. You can generally consider your prospective customers’ pointers after you’ve added them to your email list and continue attempting to drive them down the funnel. Reverse-engineering your funnel is a good idea. Begin at the bottom and map out a route for a consumer to travel from the top to the bottom of the funnel. Next, determine the “proper” terms to attract buyers by arriving through search engines. In our soccer example, the keyword phrase “how to bet on soccer” has an absolute nil probability of bringing in a consumer for a training program. This method eliminates the issue of an irrelevant audience that will not go beyond the first step of your funnel. What sorts of individuals do you have in your niche? Some markets are riskier than others. There might be hundreds of people looking for loosely related phrases for some. Others may only have two or three kinds. The fewer sorts of individuals present, the lower the risk of tragedy. It’s an excellent practice to recognize the various types of individuals in your market quickly.

Let’s keep our example going. There are seven different categories of persons that could look for soccer-related information:

  • Adults and children that want to enhance their game
  • Gamblers
  • Coaches
  • Players’ parents
  • People who want to learn the fundamentals of a new pastime.
  • Referees attempting to have a better understanding of the game
  • Supporters (who like to watch the game)

That’s a total of seven kinds right from the bat. However, they might be subdivided much more. You may split players into three groups based on their proficiency level: beginners, intermediates, and experts will all be seeking various things. There are two types of gamblers: severe and casual. Parents may be split into two groups: those who want to learn how to introduce their kid to soccer and those who wish to assist their child get a soccer scholarship. Your product is likely to appeal to one or two of these sub-types, which is why it’s critical to know who you’re attempting to reach through search engines. After you’ve completed these steps, determine the sorts of individuals who might be interested in any items you now have or plan to have shortly. Make your statement as detailed as possible.

Now is the moment to assess your material.

Take a close look at your presentation material in the following stage. First, make a list of all the material you’ve published that has the potential to attract traffic from search engines. Then, even better, go to Google Analytics and export your content organized by the amount of organic traffic is generated (add a filter for “search traffic”) from the “behavior” section:


Create a column next to the title or URL in your spreadsheet. Go through each piece of material one at a time and categorize it with the type(s) of individuals who would be most interested in it. At the same time, highlight rows in green that include material relevant to the sort of individuals interested in your product (from the step before). A short peek at the bottom will reveal your position. Is there any non-targeted material you can salvage? Hopefully, you’ll have plenty of green, but it’s possible that you won’t. For example, you may discover that most of your content is viewed by visitors who will never make it through your sales funnel. Should you remove or leave the stuff alone? You could do either, but it would be a waste if the material is already producing visitors.

Instead, allow me to recommend a few more options:

  • fFirst, address add more internal links — You may use the authority you’ve acquired on non-targeted sites by adding internal links to targeted pages.
  • Stop adding visitors to these sites to your primary email list and start monetizing otherwise. instead, add them to a separate list and pitch them alternative items (if you don’t have any relevant ones, utilize affiliate products) or advertise to them.

While your primary attention should be on the green material you’ve found, it doesn’t mean you can’t benefit from previous efforts.

Pruning your keyword list can help you improve your SEO in the future.

You can’t go back in time and undo previous errors, but you can make sure they don’t happen again. You probably have a long list of keywords that you believe would be ideal for targeting based on your keyword research. It’s time to go through them again. While all of the keywords you picked earlier are likely ideal to target for some companies, not all of them are appropriate for yours. You’ll concentrate your time on highly relevant, targeted traffic rather than spending time generating and advertising content that attracts the incorrect sorts of viewers in your industry. Go through each term one by one, identifying the type(s) of persons who would look for it, just as we did previously.

Consider the following scenario:

  • “Gamblers” would look up “how to bet on soccer.”
  • “How to Improve Your Soccer Skills” would be searched by “players looking to improve.”

I strongly advise you to concentrate on the one principal thing you’re attempting to market. Then, in the future, you’ll be able to identify items to target these additional specialized categories. But, for the time being, focus on identifying the 1 or 2 sorts of customers who will purchase your goods and placing them at the top of your sales funnel. All keywords that don’t attract such persons should be removed (or hidden). In most circumstances, you’ll end up with a significantly smaller list of terms. Any search traffic you obtain from these terms, on the other hand, is nearly guaranteed to be very lucrative.

You aren’t restricted to SEO.

I understand why you would be hesitant to restrict the quantity of search traffic you can get. Knowing you’re receiving tens of thousands of search visits every month and that there are always more keywords to target gives you a sense of confidence. But here’s the thing: if you want to thrive, you should ignore vanity metrics like traffic and instead focus on the quality of visitors—and conversions.

Which one would you prefer?

  • 10,000 search visits, 500 of whom are specifically targeted
  • There were 1,000 search visits, all of whom were specifically targeted.

Even with a tenth of the first site’s traffic, the second site will consistently outperform the first. What about the second apprehension? You may have genuinely run out of keywords to target (other than very long-tail ones). So, what’s next? That’s when you’ll have to put your marketing knowledge to the test. If you genuinely comprehend that SEO is just one marketing channel, you are aware that there are several more.


You may locate the sort of folks you’re searching for on social networking sites, question sites, blogs, and a variety of other online platforms now that you know what you’re looking for.


This is one of the most fundamental principles for experienced marketers to grasp. The purpose of SEO is not to generate traffic. The objective is to create traffic that turns into paying clients. So don’t spend your time developing and advertising content that won’t bring in the correct kind of visitors. Instead, make sure you’re concentrating on attracting relevant search engine traffic to your website—I just showed you how.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is my website traffic not converting?

A: This could be several things, but I feel that the most likely cause is your website design. For example, if you have an unappealing icon for what it does and doesn’t look professional in general, then this will deter people from visiting more frequently. Also, some sites are too slow or clunky to use on mobile devices, leading to a drop-off in traffic.

Why Your SEO is not working?

A: The best way to increase your SEO is by building links and social media shares.

How can I change SEO traffic?

A: You can change the SEO traffic by visiting your account settings.

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