How to Promote Your Event Online Like a Pro?

To create a buzz around your event, you must find the right venue and promote your event well. An excellent approach for companies to obtain awareness is to host an event. Whether it’s a holiday or a significant event for your consumers, community, or industry, this is true. Even if you aren’t hosting the event, you may want to advertise it. For instance, your firm may have a booth at a trade show or a job fair. Perhaps you’ll be the keynote speaker at a conference or banquet. Your company may be a major sponsor of a charity golf event. The list might go on forever. Whatever kind of event you’re organizing, attending, or supporting, you’ll need people to turn up for it to be a success. It’s not simple to arrange an event. Events may take months to plan and need expert assistance. It would not be enjoyable to see minimal turnout after investing so much time, money, and effort. You know what I’m talking about if you’ve gone through anything similar previously. While you may need assistance in administering the event, you can get folks through the doors on your own. The days of plastering posters all over town are gone.

Using internet strategies to create buzz and attract thousands of people:

Create a webpage for your event.

Rather than having a modest button advertising the event on your present website, you should create an entirely new website. For example, consider how Crawford Contractor Connection does this with their yearly conference and business expo:


Take a look at the menu choices to get started. Visitors to the website may pick from nine different menu tabs, all of which are related to this one event. It’s much more successful than dedicating a section or page of their present website to this. How else would you be able to cram so much data into such a tiny area? People will travel in from all over the nation for an event like this. If you’re organizing a similar event, you should be as accommodating as possible to the guests. For example, make arrangements with nearby hotels to block rooms and provide reduced group prices. This information would be available on the event webpage for anybody attending. You may also utilize your website to attract people to sign up for your event. You may now collect money ahead of time and have a more official headcount on the event day. You’ll have a more accurate estimate of the attendance number if you do it this way rather than estimating how many people will turn up.

Send invites to your email subscribers.

It’s better, to begin with, folks you already know. They’ll be more likely to attend an event than people who aren’t acquainted with your brand. Take a look at this Marketo email as an example:


Over 10,000 individuals tuned in to this virtual event. That’s true, and individuals may now attend your events without ever leaving their homes. But let’s go back to the email.

It has a lot of helpful information that you may use on your own:

  • Always double-check the date and time.
  • Have clear call-to-action buttons
  • Include your phone number and email address.
  • Give your subscribers a reason to come to your event.
  • Include a video in your email (video emails have a 96.38 percent better CTR).

Don’t keep it a secret if you have any celebrities or distinguished visitors coming to talk. A “surprise guest speaker” is the last thing anybody wants to hear. That might imply any number of items. Make sure you’re straightforward and transparent about everything. Because you’ll be emailing subscribers who may or may not be existing customers, you may give them even more reasons to come. “Get a $20 gift card and a free t-shirt by registering today.” Something along those lines should suffice. Just make sure they must attend the event to get their awards. They may not have any motive to turn up if they get the prize immediately.

Make use of podcasts to spread the message.

Podcasts are a terrific way to reach a broad audience online. You know what I’m talking about if you or your firm runs a podcast. Even if you don’t, you might attempt partnering with other podcasts in your field to generate buzz for your event. Podcasts are the most popular audio format, with people spending more time listening to them than any other.


That’s why it’s one of my go-to methods for promoting anything online, but it’s beneficial for events. It will most likely cost you money, depending on your connection with the podcast’s host. However, if you used conventional marketing means like print, television, or radio commercials, you’d have to pay regardless. As a result, it’s worthwhile. However, make every effort to keep these expenditures as low as possible. For example, consider giving the podcaster free marketing for their brand at your event in return for airtime on their program to promote it. This makes everyone pleased and possibly exposes your event to hundreds of thousands of people.

Create a hashtag for your event that is distinctive.

Use hashtags to your advantage when it comes to social media advertising. With the correct hashtag, your postings and events have a better chance of becoming viral. So whether you’re promoting your event on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, or all of these media, be sure to include a hashtag in each post. Here’s an example of a hashtag from Germany’s Eurobike event:


Hashtags are lovely because you can use them to advertise your event in three distinct ways.

  • Before the commencement of the event
  • Throughout the event
  • When it’s finished,

In the weeks running up to the event, include hashtags in every post. This will assist you in attracting an initial influx of attendees. Include it on all of your invites, as well as in emails. The hashtag does not have to expire after the event begins. This hashtag may be used by attendees, presenters, performers, or anyone else affiliated with your event to share their experience in real-time. These hashtags may inspire individuals who weren’t intending on going to come to your event if it lasts many days. People may also use the event hashtag to post their images and videos. Using the hashtag and being active on social media throughout your event might help spark talk about it. Inquire about people’s favorite parts thus far. You might have a competition to see who can take the most outstanding image from the occasion. You may keep the hashtag alive even after the event is done. Attendees may continue to share pictures, and you can use the hashtag to remain in touch with them. You may even make a connection between this and your future event.

Create a Facebook event.

Because Facebook has over 1 billion monthly active users, it is one of the most important channels for promoting an event online. So don’t worry if you’ve never created a Facebook event before—simple. I’ll show you step-by-step instructions so you can do it perfectly the first time.

  • Step 1: Go to the “Explore” menu and choose “Events.”


You’ll see an option labeled “Explore” on the left side of your Facebook home page. The first option underneath that tab is “Events.” You’ll be able to view any events you’re attending, those your friends are interested in, and events near you after you click it.

  • Step 2: Select “Create Event” from the drop-down menu.


You may click “Create Event” in one of two areas on the website from here. Then, to continue, click the button in the bottom left corner of the screen or at the upper center of the page.

  • Step 3: Make it a public event.


Make confident that your event is open to the public. Small parties or get-togethers among friends are appropriate for private occasions but not corporations. You must choose this option to guarantee that it reaches as many people as possible. This website will be accessible only to those who you specifically invite.

  • Step 4: Include a picture from the occasion.


For your event, upload a picture. It may be your corporate logo, but extra information is recommended. Create a custom graphic that includes your logo, the event’s name, the date, time, and other pertinent information. This is also an excellent place to have the event hashtag, which we mentioned before.

  • Step 5: Fill in the blanks with the event’s basic details.


This information may or may not appear in your event picture, but you’ll need to make it official here for the Facebook event. Make a name for it. Inform folks about the location of the event. Your event should have a definite start and finish time. It might last anything from a few hours to a week. Whatever you choose, here is where you’ll put it in place.

  • Step 6: Fill in the blanks with a description and then click “Create.”


This is the section where you may tell folks more about your event. What will unique visitors be present? Is there food on the table? Is it suitable for children? Inform your potential visitors where they can park and how they can purchase tickets. Fill up the blanks with as much information as possible. Don’t be ambiguous. I was hoping you could include a link to your unique event’s web page, which I mentioned before. When you’re finished, click the “Create” button. That is all there is to it. Your occasion has been planned. It’s now your turn to invite others to join. Begin by adding all the people who like and follow your brand on Facebook. Encourage these individuals to invite their friends. You may also use other social media sites for advertising your Facebook events, such as Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Use your hashtag to direct people to your Facebook page. Your event will be visible to even those who do not follow your Facebook page. If any of their friends are interested in going, the Facebook algorithm will show it in their newsfeeds.

Make contact with your Instagram followers.

Another affordable and successful approach to advertising any event online is via Instagram. It’s simple to upload photos here. Make use of the fact that you already have a social following there. Whether you’re a large corporation or a little firm, this method works. Check out Hope Gallery’s Instagram event promotion:


The picture is quite powerful. It contains all of the information required to pique the interest of their followers. The event’s date and hour, as well as the contact information and venue, are all included in the post. They also mentioned the guest artists and companies that will provide food and beverages as further incentives. They also had an event hashtag in the article, which is an excellent way to promote an event. The image might also be used on other platforms. For example, if you’re creating a unique picture for Instagram, it might also be used as a Facebook event photo.


It may be difficult and expensive to host, operate, and attend an event. On the other hand, promoting it online does not have to be. As you can see from the strategies I mentioned, you may reach a broad audience without investing a lot of work, time, or money. To receive the most satisfactory outcomes, all you have to do is be clever and straightforward. Begin by designing a website that is tailored to your event. It may present information to participants, encourage them to register, and collect fees in advance. Next, utilize your existing marketing distribution channels, particularly your email subscriber base. Your email list is already acquainted with your brand, increasing the likelihood that they will be interested in attending your event. Next, build excitement for your event by using your podcast or other people’s podcasts. To get awareness on social media sites, develop a catchy hashtag. Create a Facebook event. And use Instagram to promote it as well. Your event will be more successful if you attract more people to attend. It all begins with how well you market it. If you follow these web advertising tactics, you won’t have any trouble attracting thousands of people to attend your event.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I promote my online event?

A: Promoting an online event is quite different from promoting an offline one. The first step would be to decide your goals for the event. For example, you might want to raise money for charity or promote awareness for science education through interactive activities with others in your area. Then write up a script and make sure it’s clear who you’re asking people to do things such as play games, answer questions, donate money, etc. Next, plan how many people will attend and create tasks completed there. Finally, start posting on social media platforms such as Facebook Groups and Reddit posts about the upcoming activity, so people know when it starts!

How do you promote an event successfully?

A: The first thing you need to know is what event you want to promote, then figure out a way for people to find out about it. There are two main ways of promoting an event:
– Advertising: This will include TV ads and radio commercials in your local area as well as billboards on the side of major roads or top of buildings.
– Public Relations: This usually includes word-of-mouth, social media advertising (for example, Facebook groups), or sending emails/ Flyers.

How do you increase the publicity of an online event?

A: If you wish to increase publicity for an online event, we suggest advertising on all available forms of media.

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