How to Generate Leads with Facebook Ads?

The world of online marketing is an ever-changing landscape. The nature of the industry makes it difficult for businesses to keep up with the latest trends and best practices. This blog post will provide insights into how you can better utilize Facebook Ads in your business, leading to more leads and conversions. Social media marketing has become one of the most influential companies to succeed in the digital age. 95% of individuals between 18 and 34 use social media to follow businesses. In this area, Facebook is the clear leader. Facebook has 2.2 billion monthly active users, according to Statista. It’s easy to understand why having a presence on this platform is tempting to companies. I’m hoping your business is on Facebook as well. To be successful at Facebook marketing, you must be engaged daily. Create and share stuff on your profile. Distribute photographs and videos, as well as execute promotions. You may broadcast live videos to your Facebook friends. That is something you should take advantage of as well. Live videos are so powerful as a marketing approach that they made my list of the top marketing trends to watch. Many of these advertising strategies may be carried out at no cost.

However, if you want to take your social media marketing approach to the next level, you must use Facebook ads. So, what is the purpose of Facebook? In addition to having the most significant number of monthly active users compared to other social platforms, Facebook advertising has a high return on investment (ROI):


Running these adverts is not free. However, the fact that many marketers claim that this platform gives the best ROI compared to other social media networks should convince you that it’s worth your time. Nothing, however, is promised. Not all Facebook adverts are prosperous. That is why I wrote this manual. This article is for you if you’re new to Facebook advertisements or want to enhance the way you run your current ones. I’ll teach you how to create them and use them to generate leads for your company.

Generating leads with Facebook ads:

1. Decide on your objectives.

First and foremost. What’s the point of airing this ad? You should set a goal for yourself ahead of time. This is due to several factors. To begin, make sure the ad you’re developing is in line with your objectives. It’s also a lot simpler to assess a campaign’s performance if you have a specific target in mind. Another reason you’ll need to set up a goal beforehand because when you’re creating the ad, Facebook will ask you what you’re aiming to achieve. Here are some examples of marketing goals for you to consider:


As you can see, under the consideration column, there is a lead-generating option. This will assist you in gathering information from Facebook users interested in your company. The benefit of the lead generation campaign is that you can perform a split test while it’s running. I’m a firm believer in A/B testing to increase efficiency. You may test several aspects of your campaign, such as placement, audience, and delivery optimization. This allows you to assess your performance and make any required improvements easily. However, we’ll go over this notion in more depth later. As an alternative to generating leads, you might choose one of the options in the awareness column. If you select the brand awareness option, your ad will be seen by those who are most likely to pay attention to what you’re saying. On the other hand, a reach campaign will ensure that as many people see your ad as feasible.

2. Determine who your target market is.

The next step is to figure out who will see your ad. It’s critical to understand your target market, regardless of the sort of company or sector you’re in. Determining your startup’s target market is one of the first stages in starting a firm. Those of you who have been in business for a long time should have done this a long time ago. That isn’t to say that this decision will be easy to make. You can have a wide range of potential customers. Is this commercial appropriate for everyone? Let’s imagine you run a business that offers a variety of goods and services. You likely offer things for both men and women of all ages. Your ad may be directed at a particular group or a bigger target market, depending on the purpose you’ve already established. Here’s an example of how you may do it depending on your target audience:


As you can see, this advertisement is aimed at guys in California. They are 18 to 24 years old and speak English and Spanish. You can be particular on Facebook. Because you can build many adverts depending on various groups of your target market, this is a fantastic feature. Generic advertising that aims to reach a large audience will not be as effective. You’ll be able to produce more leads if you target a particular set of individuals with your adverts. All of the data is based on what each user enters into their Facebook page. Keep in mind that this will not be completely accurate. Some individuals will lie about their age, gender, location, and other details on their accounts. This shouldn’t, however, be significant enough to influence your findings.

3. Make a financial plan.

After you’ve decided on your target market, you’ll need to figure out how much money you’re willing to spend on the advertisement. Facebook makes it simple for you to do so. Here’s a breakdown of your options:


A daily amount is used in this example. However, you may also utilize the entire amount you want to spend on the ad’s lifespan. Even if my daily budget is set at $20, it may not always be accurate. Because Facebook distributes your ad depending on the most chances, this is the case. The ad expenditure may be more significant on certain days, but it would be lower on others to maintain the daily average at $20. You’ll be paid depending on how many impressions you obtain. You may also choose when your ad begins and finish. You may also leave it running indefinitely and manually stop it when the time comes.

4. Select a format for your ad.

Not every advertisement is the same. You may choose the sort of advertising you wish to run on Facebook. Here are some alternatives for you:

  • video
  • image
  • Collection
  • carousel
  • slideshow
  • canvas

Although the video and pictures are self-explanatory, I’ll explain what the others signify. A Collection is a visual representation of several things from your product range. It encourages users to shop by browsing a small number of items. These products will be personalized for each individual based on what you’re offering and your target market. This is an excellent method for increasing sales and conversions but not consistently generating leads.

Nevertheless, it’s still a viable marketing tactic. You may use carousels to show ten different videos or pictures in single advertising. Each would have its connection. Slideshows promote your ad by combining images, text, and music. Canvas advertisements are entirely suited for mobile devices and may be opened as a full-screen display. Facebook’s most profitable income stream is mobile ads:


This is because many Facebook users access the network via their mobile devices. More than 95 percent of subscribers access this social media network on their smartphones as of January 2018. But first, let’s move back to choosing a format. Each format has its own set of rules and limitations. I’ve highlighted some of the most essential details for each one that you should consider while creating your adverts.

  • Video

Two hundred forty minutes is the maximum length.

9:16 to 16:9 ratio

125-character limit

25-character headline

30 character description

Sound and subtitles are both optional elements for your advertising, although it’s strongly advised that you use them. Also, if your video thumbnail has more than 20% text, it may not get a lot of views.

  • Image

jpg or png as a file type

9:16 to 16:9 ratio

125-character limit

A minimum resolution of 1,200 x 628 pixels is recommended.

If your photographs include more than 20% text, it will negatively influence the delivery rate, just as with videos. So on your photo adverts, keep the reader to a minimum.

  • Collection

Six hundred pixels is the minimum picture width.

Six hundred pixels is the minimum picture height.

Tolerance for aspect ratios: 3%

25-character headline

90-character text

  • Carousel

Two cards are the bare minimum.

The maximum number of cards allowed is ten.

4GB is the maximum video size.

A minimum resolution of 1080 x 1080 pixels is recommended.

20-character link description

  • Canvas

125-character limit

One second is the minimum video duration.

Two hundred forty minutes is the maximum video duration.

With 2-pass encoding, there are no bitrate constraints for files under 1GB.

If your vertical video ad has a different aspect ratio than 2:3, it must be disguised as 2:3. Based on the file and ratio constraints, it is advised that you submit the best possible video resolution.

5. Decide on a location and track your progress.

The next step is to pick where you want your advertising to appear. Here’s a graphic example of what I’m talking about:


Your ad may appear in the mobile newsfeed, desktop, or right column advertising bar. This approach should be mixed up. This pertains to the A/B testing required to determine which version produces the most outstanding results. Keep a record of everything that happens. Check out which advertisements bring in the most leads and which ones aren’t. It’s critical to rotate your adverts regularly. You don’t want your viewers to see the same advertisements repeatedly. It would be best if you also aimed to sell to various people. Ensure that everything is always presented professionally. Keep your attention on your call to action. Vary it as well to observe how the results change.

6. Use Instagram to promote your business.

Facebook owns Instagram, in case you didn’t know. So you can easily manage your Instagram advertisements from the same dashboard where you manage your Facebook campaigns. Instagram has become such a popular marketing tool that branded hashtags account for 70% of all hashtags on the platform. In addition, 71% of businesses in the United States use Instagram to market their enterprises:


In this regard, they’ve exceeded Twitter. You should be running sponsored advertisements on Instagram in addition to Facebook if you want to remain competitive. It’s simple since you’re using the same platform to put them up. You’ll need to click a couple more times.


Having a solid social media presence is a cost-effective approach to advertise your business. However, it would be best to consider running Facebook advertisements to take your social media marketing plan to the next level. Because Facebook provides capabilities specifically for lead creation, these advertisements are ideal. They’re also simple to set up. Use this information as a guide to point you correctly. Start with your goals. Determine who your target market is. Set a budget. After that, you’ll need to decide the form of advertisement you want to run and where you want it to appear. Keep all of the ad parameters in mind when going through this procedure. Keep track of your progress. Rotate your adverts and make changes depending on their performance. It would be best if you also thought about running Instagram advertisements. It will be just as simple to put up those advertisements since they will be handled from the same platform as your Facebook ads. You can transform your Facebook marketing plan into a lead creation engine if you follow these guidelines.

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