7 Business Principles that you need to follow

You have to follow seven business principles if you want your marketing efforts to be successful. The number one principle of effective marketing is the need for consistency in all facets of a company’s life, from its products and services to customer service and advertising.

Business Principles that need to be followed:

Principle 1: As you become older, take fewer chances.

It would be best if you always doubled down while you’re young since you don’t have anything to lose. If you’re in your early twenties or thirties, you typically don’t have as many responsibilities as someone in their forties or fifties. If you’re in your late teens or early twenties, you can probably live with your parents, postpone paying expenses, and concentrate on school or starting a company. Therefore, it would be best to put as many bets as possible throughout this time in your life and double down as necessary. As you become older, you have more significant financial obligations, such as supporting a family and paying a mortgage. As a result, you shouldn’t take as many hazardous bets as you did when you were younger, since if things go wrong, it will have an impact on more than just your life.

Principle 2: Never throw money away. 

Have you ever heard of Warren Buffet’s two fundamental rules? If you haven’t seen them yet, they are as follows:

  1. Never throw money away.
  2. Tradition one should never be forgotten.

I can’t claim I’ve followed Warren’s instructions to the letter since I’ve lost money. But, it’s likely that you will as well. So, since I am a firm believer in never losing other people’s money, I altered his rule. Of course, you don’t want to lose other people’s money, whether it’s your family’s or investors’. And if you do, find a method to pay them back because if you look after your investors, they will look after you.

Principle 3: Think about new methods to create money for 10% of your day.

You don’t have to do this during working hours, but you should think about methods to generate additional money for a part of your day. Doing this daily will assist you in coming up with innovative money-making ideas. This isn’t to say that you should go out and establish a new company. Instead, seek new revenue-generating opportunities for your organization. Look for fresh marketing trends or waves to ride by thinking outside the box. Be the first to take advantage of these waves after you’ve discovered them. It becomes exceedingly difficult to utilize a channel after it has gotten saturated.

Principle 4: Communicate excessively.

Overcommunicating is one of my favorite pastimes. It would be best to speak excessively with investors, consumers, coworkers, and business partners.

I’ve co-founded a few businesses, and every time my income drops, it’s typically due to a lack of communication. You may avoid making this error if you:

  • Listen attentively – before communicating, and you must first comprehend what the other side is requesting.
  • Establish a regular communication routine. People will know you care about them if you do this.
  • Keep it straightforward — what makes sense to you may not make sense to others. So make sure you’re being specific.
  • Stop moaning and start speaking with facts. Complaining or blaming others never solves the problem.

It will take some time for you to improve your communication abilities, but you should read some of these articles if you want to speed up the process.

Principle 5: Never burn bridges.

It’s just a matter of time until someone takes advantage of you. It occurs to everyone. The worst part is that the other person generally doesn’t realize they’re taking advantage of you. Rather than becoming furious, talking trash, and sabotaging your relationship, you should let it go. You never know when you’ll need that individual. Who knows, they could even realize they made a mistake. I’ve been burnt several times, including once for a million dollars. Other times, though, the folks who burnt me apologized and ultimately paid me a reasonable sum of money.

Principle 6: Dedicate 10% of your day to networking.

To earn money, you don’t have to be excellent at what you do. All you need is a good network. Networking may be accomplished via attending local networking events, blogging, and engaging in social media. Get an MBA from Harvard or Stanford if you genuinely want to network. Look at iCrossing if you don’t believe networking is crucial. iCrossing is a marketing firm that is so bad at marketing that they don’t have the most outstanding reputation in the industry. However, since the firm’s employees are so well connected, they could generate millions of dollars in income and eventually sold the business to Hearst for $325 million.

Principle 7: You should never abandon your business partners or investors.

For whatever reason, leaving a firm you established is deemed “acceptable.” To make matters worse, several of these entrepreneurs had received millions of dollars in venture capital funding. I don’t care if you despise your job, but you should never abandon a team member or investor. If your firm is profitable and your co-founders/investors believe you aren’t required to continue expanding the business, that’s great; you’re free to quit. However, if that isn’t the case, you should stick it out with your investors and co-founders.


There are many different business theories to choose from. The seven principles listed above are the ones I live by. Follow your instincts and, most importantly, act ethically.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the basic business principles?

A: The primary business principles are how a company conducts its operations. They can be broken down into four parts and provide essential guidelines for running a successful business. These include market orientation, product strategy, resource allocation, and organizational structure.

What are the six business principles?

A: These are the six general principles of business that all companies should follow. They each contain ethical and operational standards businesses should abide by to ensure they are good citizens in their industry, including accountability and stewardship.
1) Accountability – The CEO is responsible for ensuring that every decision taken on behalf of the company is legal and ethically sound. 2) Stewardship – Businesses must take care of any resources used or created as well as any effects those resources have on society at large 3) Responsibility – Those who engage with the public must answer to them 4) Ownership – All rights over products belong solely to who made them 5) Innovation- Businesses need innovation to remain competitive 6 ) Community Involvement- Engaging with customers, employees, stakeholders, etc

What principle should be followed while doing business?

A: To do business effectively, the principle should be followed: people should not be cheated, and companies must work in fair conditions.

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