9 Ways to Get Your Startup Funded

The startup funding landscape is changing faster than ever before. With more startups seeking crowdfunding and investors turning up the heat on venture capitalists, it’s more important than ever to know what your options are for getting funded. This article provides a list of 9 ways to get your startup funded. Don’t allow a lack of funds to prevent you from achieving your goals. If you want to establish your own company but lack the necessary funds, many options are available to you. Compare the Best Business Loan Companies’ Quotes Find a business financing that meets your exact requirements. Compare Price Estimates. As an entrepreneur, I applaud anybody who wants to start a business. It’s not an easy task. Just half of all small enterprises in the United States will make it to their fifth year.

Furthermore, just 30 percent of such companies survive ten years. Based on this data, it’s evident that failure is more common than success when starting fires. As a result, I applaud your desire to follow this route. While creating a business is challenging, it is also advantageous.

You’ll pick up a lot of helpful information along the road. There are many things I wish I had known before launching my first business. The first stage, though, is to get your business off the ground. You’ll need money to achieve this, as with other areas of business. If you’ve never done something like this before, it might be scary. Don’t know where to begin? There isn’t a single correct solution. Money may be obtained in a variety of ways.

Methods for getting your business financed:

1. Make a thorough business strategy.

Before you do anything else, you must have a firm grasp on how you want to run your company. You’ll have a better chance of getting funding if you have a business plan:


Companies that have a business strategy expand at a faster pace. This is why. First and foremost, it won’t be easy to collect funds from anybody without a business strategy. To begin started, you may use this business plan template. Before they give you a dollar, several sorts of investors will want to see financial predictions, which we’ll address momentarily. This strategy will also help you achieve your goals. Once you’ve settled into the day-to-day operations of your firm, your system will serve as a constant reminder of how to continue. If you don’t have everything written down, you could forget specific ideas a year or two down the line. A comprehensive description of your company should be included in your business plan. What’s your name? So, what exactly do you do? A market analysis should also be included. This section will provide information and research on your competition and target market. You should also sketch out your company’s organizational structure. Managers and other professionals in your firm should have clearly defined duties. The financials are perhaps the most significant aspect of a company strategy. Include financial estimates for the next three to five years as much as possible:


Make sure your forecasts are accurate. This firm does not expect to be profitable until the third year of operation, as you can see from the example above. That’s ok. You don’t have to make money on the first day, or even the first year. Attempt to forecast your finances as precisely as possible. This business plan component will also assist you in obtaining money from the other sources on our list.

2. Go to your local bank or an internet service provider.

Visit the institutions where you do your banking or look into an internet lender like Lendio or Fundera. You can also use the compare quotes button below to look for a business loan. If you’re searching for the simplest way to receive rapid finance for your business, I suggest utilizing a reliable internet provider like Lendio or Fundera. You may also make an appointment with a loan officer at your local bank (if you have one). You may be eligible for loans for some components of your company, such as equipment, depending on your position. If the bank denies your small business loan application, you may be able to get a personal line of credit from the same institution or an internet lender such as PersonalLoans.com. You may utilize that line of credit to pay for your startup costs. Don’t give up after the first meeting. If your initial attempt fails, you might try other banks and financial organizations.

3. Enlist the assistance of family and friends.

Friends and family are second on the list of top startup financing sources in the United States.


These are the folks who care about you and believe in you. Above all, they believe in you and your abilities. Don’t be hesitant to borrow money from your loved ones. Plus, unlike a bank, you’ll almost certainly be able to borrow money from friends and family without paying interest. Who knows, you could even receive cash as a present if you’re fortunate. So speak with your parents, siblings, grandparents, or even a wealthy uncle. Just keep in mind that there are certain drawbacks to this strategy. You don’t want to forfeit a loan that your friends extended to you in good faith. That might place the two of you in an awkward predicament. However, I’ve spoken with a few entrepreneurs who claim that this had the opposite impact on them. Their success was aided by family loans, which provided added drive to avoid losing the investment. They did not want to disappoint their loved ones.

4. Venture capitalists (VCs)

Venture capitalists may also help you raise money. Venture capital companies invest in their early phases in return for a piece of your company’s stock. Be prepared to give up a chunk of your company if you choose this path. That isn’t necessarily a terrible thing, however. If VCs have a stake in the firm, they may offer you additional resources that will help it succeed. But keep in mind that savvy venture capitalists will only arrange these agreements for their benefit. They don’t want to see a 30-year return on their investment. VCs want to recoup their investment, plus a little more, as fast as feasible. Your chances of getting VC investment are determined mainly by your sector.


Venture capital companies are usually attracted to businesses in the software and technology areas, as seen by this data. So, if your business is a neighborhood pizza parlor, VCs are unlikely to be interested.

5. Angel investors

Although the names are commonly used interchangeably, angel investors and venture capitalists are different. Angel investors may give you an ownership stake in your company in return for their money, but they can also provide convertible debt. These investors are relatively unusual to be business owners or previous business owners. Although money motivates them, they are more likely to be genuinely interested in your company and the growth and development of specific sectors. If you locate the proper angel investor, you may profit from professional advice and managerial abilities. Angel investors are more likely to provide finance to enterprises while they are still in the early stages, whereas venture capitalists are more likely to become involved later. Unlike a venture capital organization with a committee and experts, an angel investor may choose their own. They may enjoy your strategy, believe in your objectives, and feel that your company will succeed. That is why you must be able to communicate your company strategy effectively. A quick coffee or lunch encounter with an angel investor might be all it takes to convince them to support your firm.

6. The use of crowdsourcing

Make use of the internet resources accessible to you. To raise funds, you may utilize crowdfunding platforms. While most people think of Kickstarter when they think of these platforms, there are a few more options to explore. Here are a few standard options for new businesses:


All of these websites work similarly. Some will bring you in touch with a group of experienced investors, while others will allow you to solicit funds from anybody. You can raise a lot of money if you advertise your idea appropriately. To demonstrate what I’m talking about, consider the following example. Oculus Rift began a Kickstarter campaign in 2012 with a target of $250,000. The goal of the firm was to create virtual reality headgear. They generated $2.4 million, over ten times their original target. It’s fair to say that the financing campaign was a success. The money aided the company’s quick success and expansion. Facebook purchased Oculus for $2 billion only two years later. It only proves that crowdfunding isn’t limited to college students and minor side projects. There is genuine money to be discovered. All you have to do now is search for it. In terms of funds raised, these are some of the other top crowdfunded startups:


However, just because you raise millions of dollars does not guarantee your company’s success. In 2012, Pebble Watched raised nearly $10 million, exceeding their $100,000 target. However, in a highly competitive market, this firm couldn’t survive. Pebble said in 2016 that it would stop operating daily. They ceased to manufacture timepieces and to fulfill warranties. The firm went out of business.

7. Make a withdrawal from your savings.

You might also explore self-funding your new firm. If you have money set up for a down payment on a home or another large purchase, you may use it to start your own company instead. It’s hazardous because you won’t have any money to fall back on if your firm fails. However, if you’re ready to take a chance on yourself, this path has a lot of advantages. First and foremost, you will not have to give up any of your company’s stock. Instead of sharing earnings with investors, you get to retain all of them. On a line of credit or a bank loan, you won’t have to pay any interest. Finally, you won’t be letting down friends or family members who may have lent you money if you pay for everything yourself. This isn’t something that everyone can do. If your initial expenditures are reasonable, though, and you have an additional $20,000 in the bank, consider spending it.

8. Seek a strategic business partner.

“Two heads are better than one,” as you’ve probably heard. However, obtaining a strategic partner for your startup may assist in the rapid growth of your firm. Over 80% of businesses feel that partnerships are critical to their success.


Your spouse also has a bank account. You could have enough money saved up between the two of you to get your business off the ground. If so, you’ll need to enlist someone else’s support to help you acquire funds using the other approaches I’ve discussed in this essay. Your responsibility is also reduced when you work with others. If things go wrong, you won’t be liable for as much.

On the other hand, you’ll only get half of the revenues. If you give up stock to other investors, you can gain even more minor. Finally, make sure you’re dealing with someone you can trust. While your strategic partner may provide fresh ideas and solutions, there may be disputes and disagreements.

9. Try to keep your startup expenditures as low as possible.

Reconsider your initial expenses. It’s possible that you won’t require as much money as you imagined. Make your current funds endure as long as possible. For example, you might work from home or a shared office space instead of paying for an office. Rather than paying in advance for considerable amounts of things, pay for them as you go. Make use of low-cost materials. Consider thinking beyond the box. You may also barter, albeit this may not be appropriate for every company. Offer your services in exchange for particular items or services instead of paying for them. If you’re working with other startup firms in a similar circumstance to yours, this may work. Try to keep your expenditures as low as possible.


It’s exhilarating to start a new company. However, it is not inexpensive. Not everyone has the financial means to launch their own business. Try acquiring a loan or line of credit from your local bank if you can’t support your firm on your own. You might always seek assistance from your friends and relatives. Consider venture capitalists, angel investors, strategic partners, and crowdfunding sites. It’s critical to always begin with a solid business strategy. Make financial estimates that are reasonable. It will be simpler for you to get funds from investors due to this. To make your cash last until you can establish a stable income stream, you should keep all expenses as low as possible. If you follow these guidelines, you’ll be well on your way to generating funds for your business. Best of luck!

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