25 Ways To Increase Website Traffic

Businesses need to understand their audience for them to succeed. This is why marketing, advertising, and outreach are crucial aspects of any digital company. Here are 25 ways to increase website traffic by reaching out more effectively to your brand. Many companies are concentrating all of their efforts on raising conversion rates. Don’t get on Trong. I think it’s great that it is critical to your company’s Conversions, for the most part, lead to monetary amounts. They boost sales and add to your profit margins. However, before individuals can convert, they must first locate your website. It takes time to build a website. It takes months and months of constant sharing of fantastic information. Most individuals require roughly two years to reach their full potential. This indicates that your development is gradual and steady, much like the visitors to your website. While that method is effective, it’s always wonderful to see a significant increase in traffic now and then. Do you want to learn how to do it? Do you want more visitors to your website? Improve your traffic, leads, and income with the aid of a professional. Get started now.

Techniques to increase website traffic:

1. Make the most of your email list.

With so many innovative content marketing tactics available today, it’s temp it’s for firms to abandon the tried-and-true methods. Email marketing, on the other hand, must be a component of your whole marketing strategy. Email marketing has survived the test of time throughout the years. It remains one of the most lucrative marketing strategies. Take a look at how it stacks up against other forms of direct marketing:


An email has a good return on investment per dollar invested since it is often affordable. Email marketing is also very adaptable. Brands may take advantage of their email subscribers in a variety of ways. Increasing the number of visitors to your website is one of these strategies. Encourage your email subscribers to forward your information to their contacts.

Consequently, you’ll beyou’llto create leads from both new website visitors and existing subscribers. Furthermore, email marketing software allows you to quickly measure and assess your email campaigns’ effectiveness. If you see an increase in website traffic, you’ll beyou’llto pinpoint the source without guessing. Use the data analytics to your advantage. To determine the success of each email you send, make sure you’re moyou’reng the basis of new traffic. This will also show you how fresh leads are generated.

2. Expand your presence on social media.

Your business can no longer afford to ignore social media in this day and age. For the last decade or so, social media use has been rapidly rising worldwide. Take a peek at how many people are joining social media sites around the globe:


It’s no it’s enough to have a Facebook profile. You should also make sure you’re you’re other social media networks, such as:

  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • YouTube
  • Snapchat

Create a profile, but don’t stodon’tre. Post new stuff every day. Make every effort to get more followers. Make content that will get people talking. To encourage conversation, respond directly to your fans. These activities make generating fresh leads much simpler for you. Someone who follows your brand on social media may or may not visit your website. However, you may now publish links to your social media profiles to increase traffic to your website. Posting links regularly will boost your chances of acquiring more hits and visitors. You may utilize unique links to monitor where traffic is coming from in the same way with your email approach. You’ll beYou’llto see which social media networks are bringing in the most traffic and which posts are getting the most interaction.

3. Begin a blog.

If it doesn’t have one, make it a point to add a blog to your website. It makes no difference what kind of company you run or what sector you work in. One of my favorite methods for increasing website traffic and generating new prospects is to blog. Take a moment to consider your brand. What do you have to offer? Is your site significant enough for visitors to come back every day? Once a week, perhaps? In all likelihood, the answer is no. However, having a blog provides visitors with an incentive to return. Because you’re coyou’relly adding fresh material to your website, blogs also assist with SEO, but we’ll go well with that in more depth later. Your organic lead generation will improve due to your enhanced SEO approach. You’ll reYou’llmore visitors and leads if you publish more often. Take a look at how the frequency with which bloggers write affects the results they see on their blogs:


The most frequent postings produced the best outcomes. You may even combine your blogging approach with some of the other strategies I mentioned before. For example, you may email your subscribers every time you publish a new blog article. Then, make a social media post about it. You can now create new leads and increase traffic from different sources with just one blog post. Guest writing on other websites might help you take your blogging approach to the next level. While you may not believe this is useful to you, it is a terrific strategy to improve the number of visitors to your website. That’s beThat’sguest articles may help you establish a steady stream of backlinks to your website. Readers unfamiliar with your company may now click on those links and be led to your website as new leads.

4. Create video material.

Brands should make more films for their customers. As a result, 87 percent of marketers create video content for the web. In addition, videos result in a 157 percent boost in organic search traffic. Furthermore, 46% of customers take action after seeing a video commercial. People want what they want, so give it to them. Your company should have a YouTube channel, and you should update it with fresh videos regularly. Producing video content does not have to be expensive. Creating and editing videos in-house is simple. People would prefer watching a video to reading about a product. One of the main reasons marketers claim that video content has helped them improve website traffic is this.


On your website, you must have videos. Include videos in your emails and on your social media sites. Video links may also be included in your blogs. For years, I’ve beenI’veng this method in my blog entries. Finally, videos may assist you in generating new leads and increasing traffic to your website. If you aren’t creating them, you should get started as soon as possible to maximize your reach.

5. Stream live videos.

Live video streaming is a relatively new notion in terms of marketing.

However, several social media networks have lately included this option, so now is the time to use it.

  • Facebook Live is a live broadcast on Facebook.
  • Live on YouTube
  • InstagramInstagram’sry feature

You may connect with your audience in any of these ways. This also pertains to the question of maintaining an active social media presence, which was previously covered. In addition, you may utilize your live video streaming to drive more traffic to your website. Send them to a landing page where you may collect fresh leads. You may now kill two birds with a single stone. Live video streaming has a beneficial influence on sales in the end:


You should go live frequently to obtain the full impact. You’ll buYou’lllarge following and boost your chances of increasing website traffic and generating leads.

6. Establish credibility via influencer marketing.

You’ll beYou’llto create more site visitors if your website is reputable. Leveraging your ties with influencers is one of the most effective strategies to establish credibility. This strategy may be approached in a variety of ways. You may employ celebrities to advertise your company if you have the resources. This is because these individuals are already well-known and trustworthy. Working with a star establishes the legitimacy of your brand. Their endorsements will be heard by a more significant number of people. The issue is that customers can see that these celebrities are being paid to promote your goods or services. You may also engage micro-influencers to boost your product’sproduct’son as an alternative. One of the main reasons I recommend hiring micro-influencers is that they have a high level of interaction with their audience.


Get these folks to talk about your items on social media, and you’ll seyou’llncrease in traffic to your website. If the referral comes from a social influencer, your new prospects are more inclined to trust your business. You’ll beYou’llto generate more conversions and, as a result, make more money.

7. Boost your search engine optimization.

Search engine optimization is a fantastic approach to creating leads and visitors. Implementing some of these additional lead-generating tactics can instantly assist your SEO, as you can see from what we’ve prewe’vely discussed. However, you may increase traffic from organic search results by utilizing other techniques to boost your SEO, such as keyword research. That’s beThat’s when searching for anything online, and whether it’s a priest or a service, most people will start with a Google search. Eighty-five percent of shoppers use Google to research things before making a purchase.


Someone doesn’t know that your business exists now. However, if you perfect your SEO approach, you can still persuade them to visit your website. In addition, it will be simpler for you to produce a fresh lead now that they’ve vthey’veyour site via a search engine.

8. Make use of long-tail SEO.

Who doesn’t number one for phrases like “credit c “rds” and “au” o ins” rance?” Although” specific words are valuable, ranking for them is incredibly challenging. On the other hand, long-tail keywords are less competitive and will generate the bulk of your traffic.


Long-tail terms account for 91 percent of my search traffic on Quick Sprout. And, like Quick Sprout, the bulk of your search traffic is generated by long-tail keywords. This isn’t to isn’that I’m not rI’med for any key phrases. It just implies that I score higher for longer terms. Most websites rank for dozens of head phrases and hundreds, if not thousands, of long-tail terms, so you’re demurely experiencing the same thing. How do you rank for longer-tail keywords? To begin, go to Google Webmaster Tools and log in. Once you’ve you’ve, go to “search t “affect” and the” “search q” series.”


You’ll “eYou’llthing like this on a website with a list of keywords:


All of the keywords you rank will be shown in the table. The next step is to enter the head keywords (one or two-word phrases) that you type for into Google. For instance, I have a high ranking for the keyword “internet” marketing.” So I put” it into Google and went down to the bottom of the first page until I came across a table with “searches” connected to internet marketing.”


These an “e terms that Google considers to be related to a keyword for which you already have a ranking. And ranking for the head term is significantly more complex than ranking for the long-tail terms. As a result, if you include any of those long-tail terms into a page that already ranks for the relevant head term, you’ll be you’ll see an increase in search traffic. I’m just I’minkling the sentences that make sense two or three times across the paper. In 2013, I applied this method on Quick Sprout every month. And the end outcome was fantastic. I had 120,365 search visits in January 2013:


My search traffic increased to 174,496 visits in December 2013:


9. Publish excellent guidelines.

Because people prefer to share ultimate guides on social media, I wanted to share the strategies for developing your own, which are based on a post by Kristi Hines called Creating Ultimate Guides and Using Them to Build Your Marketing List.

Here are some pointers for your first ultimate guide:

  1. Hundreds of blogs in your profession may be found by subscribing to them – Learn about your industry, wait for that one piece of eye-opening knowledge that no one has written about, and then write an ultimate guide.
  2. Read other people’s people’s on your subject — Once you’ve coyou’vewith a concept for an ultimate guide, check if there are any others. If so, how can you make yours stand out? Is it possible to merge some of the existing manuals to create an ultimate guide?
  3. Provide a plethora of screenshots — Even if the subject of your ultimate guide is very straightforward, provide images. The images help consumers browse through the material by breaking it apart. Also, make screen photos of the steps if the issue is complicated.
  4. Present case studies — When you present real-world instances, an ultimate guide comes to life. When you provide believable examples, people are more likely to accept what you’re sayou’reAfter you’ve if you’ve written the manual, you’ll neyou’lladvertise it. If you don’t havdon’targe following, consider offering to share it on a well-known blog. With their Ultimate Guide to Facebook Marketing at Copyblogger, the writers of Facebook Marketing All-in-One for Dummies have done precisely that. The good thing about your ultimate guide is that you can make it into a free download once the traffic calms down.

10. Use ego bait to get stuck in traffic.

Ego bait is a simple concept: give individuals a prize if they complete a given obstacle. If they win, they will brag to the rest of the globe. To put it another way, this strategy plays on their vanity.

Write to Done, for example, hosts an annual top ten best writing blogs award. Those that win are given a badge that proclaims them to be among the greatest. That emblem, of course, directs visitors back to Write to Done.


Advertising Age’s PowAge’s0 List and Social Media Examiner’Examiner’ssocial media blogs accomplish the same.


The problem with this strategy is that it will not function unless you have some power level in the area. Nobody will care if you don’t anddon’tgn an ego bait badge. So you must first build a devoted audience by consistently publishing useful and convincing content. Then you have to keep promoting your badge year after year until it becomes popular.

11. Buying traffic and timing your Reddit contributions.

Reddit is a massive website with a lot of traffic. They received a total of 2 billion in December of 2011.


As a result, you may publish material on Reddit and bring a lot of traffic to your website. Naturally, you must generate excellent material, but how you distribute it is crucial. According to studies, the optimal time is before 5 p.m. EST. However, studies have shown that other factors influence your Reddit submission rating. These factors include whether you shared an old or fresh article, as well as how soon you received your first 100 upvotes. For example, if it takes you 10 hours to get that 100 upvotes, your post will not display as high on the first page as if you earned them in the first hour.

Here’s a Here’s to help you understand.


It’s worth tasting that the first ten upvotes are equally as important as the following 100. And the next 1,000 are just as important as the first 100.


Keep in mind that contentious articles on Reddit don’t Aldon to as well as you may expect. This is because a post with a large number of upvotes and downvotes does not rank as well as one with a proportionally higher number of upvotes and downvotes. In principle, a submission with 1,000 upvotes and downvotes will not rank as high as one with 750 upvotes and 250 downvotes.


Another factor influencing your Reddit rankings is the number of comments you get. The more words a post receives, the more weight it will gain. This means you’ll neyou’lluse these tactics to increase the number of comments you get. In addition, Reddit, like StumbleUpon, allows users to purchase traffic.


You may do this in one of two ways: purchase an ad that appears throughout Reddit or buy an ad that targets certain sub-Reddits. Because you’re a highly engaged audience, this strategy may generate a lot of traffic.

12. Write an excellent guest post.

Writing a guest essay for a renowned site is one of the trendiest and most straightforward strategies to increase your traffic. Of course, it’s easiit’said than done.

The first step is to establish a rapport with the blog’s owblog’sortunately, and social media makes it simple to connect with these blogs.

  • You may reach out to them on Twitter and leave a comment on their website. Make sure you use their Twitter account when tweeting their content, so they know what you’re upyou’rehen go to their blog and make thoughtful comments on their postings.
  • Another guest writer will introduce you. Request an introduction from one of the authors who has contributed to this famous blog. When you contact the blog owner, this will offer you legitimacy.
  • Meet them in person. I like it when people approach me at conferences and begin a chat with me. They’re they’re Quick Sprout readers like Alex Mangini and Doina Oncel. I generally write about them or offer them the chance to write after hearing their experience.

Once you’ve esyou’vehed a relationship with the blog owner, make sure you maintain it. Make yourself accessible to help them with their tasks. Perhaps it’s giviit’shem information that they’re they’re or putting together a collection of pieces that can be packaged as a book. Now, let me offer you a few pointers on how to write a guest post that will blow them away and generate a steady stream of traffic to your site.

So, here’s hohere’srite a popular guest blog post:

  • Make use of basic terms – You want people to be able to read and comprehend what you’re wryou’refast, mainly if it’s on a ait’splicated subject. As a result, write as though you were in fifth grade.
  • Write sophisticated how-to entries for your blog– Once you’ve deyou’veon a subject, sit down and write out all of the procedures necessary to achieve your stated objective. Then rewrite again, this time paying more attention to detail.
  • Internal and external links– Include many internal and external links in your content. Bloggers adore it. Ali Luke’s CoLuke’sing Essentials from A to Z essay was excellent.
  • Start a discussion – Incorporate questions into your content to encourage readers to consider and react to what you’re sayou’reDemonstrate your authority – Fill your article with facts and research to back up your claims and demonstrate to readers that you are an authority on the subject.
  • Create compelling headlines — Finally, focus on coming up with some highly captivating headlines. This is by far the most crucial element, so put in the effort! I’m confiI’mt in your abilities!

Okay, it will assist you in writing a fantastic post, but you’re noyou’reshed yet. Isn’t it Isn’tthat you want to capture all of the leads that come to your website? Then do the following:

  1. For your byline, use the 3-sentence formula – The bio on your guest essay is your byline. Then, answer these three questions to make it extremely captivating and succinct: What’s yoWhat’se? What do you do, and for whom do you do it? What is the rallying cry?
  2. Create a landing page – The links in your byline should then direct visitors to a landing page that is tailored to that audience and relevant to the content of your guest post.
  3. Create a compelling title — Your landing page headline should speak directly to the blog’s tablog’sudience. For example, if you were writing a quest article for Quick Sprout, you might title it “Quick Sp” out Readers, Get This Free and Exclusive Report on Traffic Boosting Secrets Today.”
  4. Write k “ller copy — If you want people to read what you wrote, you must write clear, concise, and captivating text.
  5. Add a clear call-to-action button above the fold — Make sure your landing page has a clear call-to-action button. If you bury it below the fold, your conversion will go down the drain.
  6. On the landing page, include a brief video — According to Eye View Digital research, merely adding a short video to your landing page may increase conversions by over 80%. That’s that’s!
  7. Don’t ask, don’t many details– The very minimum of information required is an email address. Don’t askDon’tanything more if you can live with that. If you like, you may inquire about a name. Any request for more than that will result in lower conversions.
  8. Use social evidence – Social proof is essential for a successful landing page. This includes endorsements, the number of customers, subscription counts, and social media followers, among other things.
  9. Don’t oveDon’t the design — a well-designed site will always convert better than a poorly designed one. There are no ifs and or buts. Hire someone if you can’t do can ourself.
  10. Test this isn’t going to be your first and last guest post. Writing hundreds of articles every year is an intelligent plan. That means you’ll hayou’lltest each one to make sure you’re geyou’rethe best conversions possible.

13. Come up with a free giveaway that people will want.

Many individuals make free giveaways to grow their email lists. Still, few take the time to genuinely construct a wonderful gift that people desire, which enhances their lives or businesses in some manner due to receiving it. People aren’t joaren’tyour mailing list because they like you (unless they happen to be your parents or significant other). They’re rThey’reing because they feel you’ll beyou’llto assist them with their issue. The most common question that most company owners have is:

  • How can I assist someone if I have no idea their issue?

Most marketers will urge you to “ask them” through “a survey, which is one approach, but it’s not its greatest way until they know and appreciate you enough to give you a minute of their time. Rather than asking a broad inquiry and limiting people’s people, send them a quick email and ask this one straightforward question: What is the most difficult aspect of (your issue) that you are now dealing with? These days, people feel dissatisfied, thrilled, optimistic, challenged, and puzzled all simultaneously about practically any issue. To fix their issue, a personal-sounding email inquiring about that one pressure spot may break down any sales-y “B.S. det “ctor” barrier” they may have erected and allow them to share their difficulties, anxieties, and concerns with you. And you, in turn, will follow up as needed. Thank them for responding and sharing their issue with you. Tell them you’re woyou’reon a new product and will give it to them for free if they can answer a few more questions. You’ll neYou’lllize the answers to these questions to fine-tune your product so that it has the most significant effect on most individuals.


You may be shocked to hear that just a tiny percentage of individuals will devote the time and effort necessary to develop something genuinely exceptional, such as a free online course or a physical object that can be distributed. While you don’t havdon’tgo overboard, the more work you put into the email offer, the more likely your subscribers will think: “I’m sure “I’mhow much better his expensive courses/products are if he’s givihe’shis out for free?” Unfortu “ately, the majority of paid e-products are made by persons who lack the skills or ability to actually provide customers with that type of top-notch, priceless content. So don’t allDon’tur free product to sink into a mediocre quagmire simply because everyone else is.

  • What if I’m selliI’ma a product that belongs to someone else?

If you’re anyou’reiate, this tip is much more critical. Affiliate marketers often provide their prospects something for free in exchange for promoting their products to their mailing lists. This is simply a waste of time. Every affiliate and their dog will be taking the “easy way” out” and not “putting in the additional work to create something remarkable. So go ahead and do what they won’t. Ifwon’taffiliate product maker is offering a free how-to article on getting started with the product, and you can take it a step further and create a step-by-step video showing you how to use the product like a novice. Better better, all affiliate goods have flaws or places where consumers have problems; be the first to provide a detailed FAQ that addresses their concerns.

  • How to Get Your Giveaway Into the Hands of Excited Subscribers?

Initially, I planned to include this in Day 2’s assig2’snt, but I believe it is vital that it deserves to stand alone. Today’s lToday’ss all about getting your gift into the hands of your subscribers, and the fact is that no matter how much effort you put into it, your subscribers might just as easily decide not to opt-in before they get it. There’s an email list owners tread between opt-in and delivery, whether it’s haviit’second thoughts, changing their minds, or being concerned about spam and sharing email addresses with other lists. As a result, it’s critics that you reach out to your subscribers in a method that is both easy and comfortable for them. They aren’t siaren’tat their workstations waiting to hear from you these days. This is why I strongly advise you to choose an email list provider that offers mobile responsive (as opposed to mobile-friendly or smartphone-optimized) designs.

  • What’s thWhat’serence, Anyway?

Most providers have preferred to take the easy (read: lazy) route and deliver a mobile or browser-friendly version of your email to subscribers who see it. Unfortunately, this only adds another step to the process, and given that roughly half of all emails are opened on a mobile device, and only around a quarter of them are mobile-responsive, your email is one touch away from the trash.


Between February and June 2013, mobile email openings increased by 44%, while desktop email opens plummeted to 33% and webmail to an all-time low of 23%. — From the source, However, several service providers and programmers are stepping up to create their responsive layouts. The following are some of the most prominent email newsletter providers who have made their designs mobile-friendly:

  • What Do I Do Now That I’ve Set I’ve Freebie?

Unfortunately, many individuals get to this point, and question, why their traffic isn’t risisn’tYou, ‘re you’re done yet. The next stage is to explain what your reader may anticipate (through plain text email) — for example, and you might link to a sample issue to show them what they’ll from you and how frequently they can expect it.

When you’ve juyou’vecovered a mobile email template supplier, why use plain text?

Because the plain text is the simplest to show on any device, browser, or operating system, and because users are likely to want to know how to get started as soon as they subscribe. They’re eThey’re and eager to take advantage of your offer.

See how Sprout Social handles their welcome email when someone is added to an account in the video below. With their opening statement, they’ve mthey’vee to cover all the bases:

  • They demonstrate how to get the most out of the service straight away.
  • They provide brief bullet points that highlight the advantages of utilizing the service.
  • If the user has any questions, they may contact them by email.


Introductory Email from Sprout Social You may send out your newly-minted, responsive design as a follow-up within 24 hours after sending this out:


14. Sign up for Quora.

Quora is a question-and-answer website where you can read, submit, and vote on answers. The questions vary from the wacky “What’s t “What’s significant life lesson you’ve leyou’veso far?” to the “ractical “What are “the greatest productivity tools?” and eve “ything in between.


Quora is a question-and-answer website that allows you to follow and engage with people in your business. The major reason I didn’t pudidn’ta among the other social media platforms is that it isn’t likisn’tm. You’re coYou’reng with influencers rather than interacting with individuals who adore your business. These are individuals who, if addressed correctly, may assist you in taking your traffic to the next level. It’s impoIt’st to note that I stated: “approach” d appropriately.” Too man” people contact influencers these days and start gushing about how fantastic their product is and how I should evaluate it on my blog or welcome guest articles or would I be ready to check it out in return for a mention in my email, etc. Put yourself in the shoes of the influencer for a second.

We’re conWe’rely offered items, ranging from stuff that should have never left beta to really amazing resources, and everything in between. We get much more messages, invites, and mentions than we can handle. If you want to create an impression on Quora, try the following:

  • Write an uplifting, thought-provoking, and useful response rather than a trite, salesy one. Some postings have the potential to become viral and be read by millions of people. Readers can detect the difference between a good and a bad post.
  • On Quora, you can also write blogs. Instead of normal blog entries like tutorials, lists, and other popular forms of posts, I’ve discI’veed that the greatest types of blog material on Quora are shorter snippets of things you’ve leyou’ve anecdotes, and insights that your readers can benefit from.
  • You may receive recommendations for individuals to follow depending on your profile and the people you allow. There’s aThere’sice list of hacks you can do by putting certain terms to the end of the trailing slash.

15. Use Rich Snippets and Google Authorship to your advantage.

Don’t forDon’to claim your Google Authorship while you continue to write pieces for your own site. This functionality is included in the user profile page of several WordPress themes. If yours doesn’t, doesn’t always add this feature using the Google Author Box Reloaded plugin. What’s thWhat’st? Because, according to some research, Google Authorship images in search results may have a substantial influence on your click-through rates. Although this is likely to decrease when more photographs emerge in search results, early testing has proven quite encouraging.


In the search results, an example of Google Authorship. Even if you claim your Authorship profile, there’s nthere’sntee or specific date for when Google will publish your picture in the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages), if at all. After you’ve fiyou’ve the procedure, use Google’s Google’sed Testing Tool to see whether the results have been picked up. Even if everything seems to be in order here, it’s stilit’swait-and-see situation as to when or even if your picture will appear in the results. While this is happening, you can still benefit from better Google listings by using a different form of the rich snippet – customer reviews:


Google Reviews are now visible on the search engine results pages (SERPs). Google Webmaster Tools gives thorough instructions on how to add reviews/ratings to your sites, but if you’re noyou’recially tech-savvy, you may use a WordPress plugin to get the same result. Create a page on your blog for consumers to leave reviews, which will appear in Google’s Google’sppets:


Google Reviews are now visible on the search engine results pages (SERPs).

16. Make Use of Hyperlinks in Your Posts.

A sitemap is an excellent place to start to ensure that Google (and other search engines) can index all of the pages on your site, but it’s alsoit’sood idea to ensure that visitors can do so. Consider what people do at the conclusion of your articles if they’re rthey’rethem right now. If you can’t rescan’t your site lacks “stack-ab” lity,” which k “eps people engaged and on the site for longer, enhancing your Google relevance score and affecting your ranking. Buzzfeed is an excellent example of a site that is easy to stick to. There are additional linked articles at the conclusion of each post to chip away at your productivity:


On BuzzFeed, here’s anhere’sle of similar content.

17. Commenting on blogs.

To some, blog commenting may seem to be an out-of-date approach for gaining Google backlinks. And they’re rthey’ret’s unliit’s to happen. However, it isn’t theisn’tose. Taking only 15 minutes a day to comment on a few well-known blogs in your field will not only get your name out there but will also drive traffic to your site and allow you to form connections with other commentators as well as the blog owner. Don’t simDon’tay “me too” “r “tha” ks f “r the great article,” but rat” er remark on particular topics. Maybe the author cited a few useful sites, and you’d wanyou’dadd one that they may have overlooked? Maybe one of your customers has had a similar issue, and here is how you addressed it? Blog comments that are thoughtful and well-thought-out may also indicate that you have the depth of knowledge and experience on the subject that makes you a great contribution to the industry as a whole. Who knows, maybe your blog remark will lead to a job as a guest blogger on that site. Of course, being one of the first commentators is desirable, since the more comments that come in, the more your well-crafted, polished answer will sink to the bottom. “If This “hen That,” or IFTT”, is a tool that can aid with this. IFTTT uses “recipes”” to carr” out certain, user-defined tasks. “If I pub “ish a picture on Instagram, save it to Dropbox,” for exa “ple. So, how does this relate to blogging commenting? As it turns out, there’s athere’sformula that will send you an SMS every time a blog you follow publishes a new article.


An IFTTT recipe for sending a text message when a new blog post is published. It’s freeIt’sjoin IFTTT, and there are hundreds of recipes for automating almost anything online.

18. Discussion on the Forums.

Forum comments may seem to be a relic of the past, but the aim, like with blog commenting, is to establish oneself as an important, respected member of the community. Almost every forum has its own paragons: shining examples of individuals who consistently give useful or novel information to the community. Some of these individuals go on to become moderators. While your reputation won’t impwon’tovernight, spending only 15-20 minutes a day browsing forums for unsolved questions or posts to contribute to will go a long way toward improving it. The good news is that there are forums for almost every subject, from automobiles to kittens, adoption to vegetarianism. Some of the most popular are listed on Wikipedia, but you may also locate similar forums by searching Google for your subject with the words forum, bulletin board, or message board (both with and without quotes).


A list of WikipediaWikipedia’sular forums, along with the number of posts, users, software used to administer the forum, and the year it was started. Once you’ve pryou’ve a list, double-check a few things, the first of which is when the most recent post to that forum was posted. Nobody likes to contribute to a ghost town, and one of the most difficult challenges for forum administrators is gaining enough traction to attract people to register and return.


An example of recent postings on StartupNation.com, as well as the number of topics in that forum. Register if the community looks to be reasonably active and responsive. If at all feasible, use your personal name rather than your corporate name. The same is true with your avatar, which is the little image that shows next to your name. Instead of using your business logo, use a great, professional-looking, smiling photograph. A smiling face is psychologically more appealing than a drab, uninteresting business logo.


StartupNaStartupNation’sof eliminating signatures and links You also won’t wanwon’tjump straight in and start commenting on as many posts as possible. This not only triggers the forum’s bforum’s anti-spam procedures, but it also creates the idea that you’re juyou’reing to get your signature link out there as often as possible, rather than becoming a real member of the community. To assist address this problem, several forums have implemented a stringent no link / no signature restriction – either for new users, those with less than a certain number of posts, or for all members. Begin with an introduction post in which you tell readers who you are, how long you’ve beyou’veerested in or working with this issue, and about your hobbies or personal life. Then you may start commenting on articles. Check the forum rules, especially the ones about connections to your own site. Some forum owners and moderators will allow you to connect to your blog if you’ve puyou’ved a post that answers a topic they’ve pthey’vehile others will not. If you’re unyou’rejust ask!

19. Using Facebook to advertise.

Facebook advertisements may provide a high return on investment as well as a greater click-through rate, but it’s crucit’sto understand the differences between the two kinds as well as how to reach out to potential consumers without being intrusive in their newsfeed.


Ads may be targeted to both mobile and desktop devices and displayed on the right side of your newsfeed or in your timeline. When presented in the sidebar, the ad only displays the first 90 characters, however, when placed in the newsfeed, it reveals the first 500 characters. Rather than going through every form of ad Facebook has to offer, I’m goingI’m show you which ones have consistently increased traffic for a variety of companies, big and small.

  • If you already have a following on Facebook,

Then Sponsored Stories + Promoted Posts are the way to go. Sponsored Stories display when visitors to your website complete particular activities, such as:

  • Likes on the Page When a friend likes your page, a thumbnail of your page’s prpage’sphoto is shown along with a like button.
  • Page Post LikesShows when a friend loves a certain post from a page and adds it in their list of favorites.
  • Post a comment on the page If a friend comments on a particular post, the ad displays the remark as well as a link to the post.
  • Check-insShows when a friend checks in and shows the buddy’s pbuddy’sphoto as well as any check-in comments.
  • App Downloaded, Played, and Shared Shows when a buddy uses an app to accomplish anything, such as play a game or share something, as well as what they did (Joe Smith pinned to Pinterest).
  • Question AnsweredIncludes the poll results as well as when a buddy answers a question in a poll.
  • When a buddy RSVPs to an event, the app displays a thumbnail and a link to the event they’re athey’reg.

You have complete control over where your sponsored Stories appear, and you can choose to target just news feeds, desktops, or mobile devices. Sponsored Stories seem to be the most natural and organic, and they stimulate the greatest user participation.

Promoted Posts allow you to advertise almost anything, including links, movies, quizzes, and more, and it’s espeit’sly good for mobile impressions since it appears immediately in the newsfeed rather than on the right side.

  • If You’re NeYou’reacebook, Here’s WhHere’s Should Know

If you don’t yetdon’t a significant fan base, you may employ the more conventional right-sidebar advertising, which are meant to target a particular demographic and introduce them to your brand and content. These sorts of advertisements are inexpensive and may help you raise your number of likes and followers without spending a lot of money. As your audience grows, you can use Suggested Posts to encourage people who like your page to move beyond Facebook and take action on your website. Promoted Posts may also be used to reach out to friends of friends who have liked your page. It’s ok tIt’sploy any or all of the three ad combos to increase your visitors. You can also run tests on your advertising to determine which ones provide the highest return on investment and the newest followers and friends. It’s critIt’s that you continue to provide fantastic material to your expanding audience while also encouraging them to take the next vital step of visiting your website or claiming a special offer via your Facebook page.

20. LinkedIn marketing.

LinkedIn has its own community, much as Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest do, with its own set of norms, expectations, and standards on how to behave and publish. LinkedIn necessitates a more sophisticated, well-thought-out marketing strategy since it caters to professionals. LinkedIn, on the other hand, may link you to other “fire-sta” ters” who can “help you utilize your current platform and develop your site beyond what you could achieve on your own because of its focused demographic. HubSpot provides a great “Cheat Sh” et” approac” to using LinkedIn to its full potential, including third-party applications and browser plugins you can use to integrate your email contacts, use the new Company Pages design area, and target your updates to specific groups.


Connecting your WordPress site to LinkedIn, using industry-specific apps, and finding events near you to help you develop your network are all possible with third-party LinkedIn Applications. You may tailor your advertisements to particular job titles, business sizes, job functions, and more using LinkedIn’LinkedIn’srtising network. You can also see group data for groups you’re noyou’rert of on LinkedIn, allowing you to figure out which ones will provide you with the highest return on your time and research.


HubSpot’sHubSpot’sof a LinkedIn corporate page According to LinkedIn’LinkedIn’s, morning postings have a higher response rate than those published at other times of the day. That’s whThat’splan your posts, you should utilize a social media management tool like HootSuite or one of the many other options available. You may also market your items with LinkedIn Recommendation Ads. When someone recommends you, it is shared with that person’s person’ss, which may result in a cascade of traffic, referrals, and recommendations for you.

21. Make a visual representation of your data in an infographic.

It’s impoIt’sle to talk about Pinterest without discussing infographics. When done correctly, these graphic breakdowns of data and information may be a significant traffic generator on both the popular pinning site and your own website.

  • Conducting Research

The most time-consuming portion of the infographic development process will be doing research and obtaining facts, although there are various websites that may help:

  1. Statistic Brain provides statistics and data on a wide range of topics, including cuisine, sports, and much more.
  2. The Pew Research Center examines current events in-depth, including politics, religion, and global and social trends.
  • Giving Credit to Your Sources

Finding and acknowledging the most current sources for your information is also critical when designing an infographic since many websites might offer skewed figures as reality. This article provides good examples of what to do and what not to do when it comes to appropriate sourcing.


Lowes is one of PinterestPinterest’sular brands.

  • Making Content that People Want to Read

The second step (and the one that most infographics miss) is to make sure that the information you’re shyou’reis the kind of stuff that people want to read. It’s hardIt’snexpected that someone made an infographic on it (see below).


However, if you want to make the infographic yourself, there’s vthere’stle information available beyond these pointers on how to do it. Fortunately, there are various programs that may assist you, one of which is Piktochart, which is my personal favorite. Piktochart allows you to drag and drop specific pieces for your stats, then utilizes themes as a starting point for building your infographic:


Piktochart.com offers a variety of design options for infographics.

  • What are the best topics to include in an infographic?

It’s neveIt’sgood idea to just pile statistics on for the purpose of making an infographic. Certain sorts of data and themes, on the other hand, work better in this format than others, such as:

Comparisons – How do you compare one item to another? Is there a major difference as a result of the changes? Why do you think that is?

Cause-and-Effect Relationships – What is the relationship between the two? Is there anything that occurred that caused something else to happen? What impact has it had on your business?

Time — In your sector, timelines of innovations or processes may indicate how practices and tactics have changed over time.

Differences – What are the reactions of one group or sector vs another?

  • What Should I Stay Away From?

At the same time, there are certain forms of data that don’t tradon’te well to an infographic. Aesthetics, sentiments, emotions, and, in many instances, comedy — even if just to establish a point — are the main themes.

Your audience will not like your infographic if the process of presenting it is more difficult than beneficial, or if it is more of a gigantic advertising billboard than anything useful.

  • What Happens After I Have My Infographic?

The effort isn’t donisn’ter you’ve cryou’veyour infographic. The next step is to promote it and encourage others to share and re-pin it. For Pinterest, you may use the CodeCanyon Social Image Hover WordPress plugin, or just use Pinterest Widgets (scroll to the bottom of the page).

After that, you’ll wayou’llshare your new infographic with a variety of prominent infographic sites, such as: Finally, you can make your favorite statistics “tweetabl”” on Twit” er. You can copy and paste a statistic into a box, then build a clickable link that auto-fills the person’s person’smessage field with that Tweet using ClickToTweet. It’s a faIt’stic approach to offer mind-blowing statistics while also promoting your infographic on social media.

22. Keep an eye out for interview opportunities.

You don’t havdon’tbe the one doing the interview. If you know where to search, there are lots of possibilities to make oneself heard on radio programs and podcasts. Interviewers and interviewees are both invited to list their expertise or information about their program on RadioGuestList.com.


On RadioGuestList.com, an example of a radio program looking for guests. Each program must provide a description, audience demographics, audience size, and documentation to support those claims, as well as the event’s sevent’se. You may also join their email list to get notifications about new radio guest opportunities. Aside from being an excellent resource for pitching, PR, and radio interviews, the site also has a plethora of materials on how to prepare for a radio interview, as well as information on how to get your book/product reviewed or become a sponsor.

23. Assist a reporter.

Help A Reporter Out, or HARO is a free email list that connects journalists with specialists. Because there is presently no search tool or means to filter the emails you get, it’s a goit’sdea to set up a second email solely for HARO requests, exactly as with RadioGuestList. HARO requests range from very specific needs to story requests and much more.


You may interact with reporters from a range of news and magazine publications with HARO PR alerts. While you may not initially discover any publications in need of assistance, it’s a goit’sdea to review the notifications you do get to see which ones might be a suitable match. Many of the participants in HARO are small-time news outlets and specialty periodicals, much as in Radio Guest List, but it’s far it’sler to acquire a mention on these lesser players with a link to your website than it is with some of the major mass media businesses.

The HopeFULL company, which provides kits to assist children and cancer patients with digestive disorders make healthy popsicles with nutritious whole foods, is one of the numerous businesses that has benefited from HARO. They pitched to every HARO inquiry and were featured in a variety of local and international sources, including the Nate Berkus program and Daily Candy, to mention a few.


HopeFULL was one of the numerous businesses that had great success using HARO. Their sales jumped by 95% as a consequence of one of their media appearances! Consider this: if a firm offering popsicle mold kits and recipes can get traction across several media venues, what might your own product or service achieve? Although not every request you get via HARO will result in a media feature placement, it is free and might be a game-changer for your company. I propose establishing a unique email address, such as haro@yourdomain.com, and then using email filtering to separate all HARO requests into their own folder. You won’t miswon’t possible matches this way.

24. Don’t ForDon’tbout Local SEO.

If you run a local company, you’re loyou’reut on the opportunity to attract highly profitable, ready-to-act traffic in the form of local consumers. The first step is to go to Google Company and claim your business page. In this scenario, you’ll wayou’llmake sure you’re noyou’reizing any keywords that aren’t rearen’tto your company’scompany’sdescription. You’re noYou’reing the most out of local SEO even if you claim your Google Places page.

  • Obtaining References

Your citation should include your company’scompany’sdress, and phone number (also known as NAP). It’s critIt’s to keep them accurate and up-to-date if you want Google to recognize your company as a legitimate, verified location. Spammers and fraudsters build up bogus Google Places locations, and if your NAP information isn’t conisn’tnt across the board, you might face a penalty.


Exact names, locations, phone numbers, and even images may help your listing stand out. Google checks for citations (mentions of your NAP) on other sites in addition to your own Google Places listing. You won’t recwon’ta citation if it’s not it’spercent accurate. Google gathers information about your NAP from review sites, guest blogging links, directories, and other sources. Even apparently little changes, such as St. in one location vs Street in another, might detract from your listing. If you’ve juyou’veocated, you may be especially heavily struck. The more NAPs on other sites that match yours, the better your Google Places rating will be. You may also add your company location to your Google+ profile’sprofile’sIt’s wortIt’sntioning that the closer you are to the city center, the higher your rating for a listing in that region will be — especially if you reside near a big metropolitan area — than if you live on the outskirts.

  • SEO Tools for Local Businesses

There are a few tools that can assist you to examine your NAPs and ensure that you’re rayou’refor all of the search terms and variations out there, as well as obtain exposure on local SEO sites other than Google Places:

  • WhiteSpark.ca

WhiteSpark allows you to enter in search terms to discover what additional variants people are looking for, and then displays citation lists for the top-ranking websites. You may create your own citations and keep track of the ones you already have this way. They also provide services to help you create citations.


WhiteSpark assists you in locating and managing citations.

  • Yext


Yext allows you to view where your locally focused website shows on a number of search engines and specialty sites, such as Yelp, Topix, Superpages, Patch, and others:


An example of the various sites that Yext searches to show you how your company looks on each one. The search/scanning service is free, however, Yext also provides a PowerListings service that helps local companies become listed on 30+ local search engines. In addition, they provide review monitoring and analytics services. Their dashboard enables companiescompanies’anagement from a single location, as well as the ability to edit listings across multiple sites rather than one at a time.

25. Make use of retargeting.

Retargeting is the practice of retargeting clients via adverts on other websites after they’ve vthey’veyours. You can frequently persuade people to return to your site by presenting a product they may have looked at, an ad for an item they searched for, and so on, depending on the sort of retargeting you conduct.

Retargeting may be divided into three categories:


A visual representation of how retargeting works. MainstreetROI

Site Retargeting – This is the most basic kind of retargeting, in which your advertising appears on other websites visited by your users. The objective is to keep your brand in the back of their minds and in their peripheral view. There’s versatility here, including the ability to show the exact product the buyer looked at, several goods, picture advertising, and so on.

Intent/Behavioral Retargeting – This sort of retargeting is more complicated, and it occurs when a user engages in particular actions that may lead to a click on your ad. TFor example, theymay have made purchases on comparable websites, looked for similar terms, or shared your consumer base’s inbase’ss. This form of segmentation may be done geographically, depending on their degree of engagement with your existing lead generating channels (surveys, emails), or a combination of variables.

CRM Retargeting focuses on your email list, especially those consumers who haven’t haven’t communications. CRM retargeting tracks visitors from your mailing list online and displays advertising for your website on the sites they visit.

There are various retargeting tools and services to choose from, each with different pricing points and capabilities. Here are two examples for you to consider. AdRoll is One of the most well-known and well-known retargeting brands. Includes impression-based pricing plus a fixed-price margin. In addition to retargeting, Retargeter also provides ad design services. Search-based, CRM, Facebook, and dynamic retargeting are all available.


I get giddy just thinking about these strategies for driving traffic to your website since they are all tactics that anybody can utilize. People have utilized them efficiently, as I’ve attempted to demonstrate throughout this text. I’ve used it for myself and clients, so I know they’re. Do you want more visitors to your website? Improve your traffic, leads, and income with the aid of a professional.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the best ways to increase website traffic?

A: There are various ways to increase traffic on your website. Some methods include search engine optimization, advertising, and social media marketing.

How can I increase traffic to my 2021 website?

A: If the website you are asking about has been around for a while, it may be time to create new content that will help increase traffic back into your site by creating more SEO-friendly meta descriptions and titles.

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