Tools for Generating Infinite Content Ideas

This article will take you through 7 different steps to help generate infinite content ideas for your blog. The basic idea is to use something new each day, but preparing yourself in advance is also essential, so you’re not constantly scrambling at the last minute. Blogging is a pain. Okay, that’s a little far-fetched. In reality, I like writing for various reasons. The most important is communicating with you. What irritates me is continually coming up with fresh blog post ideas. It’s a grind that may be draining, mainly if you’re coming up with ideas on the spur of the moment. According to The Content Marketing Institute, “57 percent of B2B marketers report that regularly providing content is their greatest difficulty.” And it’s a tremendous challenge.

It may be exhausting if you’re like me and write up to eight blogs every week while running various enterprises. So, out of sheer necessity, I’ve tried a variety of different tools to assist me in the process of coming up with fresh content ideas. Some of the hits were home runs, while others were strikeouts. But there are seven that I like and would want to share with you.

Content ideas for your blog by using these tools:

1. The HubSpot Blog Topic Generator 

This is one of my favorites for rapidly producing a few ideas. To be precise, there are five. It’s one of my favorites since it’s so simple to use. You’ll have five good blog article titles at your hands in a matter of seconds. First, you need to type up to three nouns into the search boxes:


Let’s attempt “content marketing” in this scenario. Here’s how it goes:1633213806_237_7-Tools-for-Generating-Infinite-Content-Ideas-for-Your-Blog

Voila! I immediately come up with five potential blog subjects. If you want to see more, click “Try Again,” and you’ll be sent back to the main menu. You may then repeat the search using the same terms or try out various keyword combinations. I’ll admit that HubSpot’s Blog Topic Generator isn’t perfect if you need to generate lots of topics straight now. But it’s a terrific place to start.

2. BuzzSumo

I’m sure I’ve mentioned BuzzSumo previously. I’ve been using this tool to drive my content marketing efforts for a few years and enjoy it. It’s excellent since it does so much more than provide you with content ideas. Much, much more!

It also performs the following functions:

  • informs you how often a piece of content has been shared and how often it has been liked on social media.
  • recognizes important sharers
  • backlinks are shown
  • offers you the most popular stuff

Put another way, and you can rapidly determine how well the content is doing and what is engaging with readers. This information is helpful because it enables you to choose which approaches to take with your blog and makes it simpler to strike while the iron is hot when themes are at their most popular. For example, when I use BuzzSumo to search for “content marketing,” I get the following results:


It’s worth noting that it gives me a close look at the now dominating material.

In particular, I can see the number of:

  • Engagements on Facebook
  • Shares on LinkedIn
  • Shares on Twitter
  • Pinterest has a lot of followers.
  • Shares on Google+
  • Links
  • Total number of shares

Two further options may be seen to the right of this information: “View backlinks” and “View sharers.” Both provide the content prospecting process at a whole new level. But first, let me warn you. The free version is quite restricted and may not always present the entire picture. You also won’t be able to use all of the features. That’s why, if you have the money, I suggest getting the Pro version. It costs $79 per month as of early 2017. I understand that this may seem to some marketers to be a significant expenditure, but in my view, it is well worth it.

3. Alltop

This is essentially a news aggregator that keeps you updated on what’s going on in the internet world. Alltop offers a wide range of subjects, ranging from science and religion to photography and fashion. It’s everything in one place. When you initially arrive on the Alltop homepage, you’ll notice the following:



It’s just a jumble of varied information. Nevertheless, skimming the site may help you develop some ideas depending on your topic. First, however, I suggest using the search box to look for a particular subject. For example, when I search for “content marketing,” here’s a sample of what I find:


Alltop shows you five articles from related sites, and you may explore the list for inspiration. You may even go further and scan each blog separately by clicking on it. This has proven beneficial to me, and you may discover some incredible new resources that you were previously unaware of. In the end, you may generally generate a large number of ideas in a short amount of time. You may also get a sense of overall trends to see what’s hot right now.

4. UberSuggest

It’s easy to use this tool. Enter a term, and UberSuggest will return dozens, if not hundreds, of sentences containing that keyword. For example, here’s a snapshot of what came up when I searched for “content marketing”:


It’s similar to Google Keyword Planner, except it’s a lot more straightforward. UberSuggest won’t provide you information like search traffic or competition, but it’s great for rapidly coming up with blog post ideas. Another helpful feature is “Expand this term,” which appears when you click on a particular keyword. When I broaden “content marketing strategy,” this is what occurs.


It’s worth noting that this is a long list of search phrases based on the “content marketing approach.” That’s quite great. In principle, UberSuggest may produce hundreds of article suggestions from a single term.

5. Google Trends

I’m sure you’ve heard of Google Trends at least once. I utilize it for various marketing goals, the most common of which is market research and determining interest in a particular issue. However, did you realize that Google Trends may also be utilized to generate article ideas? That is correct. Let me first mention that this tool isn’t quite as thorough as the others I’ve listed, but it does the job. Three, to be precise. Let’s use “content marketing” as an example once again. First, go through “Related subjects” to discover what’s trending.


This may assist you in identifying other influential resources that you may wish to look into, which may provide you with different ideas. Second, you may go through “Related inquiries” to check which search terms are currently trending on Google:


Finally, you may utilize Google Trends to see whether a subject moves upward or downward. Here’s what the current state of content marketing interest looks like:


When you bring it all together, Google Trends may be a great source of inspiration.

6. Content Idea Generator by Portent

Look no farther than this tool if you’re searching for a fast approach to creating a click-worthy blog title. While it’s not as powerful as, say, BuzzSumo, it helps come up with a title that your audience will love.

Here’s an illustration:


Click the refresh button to get more ideas. Portent’s Content Idea Generator is one of my favorites since it makes coming up with exciting and catchy names a breeze. It’s beneficial if you’re searching for a bit of fun.

7. The Link Bait Title Generator on Content Row

So, here’s how to link bait works. It can harm your marketing effort. I mean, it could attract some initial traffic to your site, but if your material isn’t up to par, you’re going to have a high bounce rate and a small number of repeat visitors. As a result, I don’t advocate utilizing headlines only to attract links if the content isn’t of good quality. Regardless, Content Row’s Link Bait Title Generator is still a handy little tool to have. The principle is straightforward. When you type in a topic, a list of suitable link bait title possibilities appears. For example, when I type in “content marketing,” this comes up.


It’s not bad. This isn’t to imply you’ll want to employ every suggestion this tool makes, but it may help you expedite your brainstorming process. You can usually come up with some very catchy headlines that will bring in a lot of traffic. All you have to do now is make sure your material is on point.


I believe we can all agree that coming up with new content ideas may be difficult at times. I’m sure you know what I’m talking about if you’ve been blogging for more than a year. But, thankfully, you don’t have to spend your time thinking on your own and coming up with fresh ideas from the start. There are various tools (many of which are free) that may help you with this process and help you come up with some pretty fantastic ideas. Because of tools like these, I’ve made steady progress and built a following. If you’re a serious blogger, I recommend at least trying out each of these seven tools and experimenting with them. This should make it a lot simpler for you to fill your blog with great material without going insane in the process. Can you recommend any additional resources for coming up with content ideas?

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