22 Facebook Advertising Tips to Maximize Conversions

Facebook ads are one of the most effective ways to reach a large audience and generate leads. Here are 22 tricks you can use to optimize your Facebook advertising efforts, driving more conversions by expanding your target audience. Facebook advertising is still as effective as it has always been. Maybe even more so. It’s a digital marketer’s dream come true because of the sheer number of users. I could rattle off a laundry list of tried-and-true methods when it comes to Facebook advertising. And most of them are still highly effective. But what I want to do today is go a step farther and thoroughly deconstruct Facebook Ads. I’d like you to grasp its full potential.

Facebook advertising approaches for increasing conversions:

1. Find the proper customers.

Here’s how it works. First, it makes no difference how good your Facebook advertising is. They will not convert if the correct people do not notice them. Period. Consider that for a moment. Do you think a UFC commercial targeting soccer parents and followers of futureswithoutviolence.org for the recent McGregor vs. Diaz bout will convert?


YouTube is the source of this video. Most likely not. Even if the ad was well-designed, color-balanced, and featured world-class text, if the relevant individuals did not see it, there would be no sales as an example. If you’re planning a Facebook ad campaign to promote a new health and wellness product, you’re probably not going to target McDonald’s and Wendy’s followers. Facebook targeting, fortunately for you, is the uncontested heavyweight champion of consumer targeting. Targeting consumers based on their interests is the first step in executing high-converting Facebook advertisements. Find individuals that have comparable interests to the things you’re offering, and you’ll be able to amass a large fan following that you can convert into paying consumers later.

2. Using the “Pages to Watch” feature.

Facebook offers a tool called “Pages to Watch” that is very nice. It’s not something I use directly for marketing, but it may provide helpful information to aid me with my marketing. To summarize, you may create a list of sites you’re interested in, as well as metrics. Here’s what I’m talking about:


Simply add pages from businesses in your field and maintain a strong Facebook presence. This is advantageous since it allows you to determine which postings are the most and least engaging. As a result, you may use this data to decide what to put on your website. See this Buffer post for additional information on the Pages to Watch function.

3. Use Instagram to share photos.

Here’s a clever little trick I discovered. Instead of sharing photographs directly to Facebook, use Instagram to do so. Why? “Images shared through Instagram garner 23 percent greater interaction,” according to a Buzzsumo research.


And it’s easy to see why given the massive amount of interaction Instagram gets. “Engagement with companies on Instagram is ten times greater than Facebook, 54 times higher than Pinterest, and 84 times higher than Twitter,” according to Brand Watch. So Legitness! Following this easy step may theoretically result in over a quarter more interaction than just publishing straight on Facebook.

4. Don’t use hashtags.

Okay, hashtags are helpful in certain circumstances. They’re instrumental on social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter. On the other hand, not so much on Facebook. According to the same Buzzsumo analysis, posts containing hashtags got less interaction than ones without them.


This not only saves time, but it also means you’ll receive more bang for your money with each piece of content you publish. Consider it a mini-hack.

5. Make your post between 10 p.m. and 12 a.m. local time.

I’m sure you already know that on social media, timing is everything. Even if you upload a masterpiece, it will have just a little influence if your audience never sees it. It’ll fall to the bottom of their news feeds. According to my own experience and Buzzsumo statistics, the best time to publish is between 10 p.m. and midnight local time. There are two primary causes for this. For starters, fewer individuals contribute material, which means there is less competition and more exposure. Second, enough individuals on Facebook are still up and active to make it worthwhile to spend your time there. This behavior is seen in this Buzzsumo graph:


If you stick to this two-hour limit, you should be okay.

6. Using “Audience Insights” as a tool.

I’m sure you’ve figured out that I’m a sucker for unique social media features by now. Especially those that rely heavily on data. The “Audience Insights” function is ideal for giving me a clear picture of my audience to better cater to them and develop material relevant to their interests. And relevance is critical since it enhances your effect and boosts your return on investment.

You can learn more about:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Lifestyle
  • degree of education
  • Occupational title


That, however, is just the tip of the iceberg. The information you get from this may be used in other parts of your marketing strategy. For additional information on this feature, see this Facebook site.

7. Incorporate video into your whole approach.

I believe we can all agree that video is viral right now. Some may even declare 2016 to be the year of video. The intriguing part is that video only accounts for 3% of all Facebook content. That figure struck me as egregiously low. It does, however, provide a fantastic opportunity. By posting a lot of high-quality video material, you may take advantage of the low-hanging fruit that many of your rivals seem to be overlooking. This brings me to the second point I’d want to make.

8. Embedding videos directly.

Given the popularity of YouTube, your initial reaction may be to include YouTube videos in your postings. That, however, is the incorrect course of action. “Directly embedded Facebook videos got greater interaction than YouTube embedded videos,” according to the study. A whole deal more!


Take a look at how the overall number of interactions from direct embedding much outnumbers those via YouTube embedding. Keep this in mind as you go on, and your levels of involvement should skyrocket.

9. Make your business judgments with the help of the crowd.

You’re undoubtedly aware of the phrase “crowdfunding,” which refers to a method of raising funds via a large number of individual donations. A similar technique may be used to Facebook by “crowdsourcing” crucial choices.

Some instances are as follows:

  • First, invite your audience to vote on the new logo for your company.
  • Then, inquire about which unique Facebook profile backdrop to choose.

This is fantastic because: a) It shows your audience that you’re genuinely interested in their feedback, and b) it’s a natural engagement booster. Creating polls in which people may vote is the most straightforward technique to crowdsource.

10. Limit your posts to 150 characters or less.

In terms of Facebook character count, less is more. I advocate treating it like Twitter and keeping your posts to 150 characters or less. Why? It’s straightforward. Shorter Facebook postings get a lot more likes and comments than lengthy posts. Here’s some evidence:


As you can see, postings with 50 characters or less get the most interactions, and as the amount of characters increases, the number of interactions decreases. So, to put it another way, make it brief and pleasant.

11. Include call-to-action buttons in your Facebook advertising.

Here’s something interesting: “On Facebook, the average advertisement click-through rate is 0.9 percent.” “However, adding a CTA button may increase your click-through rate by 2.85 times,” according to the study. Consider the long-term effects this might have on your campaign. Adroll even created a quick infographic highlighting the “huge effects from a little button.”


Learn how to make a CTA button with the help of this Facebook tutorial.

12. Creating community with “Facebook Groups.”

You may have heard Seth Godin discuss the value of groups, or “tribes,” as he refers to them. It’s an essential part of establishing a brand. But one resource that I believe many marketers overlook is “Facebook Groups.” It’s similar to LinkedIn Groups, where you may form a dedicated group around a particular subject of interest (usually your niche).

This is advantageous for a variety of reasons:

  • It improves your connections.
  • It aids in the formation of new ones.
  • It raises brand awareness.
  • It makes interaction easier.
  • You may learn a lot of helpful information.

If you’re unsure how to do it, check out this simple Facebook instruction.

13. Share your most spectacular post on Pinterest.

Another cool feature is the ability to “pin” things to the top of your timeline. As a result, when Facebook users arrive on your page, they will see your most excellent material. It’s similar to the halo effect in that it’s like putting your best foot forward. I recommend going through your timeline, picking the best-performing post with the most interaction, and “pinning” it to the top.

14. Use Qwaya to split-test your advertising.

I’m not going to go into a massive rant about how much I like A/B testing. You’re undoubtedly aware of this. However, I would add that it is your key to maximizing conversions and eliminating inefficiencies in general. But how do you go about doing A/B testing on Facebook? Qwaya is a good option. It’s a fantastic Facebook ad manager that will assist you in taking your campaign to the next level. Here’s an example:


This tool is essential if you invest a significant amount of money in Facebook marketing. More information is available in this article I authored.

15. Make an impression.

Being generic is the worst thing you can do while producing an advertisement. It makes no difference if you cause a stir or are a touch edgy as long as they remember you. Remember “St. Rooney,” the Nike commercial that featured a rehabilitated Wayne Rooney with a blood-red crucifix on his chest? It’s difficult to forget. I’m not sure about your niche, but if you can find a method to stand out from the crowd with distinctive advertisements, you’ll start converting like crazy.

16. Elicit emotion

People are emotional beings, not rational beings.

  • Concentrate on emotion rather than numbers and practicalities.
  • Inform individuals about the advantages they will gain.
  • Tell them how your product or service will make a difference in their lives.
  • Find the problem they’re having and work on it until they’re willing to pay for whatever you’re selling.

When eliciting emotion, to keep in mind is that people connect to human faces more intensely than any other picture.


Use photographs with facial expressions that portray the mood you’re attempting to generate instead of landscapes or product shots in your ad.

17. Understand the psychology of color.

The colors you select in your adverts may also significantly impact their conversion rates. People link particular colors with certain emotions as a result of evolutionary psychology. For example, our attention is drawn to the color red. Blue evokes feelings of trust and tranquility. Investigate how various colors impact the human brain and use what you learn to make the brain work for you rather than against you.

18. Make use of a lot of “question” postings.

In a recent piece for Quick Sprout, I looked at which Facebook postings generated the most significant engagement. Here’s what I discovered:


It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that “question” postings are the best way to get people talking. It’s probably because people prefer to be involved and have their views heard; therefore, I recommend utilizing it often.

19. Write articles that are between 1,000 and 3,000 words long.

I hope it’s not too intrusive, but I’m about to embark on a long-form content tirade. Long-form content performs best on Facebook, according to Buzzsumo’s results. Posts with a word count of 1,000 to 3,000 words are excellent.


However, you don’t want to go much farther than 3,000 since the number of interactions drops dramatically after that.

20. Create a lead magnet that is both valuable and captivating.

What are your thoughts on bribery? I hope you can accept it since a lead magnet is essentially an ethical bribe meant to assist you in building a contact list. When creating a lead magnet, the idea is to “bribe” your prospective consumers by providing them with something of value in return for their email addresses or other forms of contact. This will enable you to compile an extensive list of prospects interested in purchasing your product or service in the future. When creating your lead magnet, the most important thing to remember is the first “taste” of your work that your leads will get. It makes no difference whether you have fantastic items or services. People will rate your company based on the quality of your lead magnet. As a result, you must create a killer lead magnet. I don’t mean anything positive. I’m talking about something you could ethically charge $100 or more for.

The following are some of the most popular lead magnets:

  • Articles or E-books
  • Video instruction
  • a sequence of emails
  • Tools that are available for free

You have complete control over the format of your lead magnet. However, make sure your selection is based on your target audience. For example, if you have a massive YouTube following, you’ll want to opt for a Video instruction series. Writing an excellent e-book, on the other hand, is undoubtedly the way ahead if you have a large blog following with a lot of interaction.

21. Design a standout landing page.

Although this isn’t exactly part of your Facebook advertisements, it’s still one of the most critical aspects of achieving a high conversion rate. The difference between a Facebook ad that gets thousands of hits and a Facebook ad that gets thousands of purchases is your landing page. Of course, it’s not simple to create a landing page that converts. It is, nonetheless, necessary for Facebook ad expertise. After all, nothing worthwhile ever comes easily, right? So how can you make a landing page for your Facebook advertisements that convert well? By learning these three fundamentals.

  • Header.

Allow me to share something with you that you already know. The average person’s attention span is 9 seconds (no, really).


Confessions of a Procrastinator is a book written by a procrastinator. People seldom have the attention span to sit back and read a landing page in today’s society since there are so many distractions. Even if the product can improve their life, they are unlikely to devote any time to your website until you provide them a compelling reason to do so. This is when the use of headlines comes into play. Writing powerful headlines is the first step in creating masterful landing pages. Your headlines must pique the interest of your target audience. They must pique their curiosity, highlight the advantages of your product, and clarify precisely what you are offering. All of this may be said in a few brief sentences. Isn’t it simple? You want to make things as basic as possible when creating headlines while attracting people’s attention and conveying your goods adequately. Here are some beautiful ideas to get your imagination going. “Where mofos learn to convert like startups” CopyBlogger –“In minutes, create excellent client proposals” Bidsketch is a tool that allows you to create your bird sketch. “Eye-tracking technology’s amazing power… without the hefty expenses” – Crazy Egg

  • Customer benefits

The next thing you should do with your landing page is communicate the customer’s advantages. What do they stand to gain from this deal? Your buyer is uninterested in your goods. They are just concerned with one thing. “How does it benefit me?” That is all there is to it. Your conversion rates will rise if you can successfully answer this question in the content of your landing page. Instead of focusing on the characteristics of your product or service, consider how those features will improve your customers’ lives. Making this move, for example, is the difference between content that reads like this: “Exercise physiology mechanics explained in 12 video segments” and this: “12 life-changing exercise psychology courses that will teach you the fitness secrets you need to lose weight and unleash your genetic potential… in only eight weeks!” I’m not sure about you, but I’m pretty confident I know which bullet point would prompt me to press the “purchase now” button.

  • Establish credibility

The credibility you establish is your landing page’s third and final component. What exactly do I mean? Individuals purchase from people they know and like. And if a consumer discovered you via a lead magnet and a Facebook ad, chances are you haven’t yet earned their trust enough to convert them to a paying customer. As a result, you must establish your credibility. This may be done in a variety of ways. The first method is to “steal” credibility from other sources.


If an industry leader recommended your product, for example, displaying their profile photo and endorsement on your landing page would have a significant impact on your conversion rate. On the other hand, if you’ve been supported by major brands like Forbes, Entrepreneur, or Inc, you may include their logo on your landing page to increase your reputation. Finally, make sure you provide a large number of detailed customer testimonials. And I’m not talking about things like Neil’s goods are fantastic. – Gregory, I’m talking about multi-hundred-word testimonials that describe your client’s life before and after discovering your product/service. You will rapidly develop trust and rapport and sell your items if you can gather enough real testimonials.

22. Keep track.

Now that you’ve connected with your inner pimp in a fur coat, it’s time to connect with your inner mountain man (or woman).


The third — and most important — step is to keep track of your progress. You must understand precisely what is and is not functioning. This means you’ll need to install tracking pixels on specific landing pages so you can identify which advertisements are getting clicks and which landing pages are converting. You must keep track of everything possible. Experiment with alternative wording, different colors, different demographics, and different lead magnets in your advertising. You may further tweak your advertising for conversions after determining which parts provide the best results. Keep in mind that you should let your adverts run for a reasonable length of time before making any modifications. I suggest that you run your adverts for at least a month before looking at the statistics whenever you modify them. This will provide you with an extensive enough sample size to accurately evaluate which changes make a difference.


Because Facebook has become the “old man” of social media, I believe it is frequently disregarded. This means that newer, hipper, sexier networks are constantly emerging. Facebook, on the other hand, isn’t going away anytime soon. You may uncover genuine possibilities for high-quality leads by going beyond the fundamentals and swimming into the deep end. You may cash in on many of those leads by following the appropriate strategy and converting them into clients. This is a complex procedure. It will require time, effort, and a significant amount of testing. It will, however, be worthwhile. Your earning potential is limitless if you can build Facebook advertisements that convert.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I maximize conversions on Facebook ads?

A: You can do this by optimizing your advertising campaign with the help of a Facebook ad manager. By using these tools, you can manage your campaigns and ads better to increase conversions for them.

How do I optimize my Facebook ads for 2021?

A: There are many ways to optimize your Facebook ads. However, we recommend that you start by optimizing the ad copy. This will allow for a more focused demographic and help save time on future campaigns.

How can I improve my Facebook ads in 2020?

A: You can try running certain ads in different locations. For example, you might want to run some Facebook ad campaigns on the East Coast of America and other parts of the world, such as Germany or the UK.

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