5 Simple Steps to Creating Profitable Promoted Pin Campaigns on Pinterest

Promoted pins are an excellent way to promote your brand on social media, but getting them to pay off can be difficult. Promoting a pin is free for you and only costs $1 per day when it reaches 150 impressions. However, the quality of traffic can vary widely. By creating five simple steps in advance with these step-by-step guidelines that focus on quality over quantity, you’ll develop better campaigns more efficiently and save money!

There are many different ways to promote your pins on Pinterest. One of the most effective is through a Promoted Pin campaign. In this article, we will be going over five simple steps to creating profitable promoted pin campaigns on Pinterest.  SEO is not the same as advertising. While SEO is almost equal regardless of whatever search engine is being discussed (and there aren’t many), advertising is not.

The method of developing Google ad campaigns will vary from the process of building ad campaigns on sites like Facebook or Pinterest. Rather than becoming an expert in all of the channels accessible, it’s better to choose one or two and study all there is to know about them. What criteria do you use to decide which one(s) to employ? That depends on who your target audience is. This article will teach you how to utilize promoted pins (ads) on Pinterest efficiently. The majority of Pinterest’s users are women who like visual material. As a result, fitness, home décor, and fashion do very well on this social media site.


If your audience fits into those (or comparable) demographic groups, there’s a good possibility that many of them utilize Pinterest. It’s understandable to create a profile on the site, but it’s also understandable to use sponsored pins to increase your following and drive traffic to your website. Don’t worry if you’ve never experimented with promoted pins before. I’ll teach you how to put them to good use.

Steps to create promoted pin campaigns on Pinterest:

Step 1: Select one of two kinds of promoted pins from the drop-down menu.

To utilize Pinterest advertisements, you’ll need to devote a significant amount of time to the ads manager. You may use your current Pinterest account to log in to the manager, but you’ll need to convert it to a corporate account, which takes just 3 seconds (still free). It just adds a few more features. Then, when you create a new ad, the UI is straightforward, which is fantastic. You’ll probably be able to figure it out without this tutorial, but I’ll also offer you some additional considerations to consider while making judgments. First and foremost, you have two promotion types to choose from:


You’ll want to increase engagement to earn more pins, repins, and followers. If you’re going to accelerate your profile growth or if you don’t have a conversion funnel on your website yet, this is an excellent alternative. However, you’ll almost certainly want to bring visitors back to your website. After all, that’s why you’re on Pinterest in the first place. You’ll be invited to name your campaign and set a budget when you choose an option.


Start modestly if you’re new to Pinterest advertising. Later on, you may always boost your budget. “Pick a pin” is the last stage in this process. To see all of your past pins on your account, click the red icon. To choose one of them, click it. Picking an old pin for an engagement ad could be a fine idea, but if you’re trying to drive people back to your website, you should create a new plug and return it to the advertising manager.

Step 2: Make sure you’re targeting the proper people.

Pinterest’s targeting is identical to many other PPC platforms, and it’s relatively straightforward. You’ll need to fill out two sections: interests and keywords. Stakes are much broader, which isn’t always a desirable thing in PPC ads. It may, however, work if you’re only attempting to establish a following while targeting a broad audience.


You may either put an interest in the search field or browse all of the possibilities and choose the ones you want. Keep in mind that you are not required to select any claims. Instead, it would help if you concentrated on keywords.


In the search box of this section, type in the keywords you wish to target, then select any of the grey keywords to add them to your campaign (they’ll appear in blue at the bottom). Someone could notice your ad if they search for any keywords you choose (depending on your budget and settings). Users discover material on the site in various ways, so you may acquire a lot of impressions on popular terms by searching the area. Other targeting options: Keywords and interests are the most common methods to limit your audience to just the people you want to see your content.

If you scroll down, though, you’ll see a few additional targeting choices that you may wish to use:

  • Locations – You may choose from over 210 different locations around the United States.
  • Language – You may pick and choose the languages you want to target.
  • Devices – You may target various categories of desktop users or mobile users.
  • Gender – You may target men, females, or those who aren’t sure what gender they are.

When it comes to targeting, the idea is to limit the prospective audience to a point where it contains mainly of your target consumers. At the same time, you don’t want to limit yourself to merely a few hundred users. Use targeting choices that represent the characteristics that distinguish your target demographic from other Pinterest users.

Step 3: Think about your budget.

You begin by determining an overall budget that you can afford. But, before the ad goes online, it’s essential to establish your maximum CPC bid.


You will not always pay this amount, just as you will not always pay this amount on many other PPC sites. In many circumstances, you’ll get a better deal. Unless you’re in a hurry, it’s good to put your maximum CPC lower or at the bottom of the advised range ($1.20 in the example above). If you’re not receiving enough clicks after a couple of days, increase your bid.

Step 4: Keep track of your progress and examine your findings.

It may seem self-evident to you, but it isn’t to everyone, so let me state it now: You must keep track of your progress. You’ll never know if advertising is lucrative for you if you don’t. Furthermore, you’ll never be able to enhance the efficacy of your adverts, which means you’ll be wasting a lot of money. Pinterest does give some valuable statistics. It includes all of the essential statistics, such as impressions, clicks, CPC, and total spend.


That’s a good start, but there’s one key indicator missing: conversions.

There are a variety of conversions that you would wish to keep note of:

  • The account has been created.
  • The transaction was completed.
  • Registration for the email list has been finished.
  • …and so on.

It doesn’t matter which one you choose (revenue is typically the best, if feasible), as long as you track anything with a monetary value. For example, even if an email address does not immediately create profit, you may know that each subscriber is worth $10; therefore, you may value email signups. You’ll need a more robust analytics platform to monitor these findings, but Google Analytics (GA) would suffice. You may skip this section if you already know how to set up objectives in Google Analytics. Otherwise, allow me to guide you through the process. Click the “Admin” link at the top of your account to create a goal. After choosing the history, you want to monitor, go to “Goals” and create a new one. In most circumstances, you may utilize one of the goal-setting templates that have already been established. You may go through the many alternatives, but you’ll most likely need to use the “make a payment” or “sign up for a newsletter” options.


Once you’ve decided on a goal, click the “Next step” button. You can always go back and make changes later. Give your objective a name after that. Be specific since this is how it will appear in other areas of your statistics.


Finally, you must inform GA of what you consider a conversion. That will be a destination page for the majority of these objectives. It may be a payment page, a thank-you page, a confirmation page, or something else entirely. So said, you’ll need a URL that users will only visit once they’ve completed a particular activity you’d want to monitor.


To ensure that GA monitors visits to dynamic URLs, update the box preceding the destination URL to something like “begins with.”

Consider the following scenario: You want to monitor visits to payment pages, but each visitor has a separate payment link:

  • www.site.com/payment/1
  • www.site.com/payment/2
  • www.site.com/payment/3

Change the destination to “begins with” and put “/payment” in the text field as the value. Finally, if you’re able, give the objective a monetary value. It will assist you in determining the profitability of your Pinterest marketing. Viewing goal results: Once you’ve put them up, you’ll see goals popping up all over your reports. The “Conversions > Goals > Overview” tab towards the bottom of the left-hand menu is the total area:


You’ll get a graph of all your goal completions over time if you do this. You’ll need data before anything appears on this page.


However, you’ll typically find a column for goal completions in other reports:


Now, let’s return to the Pinterest results: Go to “Acquisition > All traffic > Source/medium” once you’ve set up your targets. One for “Pinterest / Ads” should be shown. It will display you your objectives or e-commerce conversions (if you’ve set them up) on the far right. Take your tracking to the next level with these tips: So far, the outcomes have shown to be beneficial. You may tie the amount of money you spend on advertisements to the amount of income or profit you made from your objectives. However, this is insufficient. What happens if you have more than one Pinterest ad? How can you know which ones are delivering what outcomes? UTM parameters are the solution. UTM parameters are the additional phrases that appear after a question mark in URLs. You’ll need to develop something for each Pinterest ad’s link. Each ad link should be labeled with a separate campaign name. Then, after you’ve gathered some data, return to GA and go to the “Campaigns” area, which is a sub-part of “Acquisition”:


As you may expect, this will segment your visitors according to the campaign settings you just selected. There are also columns on the right that show you target completions, precisely what we want. So not only do you know your overall advertising outcomes, but you also know how each particular campaign performed.

Step 5: Never stop learning and growing.

Even the most seasoned marketers don’t always get it right the first time they run a campaign. That is why it is critical to keep track of your outcomes.

You may start split testing various promoted pins once you get your baseline data. Experiment with several variants of:

  • The image of the pin
  • Headline
  • Page for landing

Even if your first campaign isn’t as successful (or lucrative) as you’d want, there’s a strong chance you’ll succeed if you receive any results. Continue experimenting with numerous variants, monitoring your outcomes, and fine-tuning your campaigns until you reach profitability. When you’ve found a winner, keep optimizing as much as possible. Scale up your budget and spend as much as feasible after you believe you’ve squeezed everything out of it (in terms of conversion rate). The conversion rate will slow down with time, but that is anticipated. When a campaign has run its course, it’s time to start again!


Pinterest is a massive social media platform, but advertising on it is still in its infancy. That suggests you have a chance to take advantage of something. I’ve shown the five significant actions you’ll need to do to start and operate a lucrative promoted pins campaign. All that’s left to do now is try it. If you do, please let me know how it went.

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